Imma.... Skinny cow....

Hi, I'm the mother of 5 children and pushing 46. Type 2 Diabetic, and a skinny cow... emphasis on the cow hehe.
I plan on losing around 110pounds. My daughter also has a profile on here. Crusinforlosin.
I hope to explore to offers and oppurtunities of MFP. Don't hesitate to addme/talk to me.


  • Immaskinnycow
    Immaskinnycow Posts: 29 Member
    *the offers
  • nicolenoel
    nicolenoel Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Having your daughter on board should be helpful, I find the more support I have, the more successful I am at losing weight and meeting my weight loss goals! =)
  • crusinforlosin
    Itsa my moma hehe.