realistic expectations of monthly weight loss?



  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I actually weigh in every other week when I feel it's slow going, so I can see the whole lb come off :smile:

    Slow and steady you'll get there (and likely be fuller doing so!)

    Also- for workouts (just fun info you might check out) I actually stick to bodyweight training- I <3 Nerdfitness Beginner Bodyweight circuit (if you google that it should come right up) and I've supplemented this with a bodyweight workout from Shape, just to change stuff up. And even 20 min of pilates a week, I've found, has made a pretty big difference in terms of my abs in shape and definition because it hits all your ab (or at least more of them) as compared to crunches.

    Ok ramble of unasked for advice over :-)
  • busub
    busub Posts: 58
    My personal experience is slow and steady wins the race.

    I use to wrestle and have done the whole cutting weight thing in my day. The only problem? I gained it all back at the drop of a hat. On this go around I've been trying to lose slow and stead... 28 lbs over the last 3.5 months... essentially 2 lbs a week, but really over the last month it's been about a lb a week, and in the future I expect a slow tapering in amount lost until I hit a steady weight.

    Additionally, my diet plan is sustainable, which is great for the long term. I don't intend on stopping my current eating habits once I reach goal (just about 75% of the way there). As such, I don't forgo foods that I crave for the most part, I just eat much less of it and replace w/ healthier options as filler. I'm Asian, for goodness sake, so white rice will always be a part of my diet to some extent, although I eat brown about 90% of the time.
  • BrookeEspinosa
    Thanks for your input guys ...
    I would LOVE to be able to lose a 1lb a week and feel that I *should* be doing it, but it's just not happening for me unfortunately!

    My calorie goal is 1280 net, and I exercise 3-4 times a week with a mix of cardio and weights - I eat back the exercise calories becuase I'm absolutely starving if I don't!

    One thing I've noticed with me is that I can stick to that goal for about 3 days but then on day four I'm really hungry and have to eat more.

    I think I'll just have to come to terms with the fact that from now on in it's going to be slow. I'm a great believer in trying to manage expectations in other parts of my work/life but accepting that this is going to be a 7-8 month haul takes a bit of getting used to!
  • BrookeEspinosa
    that is the cutest pic!
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    Well, my goal was to loose 2 lbs a week (Approx 8-10 lbs a month). But it's not turning out like that... I have been here almost a year.. about 11 months and lost 80 lbs, so it's averaging out to be like 5-7 lbs a month.. I started at the obsese section of the BMI and am closing in (in about 15 lbs) to the just overweight section. I notice it slowing down alot... it was quick at first.. and now it's more like 4 lbs a MONTH is the average.

    So at your weight.. you might struggle to stay at 4 lbs a month if I'm struggling with the obsese section.. but ti's really according to the person, your exercise, your determination and what you eat.

    I'd say go for 2 lbs.. but it's all up to you :)
  • JaneP2011
    JaneP2011 Posts: 65 Member

    Also- for workouts (just fun info you might check out) I actually stick to bodyweight training- I <3 Nerdfitness Beginner Bodyweight circuit (if you google that it should come right up) and I've supplemented this with a bodyweight workout from Shape, just to change stuff up. And even 20 min of pilates a week, I've found, has made a pretty big difference in terms of my abs in shape and definition because it hits all your ab (or at least more of them) as compared to crunches.

    Ok ramble of unasked for advice over :-)

    Thanks for the advice ! A bit of variety in my exercise routine is much needed I think!

    And thanks to other posters for points-of-view, diet / exercise tips etc -

    I think just accepting that 2lbs a month is a worthwhile and realistic goal is a big step forward for me ...
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    I think it just depends on your priorities. I am c*** at sticking with weight loss for any amount of time, so although my BMI is 25.1 and weight is 133, I am dropping weight very quickly (about 2lbs a week). For me, it's either that or I stay overweight. If you actually can sustain weight loss over a longer period I can only imagine it will be better for your mental and physical health - I know I am probably screwing my body up (joints from hard workouts, TOM changes etc) but for me that is better because those are temporary things whereas weight loss will be permanent. What you intend to do really is a lifestyle change which I really respect because it will probably stay with you a lot longer, rather than doing like I am and dropping like crazy for 3 months, with every knowledge that when I can afford to I will eat junk again.
  • CalPolyBronco
    CalPolyBronco Posts: 201 Member
    I'd say that 4 lbs a month is def. realistic. B/c that's an average of 1 lb a week lost. It all depends on how many calories you are consuming a day. What do you have your daily calorie target set to? I think when you're IN the normal range trying to get to the lower end of the normal range, your weight loss slows down a bit so it's good you aren't expecting to lose 2 lbs a week, that would just be a TAD unrealistic (possible...but still not as realistic) I def. think 4 lb a month is doable.