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Any tips to curb evening snacking..

I have never bothered to take care of myself being overweight as could never be bothered but even though i've not lost a lot i can see small changes to my body... so when the evening cravings start i get the cleansers and moisturisers out and have a little pamper session. My skin had never been in such good condition (water helping with that too).

Anyone else have ways of curbing those cravings???


  • peteloafer
    peteloafer Posts: 28 Member
    I'm no expert but what works for me is...

    If I really must eat something I get a cup of green tea and a rice cake with marmite or margarine or
    a few dried apricots (if any in the cupboard)

    Fills the "must-eat" gap and minimal calorie damage

    good luck

    Pete :-)
  • posherspice
    posherspice Posts: 15 Member
    I find this the hardest time of day too - am usually insane with hunger by the time I get in from work! I try and have supper as soon as I can (tho' this can be difficult as husband often doesn't get in till much later) while I still feel in control. Otherwise I tend to pick and snack which is fatal. I also try and stay out of the kitchen, so my cupboards upstairs are much tidier than they used to be. A low cal hot chocolate can take the edge off my appetite too.

    Interested to hear others' tips as I suspect lots of people struggle with this.

    Well done on making a start - 7lbs off is a great beginning!
  • kkrgimson
    kkrgimson Posts: 1 Member
    Try snacking on low fat cottage cheese or something high in protein. Therefore you are not eating unnecessary Carbohydrates which will turn into fat.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    A cup of tea! Helps get me sleepy and curb cravings. I'm having some right now. ;)
  • hellen72
    hellen72 Posts: 144 Member
    Keep a lettuce or cucumber in the fridge and when u want to snack allow yourself to pig out on it

    That is my aim but have only managed it a few times as it is not appealing!
  • JunkFoodJane
    JunkFoodJane Posts: 150 Member
    If you're hungry, eat, if it's anything else take a warm bath, do your nails, work a puzzle, take up knitting. Knitting in the evenings keeps my hands too busy for snacks. And come next winter it will help keep my family warm.
  • ninyagwa
    ninyagwa Posts: 341 Member
    This is going to sound silly, but here goes. I was watching an episode of the Tyra Banks show one day, and a tip that her dietician gave her was to keep plain turkey breast lunch meat in the fridge (not smoked or flavored or anything) and if she got the urge to snack, that should be it. I've never tried it as I haven't felt the need to curb any snacking at the moment. She says it works, and she's "fierce" so who knows...
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    I have made a rule and that is no eating after 7:30. We usually have dinner by 7. It has helped to make sure I cook a filler to go with dinner (broccol and cauliflower are great for that) Then if I do get a craving to eat I ask myself am I really hungry or am I just looking to munch. If I am truly hungry then I eat. Also looking at your log before you snack might help. If I am over my calories I ask myself, is it worth it. Now it is a mindset.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    I agree with PamDW, have a time after which you are banned from eating and then it ceases to be an option.

    Mine is 7pm unless I'm at the gym late in which case I have saved 100 calories for a pre prepared snack which I take with me and in the car before driving home so I don't have the option of choosing something unplanned.
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    I brush my teeth :happy: Everything but water tastes like crap afterward.
  • minburke
    minburke Posts: 241 Member
    Eek this is my worst habit too! I wonder if ham is the same as the turkey thing? I always love eating shaved ham... That cleansing ritual and the tea are great ideas too! I've found since giving up the coke I get the worst sweet tooth around 8pm every night. I never used to be a dessert or chocolate girl.
  • prov31ms
    prov31ms Posts: 62
    A few things that work for me...

    1. I log my dinner in the morning and save anywhere from 200-400 calories for the evening (you can quick add some calories to your evening snack in the morning and then when you are in the mood to snack that night you have those calories waiting for you)

    2. If I have no more calories & I still want something - I have some teas that I love - black licorice tea & chai spice tea

    3. Another great option is sugar free jell-o - it is only 10 calories

    4. Chewing gum instead of eating also helps if I am just in the mood to chew something
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Are you actually hungry in the evenings, or is this just a habit?

    If you're actually hungry, you can plan your day to either space out your calories better so you're satisfied from dinner til bed time or to have an evening snack. I have a snack just about every night-usually baby carrots with hummus or one serving of almonds or pistachios.

    If it's a habit, rather than hunger, driving the snacking then keep doing what you are doing--finding other ways to keep busy.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    A cup of tea! Helps get me sleepy and curb cravings. I'm having some right now. ;)
    agreed. I have green tea in the evenings. All that extra water seems to help keep me from snacking for a bit.
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    My boyfriend makes a homemade chai/ginger root iced tea. We keep a HUGE container of it (its about 7-9 inches tall and fits the entire length of the frig) in the frig. Its light, refreshing, but also carries a nice kick. Instead of eating something, I reach for a class of tea. Its helped so far in not eating late at night.
  • wolsteem
    wolsteem Posts: 17
    I tend not to snack in evening but there are certain times of the month that something sweet is really wanted. I satisfy that with a cup of Options hot chocolate... 35cal. It satisfies the sweet chocolate desire and it feels as if I am not depriving myself as to maintain the weight I still have to live and that means occasional treats (within reason of course! :smile: )
  • Some really great tips here, thanks for posting!
    I need to have some 'ready-to-go' ideas ready as I stay away from home a lot so don't have my knitting, face masks, nail polish stuff with me!
    I usually drink tea, or have the 10cal pots of jelly!
    we will crack the habit eventually!

    Good luck
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    if I get a craving but don't think I am hungry, I will drink water and chew gum. Some days, my jaw feels like it will fall off, but I am afraid if I stop, I will start munching. The other option is to save some calories for the evening time and plan a snack. if you control it, it may not put you over the deepend.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    A cup of tea! Helps get me sleepy and curb cravings. I'm having some right now. ;)

    great idea! the warmth makes me feel more full.
  • Marcus_E
    Marcus_E Posts: 124
    I'd suggest a nice cup of Green Tea - Sometimes it's going through the motions of doing something that you might realise it's not hunger you have, but more a habitual thing.

    Also, try drinking a glass of water.. What I started to do if I had cravings, was pour myself a glass of water and drink it whilst I was rummaging through the cupboards and fridge - I noticed that after I finished the water, I hadn't got anything out of the fridge or cupboards and wasn't feeling snacky anymore.. It's not a perfect answer, but could help..