Tired all the time? Diet to blame?

Recently I switched from running to doing the 30DS almost everyday for a little over a week now and maintaining a healthy diet and consuming at least 1200 calories a day. But, I've been so tired lately. I sleep for at least 12 hours every night and feels sluggish and because of this I haven't been working out the past few days. Could this be blamed on not eating enough or my electrolytes being out of whack?


  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    If you make your Food Diary public, we can help.

    However, if you're running and only getting 1200 calories, you are probably not getting nearly enough energy to function.

    Friend me! Check out my diary, too. I run, and I eat a lot.
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    Yeah, you should be eating your exercise cals back. If you are, are you taking vitamins...they are very helpful. Multi's, B's, and fish oil :)
  • pj_writer
    pj_writer Posts: 107 Member
    are you eating your exercise calories back? if not then I think you should. If you are still feeling low energy after that then try upping your net goal a bit perhaps? you can eat more than 1200 and lose fat, especially if you are working out plenty.
  • IanHammer
    I would agree with the other posters here. It seems as though your calorie intake is insufficient to balance your exercise routine. I would also look at your sleep. Sleeping 12 hours a night is not healthy. You should be aiming for closer to 8 hours of good quality sleep. Outisde of the 7 to 9 hour sleep duration there is a link to poorer health and weight gain. To understand more about sleep and personal energy take a look at www.sleepknow.com.
  • bigmamma56
    Might be a good idea to get your thyoid function tested.
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    Check for anaemia too!

    But as someone above mentioned... 12hrs is too much and can actually make you feel more tired! Aim for a steady 8 and you should notice a change pretty drastically! I used to sleep 10-11 hrs and would feel awful and sluggish all day.

    And also to reiterate others, if you're running a lot, and only on 1200 cals, you should be eating most if not all of your exercise calories back! Exhaustion is something I feel regularly but looking back at my diary I can see the trend of me not eating my cals back and the amount of exhaustion I feel over the next few days!
  • Chrissle64
    Chrissle64 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks Ladies! I actually forgot I had posted this sorry it took so long to respond. I'll make my food diary public. I've since been trying to force myself up after 8 hours of sleep and on days when I accomplish this I do feel more energetic. I have had my thyroid checked before and my Doctor says it's functioning fine, my family has a history of thyroid cancer and disease so I'm on the lookout. I am upping my calorie intake a little to compensate for working out as well. Thanks again! :)