I don't FEEEEELLLLL like excerising!

genabug Posts: 1,820 Member
For a while now i have been eating all the right foods, I do walk some, I stay busy at home, but I am not really losing baby weight! Its really depressing me! I just hate to workout! I used to be really obsessive about working out, but now I just make excuses!:sad: But in the same breathe, I really want to get back into my clothes! What am I going to do!!!!!??????


  • genabug
    genabug Posts: 1,820 Member
    For a while now i have been eating all the right foods, I do walk some, I stay busy at home, but I am not really losing baby weight! Its really depressing me! I just hate to workout! I used to be really obsessive about working out, but now I just make excuses!:sad: But in the same breathe, I really want to get back into my clothes! What am I going to do!!!!!??????
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    Sometimes I don't want to either, but you should just do it, I say:

    "I always regret it when I don't. I never regret it when I do".

    You don't want to exercise, make yourself do it, and ask yourself if you feel better when you're done, I bet you do!

    I'm leaving right now to go running! Do something while I'm gone!
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    You have to FORCE yourself
    I was like you..I HATED exc...
    I have to admit the first few months on this site I ONLY watched cals...then I started walking..then added in yoga

    Now I 'work-out' about 1.5 hrs a day and feel like I missing something if I don't do it
    There are still days I don't feel like it, but once I start my routine..I get in the groove and feel much better after working out

    Good luck
    Here's a little NUDGE
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    I hate working out at home. I joined SNAP fitness. It is open 24 hrs a day. My friend and I go at 9:00 pm when no one else is there. We can get caught up on the gossip while exercising. When we do good for a couple of days we reward ourselves by going to chat with some of our friends at the bar (which is across the street) and have 1 drink with them.
    It almost seems like I go for the gossip more than going for the exercise.

    I was told to try to keep it up for 28 days and then it will become a regular habit (the exercising... not the drinking). I guess that is why treatment programs are 28 days long typically. I guess it gives you time to deprogram the bad stuff and program in the good stuff.

    My buddy and I are on day 10.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Online Calorie Counter
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    I do not EVER feel like exercising. I wish it would just happen in my sleep.
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    just do it .. i bet you dont feel like going to work in the morning,, but you still do..
    i bet you dont feel like cleaning up the house (espacialy the bathrooms..yuk) but you still do it
    how do you find the will to do things you dont want to do and still do them

    same applies here .. this is like your job. and youve got to work out.. your pay is the scale going down

    i bet youll love it once your there :)
    good luck ..
  • msutton
    I'm one of those "hate to exercise" people too, I would constantly talk myself out of going after work. Finally I realized that if I don't make it part of my day, I'll never go. So I joined a gym close to my work, which is 1/2 hour away from home. For the past five months I have gotten up at 6am, at the gym by 7am, do the elliptical for an hour while watching Good Morning America (which I would've watched just sitting on the couch at home anyway), and I'm now back down to my old size 6! So try to make it part of your day. Mentally, it only takes 2 weeks to start a habit--commit to two weeks Monday-Friday, take the weekends off, and you'll see how much easier it is to stick to it!
  • charliesgold
    charliesgold Posts: 235 Member
    I used to never want to work out and now it's something I have to do or I just feel awful as well as guilty for not putting the effort in. Sure I still have days where I don't want to go to the gym but I do anyway and I am ALWAYS glad that I go afterwards. Sometimes you just have to go through the motions even though you don't feel like it, just keep in mind you're doing your body a favor, 30 years from now when things start falling apart :laugh: you can at least say you tried to keep yourself healthy.
  • genabug
    genabug Posts: 1,820 Member
    You guys are great! Glad I am not alone! Sad thing really, I have an excercise buddy and a free gym at work! I just haven't been able to kick the lazys! I will try to shake it! Thanks for the push!
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    Sad but true... you have to make yourself. Its kinda like going to work. You hate the thought of going... and you drag your feet... but once you get there you're okay. Get some good tunes on your MP3 player to distract yourself... bring a good book to read while on the treadmill... take a walk in a nice park with lots of scenery... in my apt gym i go late so I can turn the tv to whatever i want. I always go Wed Nights so I can watch "Life" while I work out. Try doing pilates or yoga.... its a great workout and I always feel so relaxed when I get done! Good luck!
  • Alisha28
    Alisha28 Posts: 406 Member
    Once you get into a routine you will actually love it. You will feel better. I know when I feel better I am a better wife and mom. Its your time to take care of yourself and not you taking care of other and a mom of three and a wife I know we always take care of others. I stay motivated with tapes The firm is great www.thefirmdirect.com (I lost my baby weight from my second with these tapes, I was over 200 Lbs when I was pregnant with him). Or Jari love get ripped series. Its better than trying to get to the gym. Also run a little and stop if you need to walk Fresh air is nice sometimes too. Think of it as a stress reliever rather than a worlkout.

    From one mom to another,
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    I'm back, didn't want to run, but said I'd run out 2 (for a total of 4), got there, went another mile out, for a total of 6 miles! Yay!

    Once you start, it's easy to keep going!

    Just start. Then don't quit!
  • genabug
    genabug Posts: 1,820 Member
    I will have to try loving the treadmill! Louisiana is much too hot to get on a regular schedule to run!!! I did get on the elliptical for a few mins, then baby cried, but I will try again in a bit!!! Thanks for the support
  • PurdyMommy
    PurdyMommy Posts: 378 Member
    I never exercised.. Then I joined a gym and loved it.. Well now I cant go to the gym, I hate it and I hate to exercsie so I try to just do something.. If its ok weather I go walking/running, inside i can clean in heels, crunches, jump and jacks, wall pushups, squats, Workout DVD, Something! Just to stay active is better then NOTHING!
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I'm right with you today. Most days I don't mine exercising, but today I just don't want to.