Wine- my love/hate relationship!

SugarBearRetired Posts: 76 Member
edited September 18 in Health and Weight Loss
I love wine, but damn the calories!! I've cut down to 1 glass, ok sometimes 2 per night. Any other tips on how I can keep it to a minimum? I know they are empty calories, but I enjoy them so much.


  • SugarBearRetired
    SugarBearRetired Posts: 76 Member
    I love wine, but damn the calories!! I've cut down to 1 glass, ok sometimes 2 per night. Any other tips on how I can keep it to a minimum? I know they are empty calories, but I enjoy them so much.
  • How about a wine spritzer? It would cut the calories.
  • SugarBearRetired
    SugarBearRetired Posts: 76 Member
    Good suggestion. And would take me longer to drink!
  • liverwurst
    liverwurst Posts: 2 Member
    Maybe you need to consider wine like donuts or ice cream a no-no except for special occasions. If your really motivated to lose weight alcohol lowers your resistance, so you probably end up eating more and being less active in the evening which is another reason to steer clear of wine nightly.
  • I love wine too.. and I so enjoy a nice glass of wine after working all day. But, I've learned to save it for the weekends (a girl has to splurge sometime!). I have even been known to fill up a wine glass with water, just to sip and relax.. And if I've been a good girl all day, and have enough calories left over, I'll have a glass of wine in the evening. Occassionally.
  • donnag524
    donnag524 Posts: 17 Member
    I also love wine and the only solution that I have found is to save up enough calories at dinner to enjoy one or two glasses. Fortunately for me I have never been a breakfast eater, so I am able to get by most days on less than 150 cals for that meal and eat salads and fruit for lunch. This leaves me with enough calories at the end of the day to enjoy 8 ounces of wine with a healthy dinner and to me it is worth it. On days that I eat a bigger breakfast or lunch, I just make sure that I don't indulge that night. So far it's worked for me.
  • i'm on the same tip as you. wine, especially red, is good for the heart. though i don't drink it everyday, if i know that i'm going to have a glass of it, i save some calories and substitute dessert for wine! and if i'm eating fish -- always healthy and low in calories -- i never feel guilty having a glass of white wine with it. it's always a nice treat. i'll sometimes have it right after dinner so that it'll make me sleepy, and therefore, i won't think about having a late night snack!

    everything in moderation...

  • I am a wine lover as well and it is tought to cut down! On the days I want to indulge, I will extend my workouts by 15-20 minutes. This probably doesn't really offset having the wine all that much (and let's not mention the fact that I'm using wine basically as a reward here), but if I want that wine, I make myself work for it! And trust me, most days I want it!
  • I'm so in the same boat with wine!! I generally have at least 1 glass of wine or 1-2 beers per night, now that I've been calorie counting I see that I can't do that anymore. The beer is a little easier for me to manage because I can just get light beer and pour it into a small glass little by little and leave the bottle in the fridge....I can make a 12 oz beer last all night if I pay attention....but the wine is difficult and I love red wine so much!!!

    I've been doing the water in the wine glass trick and that seems to help a little.

    The wine spritzer is a good idea dumb question, how do I prepare that? Sparkling water and wine I'd assume? 2 parts water to 1 part wine? I've never had a spritzer before, but it sounds like a good solution for me.

    otherwise I've just been telling myself the wine stains my teeth anyways so leave it alone (boo hoo)
  • everything in moderation. eat less = more wine. more exercise = more wine.
    it's all about the math!! i agree, just save it for the weekends.......reward yourself. red wine has less sugar than white so i try to stick w/ reds only and ONLY after a good work out.
  • PS
    and drink a lot of water or diet sprite before your glass of wine & you'll be full of liquids quicker
  • I am in the same boat and have decided to only have it a couple days a week as a treat. I would much rather have that then dessert!
  • stupidrobot
    stupidrobot Posts: 19 Member
    One of my relatives had the same problem and solved it by filling a wine glass with reduced calorie fruit juice or diet soda to recreate at least part of the pleasure of drinking a glass of wine. She would still drink real wine a couple of nights a week as a treat. This helped her not only by reducing the calories she got from the wine itself, but from the extra food she would eat after the wine had lowered her inhibitions.
  • sheofthesea
    sheofthesea Posts: 123 Member
    I love my beer and wine too! My solution has been spritzers (as mentioned before.) I use a large glass, fill with ice and club soda, then put a splash of wine on top. I throw in a lemon or lime slice if I have one available. I can drink them all night and still only drink one glass of wine, plus I'm getting all that water. Very low calorie and you will feel great in the morning.

    So far I've only used white wine but I hear that you can do it with red. I prefer a sauvignon blanc but I'm sure you could use anything.
  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    I love wine as well. I save room for it in my calories or workout a bit after. I can't drink watered down wine yuck. If you want to go for the drinking less route, drink water in between sips or half glasses. Don't wreck the wine.
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