encouragement versus discouragement and some venting

K so I am a person who has to be encouraged cuz i get easily discouraged. now i dont mean that in a way of being pansy cuz if Im doing something wrong then i will pull up my big girl panties and take the criticizm. But here is what happened, please read and then tell me the asnwer to my question after.. thx ahead of time!

i was told today that even though i lost 10.6 lbs this past week... that I am working out wrong and need to do weights first. Now my trainer told me weights would come into the equation later on and that first we needed to do cardio in order to get the weight started coming off faster... This guy was a jerk about it and was like your trainer is a loser, and shes wrong. You have to do weights first cuz when you do weights the calories burn stays with you for like 39 hours after. yes he did say that, he was like, all that weight you lost is water weight and you wont lose anymore since youve dropped that already unless you do weights. Yes i know some of it is water weight but some of it is actually weight weight and I am massively upset and discouraged. he is in fact sitting outside (I live in family housing at a university) and talking crap about my "water weight" right now. This from a guy who allowed his 8 year old son to kick his 3 year old daughter face first into the dirt and then just laugh about it.

So my question is this, am i wrong and will I not lose any weight if i dont do the weights til later, is he right? Should I continue doing the way I am or what do I do?


  • aeris
    aeris Posts: 5
    i'm sorry for that guy's comment, he sounds very inconsiderate!!

    from my experience, it does not matter what you do -- as long as you're doing something! i have never done weights, i know they are definitely helpful, but in the past i lost 20 lbs just by running/elliptical and cutting calories.
  • aeris
    aeris Posts: 5
    oh and also -- congrats on your loss so far! :) you deserve encouragement not discouragement!!
  • doramouse
    doramouse Posts: 160
    He is an *kitten*.
    Yes weight training is great. Yes -everyone has an opinion. I hear do it before cardio, do it after, only do it - do it in the AM, PM, etc etc. There is no perfect way. You are on your OWN path and you'll do it YOUR way.

    You have lost over 10 lbs! WAY TO GO
    That is wonderful! You are doing great!

    Listen to your trainer who you like and trust.
    Do NOT listen to someone who is NOT your friend.

    You are doing it - your way -which is the right way!!!!!!!!!!!
  • a_freeman
    a_freeman Posts: 116 Member
    I watch my calories and carbs and do only cardio. I've lost 39 lbs in 3 months (its not all water)
  • crescentd
    crescentd Posts: 13 Member
    Why would you listen to him or take anything he says seriously? I would listen to my trainer, since you are paying them to be knowledgeable and push you in the right direction. Also, I would ask my trainer what he/she thinks. Forget this loser.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    He sounds like a complete idiot! Listen to your trainer and do what has been advised for you.
    Sure, weights are good for you but that doesn't mean that cardio isn't. If you are setting out to lose weight, then getting moving any way you possibly can will help your body get stronger and will burn calories.

    Keep up the good work and don't listen to random idiots!! (You can listen to me though, I'm random, but I don't think I'm an idiot!).
  • lmautosports
    no hes wrong weight loss is simple consume less calories than your body burns, cardio burns calories. so even if you did no weight training at all you would still lose weight. dont get me wrong weight training is great and its important to have a balanced workout but that guys a jerk dont let him get ya down!
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    Yes it's better to build muscle first. Your body will burn fat more efficiently with more muscle. That being said, I'm not saying build a whole lot then do cardio a month from now. I'm talking more like, lift weight, do push ups for 30 min, then do the cardio afterwards.
  • kirstinkrueger
    First of all, that guy is an JERK along with lots of other words I will not post! agh!

    Second, your trainer knows better, I am promise you that! They dont just hire trainers off the street, these people know what they are doing, have studied, and most of them have gone through it themselves!

    Third, I have lost over 100lbs and I can honestly say that I can probably count on all my fingers and toes how many times my workout contained lifting weights! not that it's right, I wish now I would have done more up til now with them but you dont HAVE to have them to lose weight.

    Fourth, you are a stronger person than me, I would go out there and go off on him and tell him to leave me out of his mouth! some people have some nerve! I am sorry! don't let him get to you!
  • Kayers713
    Kayers713 Posts: 10 Member
    Well, your trainer went through certification to do her job... and he didn't. So listen to your trainer!!

    Weights are important, because they will help build muscle. Muscle will help increase your metabolism. But do as your trainer instructs, he/she will know what is right for you and your body type.

    Myself personally, I really focus on cardio when I want to loose weight. I can lift weightst all I want, but I don't loose any weight. Right now, I am especially working on cardio. I started lifting weights recently and my arms got so big (I was only curling 15lbs) that my suit jackets weren't fitting properly! I was gaining muscle, but not loosing any of the fat on my arms.

    10.6lbs is a lot to loose in one week, so SOME of it may be water weight, but he is a jerk.
  • Azuleelan
    Azuleelan Posts: 218
    If I believe Jillian Michaels, it is true that weight training keeps you burning calories way longer than cardio but... why not combine both? you don't have to do massive amounts of either!

    Oh, and his parenting skills don't have anything to do with this. At all. :tongue:
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    I'm with your trainer on this one. For every trainer there is a different approach, but if you haven't worked out for a while and your trying to get yourself motivated cardio will give you good results and it is probably a good idea to get your heart in good shape before starting the weights so you are more prepared for the increased stress on the body. Sounds liek the guys a jerk and needs to rain on someones parade to feel better. We started with cardio and within a couple of weeks added the weight training as weights are my first love in excersize, but the cardio helped me be ready to handle the weights and the extra effort they take. Enjoy your success and don't let anyone rain on it. If you need support my wife (hootsmamma) and I are good cheerleaders. Stay focused and great job!
  • emersmurf
    emersmurf Posts: 27
    I agree with what everyone else said...listen to your trainer. It's important to just get moving. Try not to be discouraged by idiots. We on mfp will encourage you all the way! Great job on the weight loss. =)
  • kirstinkrueger
    The problem is, strength training has been vastly oversold as a metabolism-boosting calorie burner. It's time for a reality check.

    Metabolism 101
    Our metabolism is the key to burning fat. To lose weight we need to increase our total calorie burn. To increase our total calorie burn we need to increase one (or more) of the following:

    Your basal metabolic rate, or BMR, which is essentially the calories you burn at rest. Your BMR is important because it makes up a large percentage of total calorie burn, but unfortunately you can't do much to increase (or decrease) it. Your BMR is mostly determined by your genetic makeup and body weight. The only way to really boost your BMR is to gain a large amount of weight (quite counter productive for our reasons).

    Your physical-activity energy expenditure, which is all the activity you do in a day. This not only includes all of your workouts, but also walking your dog, doing the dishes, climbing the stairs, even brushing your teeth- any time your body is active it is adding to your physical-activity energy expenditure. Your physical-activity energy expenditure is the most important part of your total calorie burn because it is the part you can do the most about, all you have to do to increase it is to get up and move!

    Your thermic effect of feeding, which is the energy your body expends while digesting food. Your thermis effect of feeding is generally about 10 percent of your daily calorie burn. However this number can be increased by eating small meals several times a day rather than just a few large meals. Stimulating foods such as green tea and chili peppers can also speed your thermic effect of feeding.

    Your excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, which is the extra calories you burn after exercise. Your excess post-exercise oxygen consumption is also known as the "afterburn". The amount of calories you burn post-workout will depend on the type of your workout, if you heart rate is increased during your workout and stay increased your will burn more.

    Why Strength Training doesn't burn

    The theory behind strength training burning more than cardio comes from the idea that one pound of muscle uses more calories per day than one pound fat does, while this is true, it is not enough to trim you down. Take a look at the numbers:

    182 calories are burned per day for each pound of kidney your body houses.
    110 calories are burned per day for each pound of brain that your body houses.
    6 calories are burned per day for each pound of muscle that your body houses.
    2 calories are burned per day for each pound of fat that your body houses.
    During strength training you burn less calories, and the additional calories you burn due to the gain in muscle in your body is barely enough to make a difference, your time would be much better spend doing cardio where you would burn more calories during the workout (and less after).

    Why Cardio does burn

    If you're interested in boosting your metabolism to lose weight, aerobic training such as running and walking is a better investment than strength training. All you need to do is look at the numbers to see why:

    40 minutes of moderate cardio (running 8:30 pace) vs. 40 minutes of moderate strength training-

    Cardio: 522 calories burned during the activity, 30 calories burned in afterburn, 0 calories burned from gained muscle

    Strength Training: approximately 136 calories burned during the activity, 20 calories burned in afterburn, 30 calories burned from gained muscle

    Cardio leads by 366 calories.
    So there it is, if you want to burn more fat do more cardio, the numbers are simple. However, I won't necessarily replace all strength training with cardio, it is good to have a mix of both-this way you will burn fat and build muscle which will keep you strong and healthy and prevent against injury, not to mention provide you with sleek and sexy muscles. It is also important to keep diet in mind, exercise alone won't do it (and neither will diet alone). You need to focus on creating a diet and exercise plan and sticking to it!
  • MeggieMae22
    Don't let him put him down. I would listen to your trainer because they have whats best for you at heart. Loosing weight is hard, and your doing it so GREAT JOB!! Just keep doing what your doing, and let your self get used to what it needs to do. Don't do weights until you know your ready or your trainer shows you the right way.

    Keep up the good work, and don't let him bring you down. Your on the right path. :)
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    Listen to your trainer....you and her have come up with a game plan. This guy is no one to you so don't let him get to you.

    I'm all about weight training but establishing an exercise routine is most important :)
  • ColeyCannoli
    What a jerk! :explode:

    No, cardio will take that weight off just fine! Don't listen to him. Your trainer is doing what they think is best for you. Is he a doctor or a trainer himself or just some guy? Doing weights is great and will help you tone and build definition (after the weight is down) but there's no need to do it. Just like the person above said: Just do anything! Move and eat healthy foods, you'll be there in no time.

    And congrats! 10lbs is a huge achievement and though it will slow down over time you are doing amazing things! Keep it up! :drinker:
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    different strokes for different folks... whatever works for you.

    as long as you are getting off your butt, and doing something active, it's going in the right direction...

    congratulations on your loss, and hell if i could lose 10 pounds in a week, i know who i'd be listening to... the person who helped me lose it, not some "know it all".

    you will get to weights, but cardio has a massive impact on weight loss as well. if you are going hard and sweating, you are doing the right thing. some people run, some people just can't. some people do push ups, some people can't... you just have to find your thing that you can do, and that you enjoy doing and that you get results from.
  • Ree_Chatelain
    Ree_Chatelain Posts: 229 Member
    I lost my first 100 pounds just doing cardio. I didn't begin weights until the past few months when I could actually see a shape to start toning. Listen to your trainer NOT the *kitten* on the porch!

    BTW congrats on your loss. Keep it up
  • Kebennett1
    I have lost 44.4 pounds since Jan 31st. Only small healthy meals (lap-band assistance), water, and cardio/Treadmill and walking outside. Some dumbbells but only up to 3# each hand, because of three abdominal surgeries in three months! Tell me it is all water, yeah, right! This guy is all negative and is not a nice guy, Stay away from him! You are doing great! Listen to YOUR trainer, and keep up the GREAT job you are doing! Don't let negative people bring you down! You have awesome support right here!