Breastfeeding and calorie intake

iuali81 Posts: 47 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
I was hoping this site would ask about breastfeeding when calculating how many calories I should have per day. I am still breastfeeding, but am trying to get a start on my weight loss. Has anyone else encountered this?

Thank you!


  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    Congrats on your little one, and on the decision to start losing the weight. I am also currently breastfeeding. When you log your food for the day, you can type in "breastfeeding" and you will get back the calorie allowance that was needed to make your milk.

    Good luck to you!
  • You need to intake 500 extra calories to account for breastfeeding! plus breastfeeding will TOTALLY help you drop weight faster! Just make sure you drink extra water as well! If you don't drink enough water your milk may dry up, also make sure you are still taking prenatal vitamins. Your healthier diet will be awesome for your little one and you both will reap the benefits!!! Yay for Breastfeeding!!!!
  • Hi,
    Yes, I am still breastfeeding and I added it on as an 'exercise' and input 400 calories per day for it. (I looked up cal burn online) so I know that I have those 400 cals that I need to eat as extra so I can still produce the milk. Hope this helps....
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    i just finished nursing school & textbook says you need 500 additional calories a day for breastfeeding, so maybe manually edit your goals to say 1700 or set your goals for weight loss on here & add it in as exercise & make sure you eat all your exercise calories! your nutrients are being passed through your breast milk to the baby & if they aren't there in adequate amounts, the baby isn't receiving them either. make sure you're getting enough protein too! it helps in the healing process. & congrats on the new addition of course! :oD
  • theresnoeggs
    theresnoeggs Posts: 188 Member
    I was still breastfeeding 6-8 times a day when I started, after one year of breastfeeding I weighed 20 lbs MORE than I did the day I delivered my daughter. :/

    Some people will tellyou to add it to your food log, just type breastfeeding into the search.
    I added it to my exercise, "1 minute __________ calories"

    A typical mom will burn apx 500 calories if nursing exclusively or 8-12 times a day. When I was just nursing my daughter 2-5x a day, I had it set to 200-250 calories per day, and then when she was only nursing 1-2x a day, I changed it to 100 calories per day.

    IGNORE whoever tells you to calculate it, and that it's 25 calories per ounce of breast milk. That is only the number of calories your CHILD is getting, NOT what you are burning as you burn every moment of every day just producing the milk. ;)
  • theresnoeggs
    theresnoeggs Posts: 188 Member
    I know you aren't supposed to recommend other websites but is chock full of information regarding breastfeeding. Any question you may have can be answered in their articles! And the forums there, as well as the breastfeeding forum at are both FILLED with knowledgeable women. :flowerforyou:
  • I am also breastfeeding. I don't count those calories b/c there is no way to do it on this site. When you think about it, how could they calculate that? It depends on your body and metabolism, how many times you feed, how much at a time you feed, how much milk your body produces, etc. That would be too difficult to really get an accurate reading on. I know you can burn UP TO 500 calories a day breastfeeding. I just think to myself when I see how many calories I have taken in that day that I probably took less than that in b/c of breastfeeding. Don't think too much about it. If it starts to reduce your supply, add a little more calories to your diet and/or take the herb fenugreek to up your supply. That's what I do occasionally. You'll be fine. Talk to your doctor about it and see what he/she says.
  • Thanks ladies for sharing the breastfeeding thing for the food section! I didn't know about that! Now I can estimate it in.
  • geewizzamanda357
    geewizzamanda357 Posts: 36 Member
    I am also breastfeeeding (well, exclusively pumping). I have not been adding any calories in to account for it though. I didn't know how to add the correct amount of calories burned. So thanks for letting me know we can add it with the food! Do ya'll think it is bad to not add anything in though? I just let those breastfeeding calories be an extra burn that kinda makes up for the days I go over my allowance. I have been doing this for about 2 weeks now and haven't noticed any decrease in supply.
  • iuali81
    iuali81 Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks for all the responses ladies!!! My LO is 6 months old, but I would like to keep going with the breastfeeding. I was worried that the exercise would hurt my supply, but it's been ok so far. I have tried everything to keep it up, oatmeal for breakfast, I drink TONS of water, I tried Fenugreek, but it didn't work for me. I'm on domperiodone now, which really seems to help. I'm glad to know that you can add it in on the food part!! I'm glad I asked!! (I LOVE for breastfeeding resources too!)
  • theresnoeggs
    theresnoeggs Posts: 188 Member
    WTG on making it 6 months! That is wonderful, great job mama! I could never keep up with my boys and I was so determined to make it at least one year with my daughter (never made it passed 3.5 mos before...) I am so, beyond proud to say I nursed her until 18 mos and let her wean herself. There are a few random days now she asks and I give in, but they are super rare...

    Keep up the great work!
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    I am also breastfeeeding (well, exclusively pumping).

    I'm an EPer also....congrats on your dedication! It isn't easy!!!! EPing makes it easy to log on here because you know exactly how many ounces per day you produce!
  • I went a year with both of mine. Its tough and you are doing awesome! I love Kellymom. Great site!

    You all rock btw! EPing! Hard stuff there!!!!!
  • geewizzamanda357
    geewizzamanda357 Posts: 36 Member
    @dab52776- It is hard! Breastfeeding didn't work out for us, but I wanted him to get the benefits. So here I am at 11 weeks and still going, lol. I have cut out the night pump since I came back to work (I need the sleep!). My wonderful husband gets up for night time feedings now. I do like being able to see exactly what he eats every day too. And I am loving the extra calories it burns without having to do anything, lol.
  • j4crew
    j4crew Posts: 8
    Hi everyone!! My son is 6 months old and I Breastfeed him but have to supplement with formula :cry: I EBF my middle son for 18 months and was a SAHM then. I have struggled with supply with this son since day 1 but am happy that I can give him what I do. He only gets formula when I am at work. He nurses when I'm home then DH gives him pumped milk to finish him off. I pump 4 times a day now. I drink LOTS of water which helps!!

    I have been trying to lose weight since January but only in the past 2 months have buckled down and actually try. I struggle with what to eat and not to eat while Breastfeeding. I eat healthly but can't seem to balance out everything to keep losing.
  • theresnoeggs
    theresnoeggs Posts: 188 Member
    Hi everyone!! My son is 6 months old and I Breastfeed him but have to supplement with formula :cry: I EBF my middle son for 18 months and was a SAHM then. I have struggled with supply with this son since day 1 but am happy that I can give him what I do. He only gets formula when I am at work. He nurses when I'm home then DH gives him pumped milk to finish him off. I pump 4 times a day now. I drink LOTS of water which helps!!

    I have been trying to lose weight since January but only in the past 2 months have buckled down and actually try. I struggle with what to eat and not to eat while Breastfeeding. I eat healthly but can't seem to balance out everything to keep losing.

    I too supplemented with my daughter. When working I could NEVER pump enough for her, never more than 2-4 oz at a time, and never more than 8 in a day!

    Like I mentioned in my first post, in my daughters first year I gained over 20 lbs. ON TOP of the pregnancy weight. :huh: Really annoying! And that was with going to the gym 3x a week... :frown:

    Since Oct. when my daughter hit the one year mark, I started pushing myself, I was only nursing hr about 4x a day. I cut my portions to only what was recommended on the packaging of whatever it was I ate, lost 25 lbs in two and a half months, then slacked over the holidays! Between New Years and the first of this month I put back on 10. :( Over the past 17 days I've lost 5.3 lbs and stopped BFing... :cry: Talk about being sad! Who would have thought I'd be upset about my daughter self-weaning at 18 months? I honestly wish she would still ask for "boo" Now I don;t have any excuse for not losing weight...

    As far as the many women who say BFing will make you lose weight.... Not true. It "makes" *some* women lose weight, other's gain, and some not lose or gain. ;)
  • iuali81
    iuali81 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi everyone!! My son is 6 months old and I Breastfeed him but have to supplement with formula :cry: I EBF my middle son for 18 months and was a SAHM then. I have struggled with supply with this son since day 1 but am happy that I can give him what I do. He only gets formula when I am at work. He nurses when I'm home then DH gives him pumped milk to finish him off. I pump 4 times a day now. I drink LOTS of water which helps!!

    I have been trying to lose weight since January but only in the past 2 months have buckled down and actually try. I struggle with what to eat and not to eat while Breastfeeding. I eat healthly but can't seem to balance out everything to keep losing.

    I have to pump at work too to feed my son. We haven't supplemented with formula yet, but only because I had a decent amount frozen. I almost get what he needs, but we will have to start with some formula soon! Like you, I love the nursing time we get when he's with me, which is the main reason I want to keep it up!!

    I really just started trying to watch what I eat, so I'm not sure if what I'm doing is working or not. I just try to make healthy choices. Lots of lean protein, veggies, fruits, good carbs & fats. I'm trying to avoid fried foods, sweets, and cut back on alcohol. I think if you are being mindful of it, it's a step in the right direction!! The calorie guide on here to log what your eating is a huge help too!
  • LittleWub
    LittleWub Posts: 31 Member
    It's great to see so many breastfeeders on here! I'm still breastfeeding my 14 month old, I found it helped lose the weight initially, but when she started eating solids and reducing the milk she needed I carried on eating for two ( or maybe six!!). I've really got that breastfeeding sweet tooth!
  • IamOnMywayNow
    IamOnMywayNow Posts: 470 Member
    I too am breastfeeding my 6 month old and hoping to make it until he weans himself. I breastfed/pumped for DD until she was 18 months old, once I stopped the weight just seemed to climb on and not let go. I just started my weight loss journey on Feb 6 2011 and was worried about my supply but I just make sure I eat at least 1600-1800 calories a day. On days I workout super hard I eat more and days I dont do so much I eat less. My milk supply has been fine so far but I try to pump off extra milk to freeze ( to donate) in the morning so my body keeps producing a lot. I usually add it at 300 calories on my food but knowing I have 200 that I "could" add makes me feel better sometime if I go over my calorie amount.
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