new and struggling.


Last year around this time I began tracking my food and weight and was careful and dedicated and lost 20 lbs, my goal, in the matter of a few months. Here I am a year later and, after quitting the program I was participating in, I have gained it all back. I'm rather disappointed in myself but I know I can do it again, this time I'm trying as it seems like an amazing tool so far.

I need encouragement to fight my urges to give up and to go out and exercise despite my reluctance. The truth is, I love being active, I love running and hiking and swimming and biking, but I've had two foot surgeries where they moved a bone in the ball of my foot, and I have great difficulty running, which is my preference. Right now I'm planning on light yoga workouts and walking, and biking when I can. It's not much but just to redevelop the habit of being active would be a huge accomplishment.

I'm looking forward to this.


  • dncn_chrsty
    I am in the same boat as you. I too am starting over and eating healthy, tracking my food intake and just trying to watch my portions. It will be difficuly for both of us. I set my food for the day out in a basket on the counter and have a special basket in the frig for my daily food. That way I know when I am done - I am done. It also allows me to know what I can have that day and really I can have it in any order because it doesn't matter - it is in my basket!
  • secondthecat
    That's a really good idea! I think that's the area I'm weakest in right now; planning. I rarely do and it ends up a disaster in the evening time some times.