A question for any woman who knows....

when you first start losing weight, where do you see it first?
all my weight is mainly in my tummy and it doesn't seem like i'm seeing it there at all.



  • when you first start losing weight, where do you see it first?
    all my weight is mainly in my tummy and it doesn't seem like i'm seeing it there at all.

  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    Boobs for me :huh: , I hold my weight in my legs and butt....I always notice it there last:grumble:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Every woman is different in that department. Before I had kids, I held my weight in my thighs. Since having them, it seems to be sticking around my midsection more. I noticed my weight loss first in my thighs & hips this time. It'll come off. Just keep working at it! The body losses where the body wants to lose, kwim?
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    Well I still have a tummy and I reached my goal in May (30 pounds lost)
    I lost the most in my boobs and face...

  • debmac63
    debmac63 Posts: 459 Member
    Legs and breasts here. My mid sectionis going down but not as fast as everywhere else.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    when you first start losing weight, where do you see it first?
    all my weight is mainly in my tummy and it doesn't seem like i'm seeing it there at all.


    i lose in my face first because i have chunky cheeks so you notice it there first- everything starts thining out except my chucky cheeks lol
  • shanwow16
    shanwow16 Posts: 203 Member
    Same, I've noticed the boobs and butt for me - tummy not so much yet!
    Your body will burn away the fat that is easiest to burn first, once that is gone it will have no where else to take from and start burning in the areas where you hold the most weight.

    A co-worker of mine told me something pretty interesting - and this is coming from his doctor. The reason why it's so important to drink at least 64 oz of water a day is because it flushes out your liver. If you have a clean liver, than your liver will start breaking down the fatty tissue surrounding it a.k.a "the spare tire". I never knew that until he told me that and thought it was pretty interesting! :bigsmile:
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    I noticed a change in my face immediately, and then my thighs started to recede. Following that, my butt and belly. Then everything kinda shrank simultaneously. Amazing.
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    The last place my weight comes of are in my thunder thighs. :sad: Everywhere else pretty much comes off equally.
  • Mahlia
    Mahlia Posts: 190
    Same, I've noticed the boobs and butt for me - tummy not so much yet!
    Your body will burn away the fat that is easiest to burn first, once that is gone it will have no where else to take from and start burning in the areas where you hold the most weight.

    A co-worker of mine told me something pretty interesting - and this is coming from his doctor. The reason why it's so important to drink at least 64 oz of water a day is because it flushes out your liver. If you have a clean liver, than your liver will start breaking down the fatty tissue surrounding it a.k.a "the spare tire". I never knew that until he told me that and thought it was pretty interesting! :bigsmile:

    That is interesting. :huh:
    I'll have to keep that in mind. :bigsmile:
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    I first noticed in in my ummmmmmmmm chest :blushing: My bras were getting loose......then my face...and finally starting to notice in my stomache and the back fat is slowly disappearing :drinker:
  • luvlee884
    luvlee884 Posts: 98 Member
    I can tell because of my boobs... unfortunatly - it's the first place I see it! :ohwell:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    While I lose in the face, legs, arms, butt

    my tummy is the last to go. :frown:

    (And I never lose weight in my boobs, only increase size there. Stupid boobs.:mad: )
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I first saw it in my face, collarbone area and boobs (i think so many see it in the boobs beceause bras fit so snugly... so any minor change there is going to be noticed. It depends on 1) where you store your fat 2)how long you have been big in a particular area and 3) where your body has easiest access to the fat. If fyou recently put on weight in your tummy it will likely be the first to go, whereas if you have always been big in the tummy it will likely be the last thing to go (as per me and my giant thighs :grumble: )
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    I am noticing it more in my thighs and my waist. Its a small change, but a change just the same!:drinker:
  • DjBliss05
    I hold most of my weight in my tummy, too.

    So far I can really see it in my face, my legs/butt, and maybe my back, too. Tummy has lost a teeny bit, but so not going like I want it too!

    I've been told cardio is the best way to get rid of it... so I'm doing my cardio cuz I am really so done with the big tummy issue!
  • shanwow16
    shanwow16 Posts: 203 Member
    Don't forget to do your strength training too - the more lean muscle you have the more fat will be burned!
  • PurdyMommy
    PurdyMommy Posts: 378 Member
    Hey girly, PurdyMommy here! I told ya already but here goes again.. i also carry my weight in my belly sooo I lost mine all first in my face, neck, legs, & MY BELLY! Just keep workin it girl. You will see a loss! Your belly will shrink! hehe So how ya been?
  • yeah my boyfriend keeps telling me when he sees me work out that he can tell my legs and face are getting smaller, but my tummy is not....which bites the big one.

    i'm down to 196 now but i still think it looks like i'm still at 211.
  • mbb8682
    mbb8682 Posts: 262 Member
    Mine is for sure in the boobs all the time I don't have much there but it is always the first and my face.

    I want it to leave the tummy area thats where it is most noticable, thats where I gained all the weight is in my tummy.