Miracle diet! Coconut oil!

Taylor2494 Posts: 9
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
My mom & I have been using it for about a week & I've already lost 5 pounds! We got it it the health food store & it's awesome. You take it four times a day and cook with it. It may not work for EVERYONE, but all of my friends and family that use it have had positive results. My moms friend lost 40 pounds in like 5 weeks or so & didn't even exercise. (Although exercising is encouraged). Here's the deal: Coconut oil is REALLY high in fat, but it's the good fat that your body needs, the kind of fat that is used to make energy rather than stored in your body. It boosts your metabolism so you burn fat & lose weight. I hope this helped! Like I said before, every diet is different & this may not be the one for you, I just know It's worked for my friends and family & is working for me. If you don't see positive results in 2 weeks then you can get off it. Thanks, hope this helped!


  • It's good fat girlfriend! Imma go buy it sometime soon! :) Keep trucking along and we'll get our dream bodies! Just wait til next school year bam!
  • dailyorange
    dailyorange Posts: 128
    I've been researching a lot lately about coconut oil. I saw my friend post up a picture of her package. I read that it's good for your skin, hair and you can use it to cook.

    I use extra virgin olive oil, but am very interested in trying coconut oil as there are multiple uses for it. Any suggestions of a brand that is good?
  • get it raw and organic if you can, I use Garden of Life.
  • I'm so intrested! Do you have any more information? Like what brand do you use? And how much do you take a day? Can you use it in anything that you eat? Thanks!!
  • Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to reply! I use Natures way organic pure extra virgin coconut oil. It says take 1 to 4 tabelspoons a day, but I only take about 2. (One in the morning mixed in with oatmeal & one at night with hot chocolate-yum!) I also cook with it as a substitute for butter or margerine. It CAN be used on your hair and body. It works awesome for your hair, it makes it really soft but I only use it once in a while as a conditioner. As far as using it as a lotion, it works but * A little goes a long way! The first time I used it I put too much on and it was way too oily! It's great though! & It's pretty cheap for something you buy at a health food store. I got mine for $14 and they give you a good amount. I hope you guys will give it a try & it works out for you!
  • plharg
    plharg Posts: 1
    I have been using coconut oil for several days now.

    But I thought I would tell you about my experience thus far:

    Brain function is WOW

    Loads of energy

    Have lost a little more than 1/2 a pound. I think this is from the oil. I had a great "diet" and walking 4 miles a day prior without success.

    I had already taken out a lot of the nasty (yummy) stuff ha ha. I also ate as natural as I could. Lots of veggies, fruits, lean meats.

    Applied to my hair about 30 minutes before my shower. WOW love my soft shiny hair!

    Applied to the bumps on the back of my arms- silky smooth and no more bumps!

    Cuticles are in great shape.

    Skin is smooth.

    Face looks radiant.

    I have been taking the oil 3 times a day with meals. But I have found out about Coconut milk. Jillian Michael's supports it. Interesting! There is also all natural coconut ice cream. Milk can be used for cooking, coffee, baking, anywhere that calls for milk. There is also coconut water, but found it to be very expensive!

    So there you have it! I think this is a great product. I wouldn't have believed all the hype until trying it. I believe in it 100%.
  • thisisabbie
    thisisabbie Posts: 521 Member
    Here's a great article on coconut oil.....


    I'm buying some as we speak (Virgin of course, as refined loses loads of benefits!) will report back with any interesting results!
  • HappilySingle
    HappilySingle Posts: 149 Member
    I bought my coconut oil from GNC and love it. I haven't used it to eat or cook-yet-the fat content is scary! But I have used it as a conditioner for my face, a small amount of my face for a few minutes, then wipe off and also as a lotion for my body. It smells yummy!! The bottle from GNC was only about $12.00 and was good size. It is all natural, etc..
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