6 week PUSH YOURSELF challenge, WEEK 3



  • MoM2LayLa09
    MoM2LayLa09 Posts: 152
    Ok I fell off the wagon last week. Only got a little over 60 minutes of exercise in but I lost 4.6 lbs (shocking since I've been fluctuating between the same few pounds for 6 weeks!) and completed my 5k on saturday in 31 minutes and some odd seconds, first one I've run the whole way through. So even though I didn't meet my minutes and water I had a good week goal wise. I'm looking forward to getting back on track with everyone this weeek and really PUSHING myself! Good luck to everyone this week!!!

    WOW! Great job on the weight loss. It gives me some hope since i've been stuck at 150.4 for 3 weeks tomorrow and its really frustrating seeing that I wanted to be 139 for Easter but thanks for posting this and good job on the 5K !!! Awesome : ) Good luck this week!
  • aidyl_12
    aidyl_12 Posts: 2
    hey all...im a newbie...can i get in on the challenge?...need to lose a whole lot of weight and need a lil push...how do i get started?
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I can't pretend i'm not frustrated. I am trying to ignore the scale and the fact that I can't tell any differences. I just keep going and I keep telling myself it takes time. So i'm not quitting at all but I do have my moments where I wish I would see some results.. but i'm just not. Yet!

    That said, this week I will up my Strength Training to 3 days & I have upped my resistance for the first time in 11 weeks on the elliptical and I felt great so I that will be my new starting number : )
    Best of luck to everyone, keep up the good work : )


    Cardio - 60 minutes
    Water - 9 glasses

    : )
    I know you can do this! I think we all have times like that when we feel like we don't see results. It will get better, because your hard work can only pay off.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    hey all...im a newbie...can i get in on the challenge?...need to lose a whole lot of weight and need a lil push...how do i get started?

    You most certainly can get in on this challenge. We just started day one, of week 3, today. Here is the link to the original post so you know what the requirements are! Welcome!

  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    I can't pretend i'm not frustrated. I am trying to ignore the scale and the fact that I can't tell any differences. I just keep going and I keep telling myself it takes time. So i'm not quitting at all but I do have my moments where I wish I would see some results.. but i'm just not. Yet!

    That said, this week I will up my Strength Training to 3 days & I have upped my resistance for the first time in 11 weeks on the elliptical and I felt great so I that will be my new starting number : )
    Best of luck to everyone, keep up the good work : )


    Cardio - 60 minutes
    Water - 9 glasses

    : )

    I know it is hard as you want to see, via the scale and the mirror, that everything you are doing is meaning something. Let me tell you it all means something. You will see those results. It may take awhile longer or it may be tomorrow. Every one's bodies are different and there is just know way to know when you will see those results.

    If I may offer, like you said, you are going to change it up. Change up a lot of things. Change up your workouts! Do something different everyday. Walk one day, bike the next day, walk the next day, or whatever. Constantly keep changing what you are doing because you need to keep the body guessing. Also, change up foods. If you are eating the same amount of calories and the same foods, day in and day out, your body is used to it. Go a little higher on calories one day and a little lower the next.

    I was stuck at the same weight for 6 weeks. I had lost 101 pounds and it stopped. Other things were changing, my endurance, the way I felt wearing clothes, and so on, but nothing on the scale, until this challenge. With pushing myself harder and harder, as you have seen, I feel things fitting so differently and I am pretty sure the scale is moving again.

    Just stick with it. You can't come this far and even though it's disappointing let it discourage you to the point that little by little you begin to give up. JUST STICK WITH IT! JUST PUSH YOURSELF! It will happen. When? I don't know! But, it will happen!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Here are my Week Three, Day one results:

    I did 60 minutes of walk/run intervals, this morning, and burned, per my HRM, 708 calories
    I Roller Skated 33 minutes, this afternoon, and burned, per my HRM, 508 calories
    I did circuit strength training for 20 minutes and burned, per my HRM, 202 calories
    I did a 44 minute kettlebell class and burned, per my HRM, 616 calories

    I am at 17 glasses of water, so far, but am still drinking.

    I have done 137 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of strength training.

    Hope everyone is PUSHING THEMSELVES and rocking this day one of week three!
  • aidyl_12
    aidyl_12 Posts: 2
    thank you tracie...ill start my 6 week challenge tomorrow morning because i didn't weight myself or do measurements...ill keep a calendar and report in when i can...thank you again...have a great week!
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    I can't pretend i'm not frustrated. I am trying to ignore the scale and the fact that I can't tell any differences. I just keep going and I keep telling myself it takes time. So i'm not quitting at all but I do have my moments where I wish I would see some results.. but i'm just not. Yet!

    That said, this week I will up my Strength Training to 3 days & I have upped my resistance for the first time in 11 weeks on the elliptical and I felt great so I that will be my new starting number : )
    Best of luck to everyone, keep up the good work : )


    Cardio - 60 minutes
    Water - 9 glasses

    : )

    I feel the same way!:( I'm not giving up hope, lowered my calories and will see where that takes me. Know I'm not lacking in the exercise department!
    Good Monday! 105 minutes today and 12 glasses, may get another in before bed?
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Here is my results for day one, week three.
    - I did one of my Fitness walks for 15 minutes and according to my treadmill, I burned 100 calories.
    - My strength training lasted for 5 minutes and according to MFP, I burned 19 calories.
    - I got in 8 glasses of water.
    Total: 20 minutes. 15 minutes is cardio and 5 minutes is strength.

    chickadee's week three progress:
    Total Weekly Minutes: 20
    Total Weekly Cardio Minutes: 15
    Total Weekly Strength Minutes: 5
    Total Weekly Water Intake: 8 glasses

    chickadees total 6 week progress:
    Total Challenge Minutes: 891
    Total Challenge Cardio Minutes: 638
    Total Challenge Strength Minutes: 253
    Total Challenge Water Intake: 118
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 317 Member
    Day 15

    Cardio: 48 mins
    28 mins - Running
    20 mins - Elliptical

    Other: 45 mins - Walking, helping girls ride their bikes

    Week 3 Totals: 48 mins/Cardio; 0 mins/Strength; 45 mins/Other= 93 mins

    Goals for week three: Begin "Get Running" program (did day 1 today!!); PUSH my HR during cardio; TRY to get more sleep

    Good luck everyone!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member

    Good evening guys! In keeping with this challenge, I really pushed it tonight. After my run I was rationalizing with myself with I did not have to do P90X (It was late, I was tired, I had already run, and I could do in the morning and skip Plyo) and then I realized ... nope... I promise that I would do it and I did. I promise half the video... and that is what I did!

    So my burn for today is

    4 mile run + 1/2 P90X CST = 1230 calories Starting a modified P90X on Monday (2-28).

    1. Lenten scale diet March 9-April 24th
    2. Oshkosh Half April 16th - Cellcom Half May 15th
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Thanks Tracie - I forgot about the new week!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    OKAY EVERYONE, day two of week three! Let's get moving. Go out and rock it and show me what you got! It's dreary, gloomy, dark, and yucky looking here plus we are under a winter storm warning, (unbelievable), and have the chance of over 6 inches of snow. BUT, I am off to go do running and walking then if it holds off I am going to jump on my bike, this afternoon, and get a bike ride in. Then, tonight I have a muscle pump class. So let's go everyone! Put in the minutes today and burn those calories!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I made my goals last week but barely. :) Started again out strong yesterday. 700+ cals burned. I love being a part of this challenge b/c I won't let my self not finish at least the bare minimum. LOL I'm a little competitive.

    Yesterday did arms and up ed my weights just a tad and can totally feel it again. :) Call me silly but I like that "little sore" feeling after a good workout. The weather is perfect here and I'm hoping to get on the bike for real. I'm afraid of the shoes. LOL. I don't want to fall over when I stop b/c I forget to take my feet out. I've been riding the bike at the gym for an hour and doing random hills so I should be somewhat prepared for the real thing. I can feel/see a difference in my legs so I'm going to be excited at the end of 6 weeks what I've accomplished.

    Keep up the great work everyone and Tracie wow don't you ever get tired? All your working out is wearing me out. LOL. Keep up the great work.

    Oh yea, I've decided that no running for me till I get new shoes as my heel is killing me. Since the man is unemployed and I work part time it may be awhile. I'm doing a contract job so maybe at the end of that. :) Have plans to get back in the pool this week though so will be mixing it up a bit. October is the tri. So I need to get busy. :)))
  • CappyDM
    CappyDM Posts: 4
    Wow, how busy life has been since last Friday--was in a friend's wedding (a strapless dress--AAH!), then family things for a few days kept me away from the computer (not always a bad thing!)

    Week 2 was a success for exercising--met my 350 minutes (barely thanks to the weekend). I met the water goal for every day except Friday and Saturday--and BOY did my body scream at my on Sunday for it!

    Week 3 is off to a good start--43 minutes of exercise yesterday, 30 so far today, and plans for more this afternoon.

    Can't wait to go back and read all of the posts I've missed since last week. Really appreciating this challenge--it's nice to be accountable to someone, especially when I'm just getting started!
  • MoM2LayLa09
    MoM2LayLa09 Posts: 152
    I can't pretend i'm not frustrated. I am trying to ignore the scale and the fact that I can't tell any differences. I just keep going and I keep telling myself it takes time. So i'm not quitting at all but I do have my moments where I wish I would see some results.. but i'm just not. Yet!

    That said, this week I will up my Strength Training to 3 days & I have upped my resistance for the first time in 11 weeks on the elliptical and I felt great so I that will be my new starting number : )
    Best of luck to everyone, keep up the good work : )


    Cardio - 60 minutes
    Water - 9 glasses

    : )

    I know it is hard as you want to see, via the scale and the mirror, that everything you are doing is meaning something. Let me tell you it all means something. You will see those results. It may take awhile longer or it may be tomorrow. Every one's bodies are different and there is just know way to know when you will see those results.

    If I may offer, like you said, you are going to change it up. Change up a lot of things. Change up your workouts! Do something different everyday. Walk one day, bike the next day, walk the next day, or whatever. Constantly keep changing what you are doing because you need to keep the body guessing. Also, change up foods. If you are eating the same amount of calories and the same foods, day in and day out, your body is used to it. Go a little higher on calories one day and a little lower the next.

    I was stuck at the same weight for 6 weeks. I had lost 101 pounds and it stopped. Other things were changing, my endurance, the way I felt wearing clothes, and so on, but nothing on the scale, until this challenge. With pushing myself harder and harder, as you have seen, I feel things fitting so differently and I am pretty sure the scale is moving again.

    Just stick with it. You can't come this far and even though it's disappointing let it discourage you to the point that little by little you begin to give up. JUST STICK WITH IT! JUST PUSH YOURSELF! It will happen. When? I don't know! But, it will happen!

    Thanks! I have been known to yo-yo diet until I found this site. This time really is different and I want to teach my daughter how to live a healthy life. I am not giving up !! I will not take no for an answer .. I know it will come off at some point and I will see differences ... some days are just harder than others. Thanks for encouragement though!!! It helps : ) And this week I am trying a few different workouts and zig zagging my calories ... i'll try anything healthy !
  • humble64
    humble64 Posts: 69 Member
    i feel awesome. i weighed in today lost 2lbs woohoo.

    Yesterday i did Jillian 30 day shred 30 mins and about 200 calories.

    consumed 168 oz 21 glasses. i feel great
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    weeeee got 3 liters of water in yesterday. brought out my p90x cardio for today. trying to switch it up so i dont plateau . i have been at the same weight for a week, it must be working the scale actually moved down .

    lost my water bottle that i liked, back to the 1liter bottles. 1/2 in so far


    Weekly Total / Goal 123 / 360 1306 / 3170
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    105 minutes in today Shred and walking. We also had a gloomy day, just rain here. 10 8oz glasses, hope another before bed.
  • humble64
    humble64 Posts: 69 Member
    OK today i got in 16 8oz glass of water

    30 day shred Jillian 30 mins
    Brisk walk 50 mins

    Total 80 mins and about 525 cals burn
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