Gastic Bypass Surgery

I started out at 326 Jan 14th. I had the surgery on Feb 7th. I now weight 260. Total weight loss is 66lbs. I know that most of you are cutting back on food to help you lose weight. I am also but only because my stomach is the size of a golf ball. I tried other ways to lose weight but I always gained it all back and then some.:smile:


  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    How are you feeling?
  • gatedialer
    gatedialer Posts: 149 Member
    Good for you! I hope several people who had gastric bypass surgery after several failed attempts at losing weight and keeping it off. I hope you continue the weight loss and it stays off! Congrats on the weight loss!
  • Donnamom3
    I am a newbie to this site. I had Gastric Bypass last week. I found MFP for tracking calories under free aps on my phone. I will be on a super restrictive diet for another 4-6 weeks. Although the food diary isn't great for tracking calories, it is PERFECT for tracking protein, sugar and fat. Plus the barcode scanner on my phone is a really easy way to look up items if I am not at my computer.

    Congrats on your success so far. I am glad to find another RNY person using this site.
  • Majunta
    Majunta Posts: 575
    MFP is a great place for support! I love the caloried/food great! Good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    you probably gained it back because you didnt commit to a lifestyle change. i do not believe in gastric bypass, except in cases of imminent death unless weight it lost.

    so when you lose all the weight you want and go back to eating normally again, you'll gain it all back anyways..its a whole entire life change..not just a diet here and there.
  • Kebennett1
    Becca294, Good to see you on MFP! It is a great place to find support and the tools are great! I had Lap-Band Surgery on Jan 31st 2011. I have lost 44.4 pounds so far! Most people on here are great in giving support. There are only a hand full that criticize us for choosing surgical assistance in our weight loss. Don't worry about those who don't understand why we FINALLY chose to do what we HAD to do after YEARS of yo-yo weight loss and our health taking the toll! Unless they walked in our shoes they couldn't possibly understand what brought us to our choice! My Cardiologist was a big help in my choice to have the surgery because of heart and stroke issues! I did not make the choice lightly, as I am sure, you didn't just wake up one day and say, "Hey, I think I am going to have a dangerous, life changing surgery." I have loved MFP so far and it has really helped me stay on track and give me a place for outside support (besides just my family). I love the weigh in and watching my ticker move. It is such an incentive!
    I wish you all the best! Please make sure you follow your diet strictly and don't overeat! I am sure you have been warned how dangerous it can be! For me too! :) God Bless you! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • cheekymonkeyface
    cheekymonkeyface Posts: 46 Member
    Hi all, i had my open rny in June 2010 and have never looked back. I'm currently 85lb lower, i would have been more but little did i know it wasn't a miracle cure and the weight wouldn't just fall off. The last 25lb has been all my hard work in the gym and watching what i eat.

    I did weight watchers for 20 weeks but have quit that as i cannot spend the rest of my life counting points. Okay i know i'm here and counting calories but i feel like doing this and doing the exercise will give me a habit for life. Eventually my brain will know what i should eat throughout the day and it won't lead me astray.

    I too have found people who have no idea how morbid obesity feels have been judgemental, my answer to these critics is try walking a day in my shoes. Strap 85lbs on your back and see how much you want to do, how it inhibits your life..

    Good luck bypass buds, and please oh please feel free to add me xxx
  • cheekymonkeyface
    cheekymonkeyface Posts: 46 Member
    you probably gained it back because you didnt commit to a lifestyle change. i do not believe in gastric bypass, except in cases of imminent death unless weight it lost.

    so when you lose all the weight you want and go back to eating normally again, you'll gain it all back anyways..its a whole entire life change..not just a diet here and there.

    Without being argumentative, surely a lot of people who 'lose all the weight and go back to eating normally gain it back as well'? Not just bypassers. It's a lifestyle change for everyone, not just a diet here and there.....
  • sharifit53
    sharifit53 Posts: 54 Member
    How are you doing now? I am seriously considering surgery, I have an appt for a physical with the surgeon in a couple of weeks.

    To cheekymonkey, great if you can do the lifestyle change. For myself, I'm running out of time to do it. When I lost 127 pounds on a medically supervised liquid diet, I ran into all kinds of life problems (some good, but challenges, opportunities to grow up) and eventually I got off track. What is different now, is that I have learned some lessons and have some idea what changes I will face as I lose weight, but am very aware of my enemy's (voracious appetite) ability to throw me off track as I am working those challenges. Surgery, I am told, can curb the voracious appetite and allow the brain to control the lifestyle changes.
  • sharifit53
    sharifit53 Posts: 54 Member
    Sorry cheekymonken, it was xraychick 77 who put out the post questioning surgery. Back to Becca294, how are you doing now?
  • sharifit53
    sharifit53 Posts: 54 Member
    xraychick77, can you tell me about your weight loss journey?
  • cheekymonkeyface
    cheekymonkeyface Posts: 46 Member
    Sharifit i had a voracious appetite and could eat for England.

    14 months post op my evening meal tonight was:

    100g of chicken breast
    100g of mashed potato
    A spoon of carrots
    A couple of spoons of cabbage & a bit of gravy

    I reckon there's about 25g of chicken left in the kitchen for me to eat later as i couldn't physically eat it!

    Pre op i'd have had probably about:

    200 - 250g chicken
    Potato - 400g
    3 spoons of cabbage
    a good 4 spoons of cabbage and a big pouring of gravy

    And then i'd have looked for something sweet for after....
  • Robyn_T
    Robyn_T Posts: 540 Member
    I think we should revive this topic! :drinker:

    I'm a pre-op RnY patient, about half way through my pre-op program. Hopefully(!), I'll have my surgery before the end of the year.

    Hope everyone is well!
  • cownancy
    Welcome! I'm a lapbander and have lost 54 pounds since surgery. I believe I am close to the right setting finally. You'll enjoy the food diary here and once you pick your friends, you'll have no problems ignoring the ignorant who know nothing first hand about WLS. The person who was negative has a ticker showing that she is trying to lose something like TWO pounds, so I would just laugh it off.

    Be sure to log as much as you can, attend your support group meetings and try to keep the motivation. Remember, it's a process and you're on a long journey that will be an adventure for the rest of your life. Just don't become complacent. You're lucky to have the option for surgery! You can do it! Sounds like you are already doing a FANTASTIC job! There are a bunch of us who are fellow WLS patients to root you on!!
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    Fellow WLS person here too. i had LAp BAnd in feb of this year and so far have lost 84 pounds. I know I could not have done it without surgery, so thats why I had it. If others have been successful on their own, good for them! I love MFP. It really helps me keep track of how much protein I am taking in.
  • Blackthorne99
    Blackthorne99 Posts: 250 Member
    Congratulations on making a commitment to your health. It sounds like you are doing very well with it. I'm 6 year post-op from a different form of WLS called the Duodenal Switch. They create a similar restriction for us by making a 4oz sleeve to start with, so I know exactly where you're coming from. For DS'ers, the sleeve eventually stretches so now my stomach is about the size of a Coke Can.

    Take care of yourself, take your vitamins, exercise, eat right, and all will be well :) Feel free to friend me. I track every day all day long.
  • snowycat1
    I am post rny 10 yrs. Starting wt. 271. Lowest wt was 135, highest was 191. This surgery saved my life. I am 5'2". I would not discourage anyone from getting this surgery, but understand it is not easy. After 2 yrs you can eat anything and can gain it back. Be careful. This is an awesome diet tool. When you need to diet, remember how you ate in the beginning, go back to smaller portions, back to high protein, and stop snacks and it will work for you just as if you just had the surgery again. I have never regretted my surgery.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    you probably gained it back because you didnt commit to a lifestyle change. i do not believe in gastric bypass, except in cases of imminent death unless weight it lost.

    so when you lose all the weight you want and go back to eating normally again, you'll gain it all back anyways..its a whole entire life change..not just a diet here and there.

    Lots of folk gain the weight back regardless of their chosen method of losing it...there are plenty of returners on MFP, who lost it the "right" way. Bariatric surgery is not for me but if someone has sat down, looked at the facts and risks and decides this is the route for them then who am I to argue. Look on it as another tool they can use alongside calorie counting, portion control etc

    I have no idea of the struggles the posters in this topic faced before opting for WLS and for that reason I will not knock them. I don't see that anyone else should either
  • kaffmc
    Its good to see other WLS people on here who are here to support others not put them down, i have taken part in a few discussions on this subject because i am hoping to get bypass surgery myself early next year and as good as it is to hear peoples opinions it does not help when we are put down for choosing surgery. Good luck to all past and future surgery friends x
  • Blackthorne99
    Blackthorne99 Posts: 250 Member
    Its good to see other WLS people on here who are here to support others not put them down, i have taken part in a few discussions on this subject because i am hoping to get bypass surgery myself early next year and as good as it is to hear peoples opinions it does not help when we are put down for choosing surgery. Good luck to all past and future surgery friends x

    Exactly - support is so important. My body was broken, and I had it surgically repaired - that's how I look at it. No different than correcting a brain aneurysm or a clogged heart valve. NOT fixing the problem was going to kill me, so I made the SMART choice to get out of that situation. I still have to take care of myself, but now it's manageable.