At 135 lbs...Pictures don't lie and I am So Discouraged



  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Y'all are lightweights. I feel your pain, but from where I'm sitting y'kinda sound whiney "I started at 145, and I'm faaaaat"
    LOL, I get it (and I'm teasing)

    I started at 248. SUCK IT UP, BUTTERCUPS!
  • Suzannejl
    Suzannejl Posts: 212
    I hear you. I'm 5'6" maybe a little on the higher side(wishful thinking, I used to be 5'7" in my younger days). I got up to 155, and was always around 125(at least that's what my drivers licesnse has always said). So that's what I'm shooting for 125. Cuz the BMI say's I'm just on the high side of healthy, and me not fitting my clothes is not healthy. I would look at your past. What were you at your personal peak(You thought you looked the best)? I know once I dropped down to 117 and kept getting sick, so I'm not even gonna try to go that low. I have found that clothing manufacturers lie too! Sometimes I have to go try on my old clothes to know how I have changed!
  • R_is_for_Rachel
    R_is_for_Rachel Posts: 381 Member
    possibly you need to tone up but more importantly, i think you need to get some self esteem. Body dysmorphia is very common but soul destroying. You need to learn to love yourself a bit more - you look lovely in your picture. Also, if you really do have another 9lbs to lose-then i imagine that will make a huge difference on someone with a small frame.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    I am 5"5 @ 135lbs and now I am thinking I probably need to lose more than just another 9 lbs! I don't think the 9lbs will make that much of a difference in what I saw in that photo. I mean the mirror and photos don't lie, right??

    I suggest you read this thread and get some advice from Steve (username: stroutman81)

    It could be that how you perceive yourself in the mirror is skewed. Alternatively, it could be that you diet and exercise routine is set up to lose lean mass / muscle in favour of body fat. Typically this happens when calories are cut drastically and coupled with high levels of exercise, usually but not exclusively, cardio. This seems to be the case with you.

    Therefore while you will see a change on the scale your appearance will not change in the way you want. You end up still looking fat, just a smaller version of the shape you were before. A 135lbs woman with 20% body fat will look dramatically different from a 135lbs woman with 35% body fat.

    The scale is not your friend at your level but good quality diet, sufficient calories, resistance / weight training and appropriate amounts of cardio, both HIT and LISS are your allies.
  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    Let me wish you luck with losing the weight. I hear a lot of people use the term.."DIET". So, if you go on a diet, and lose the weight you want to lose, what do you do after wards, so you don't get that way again? Some people get upset at us people, that use the term.."Lifestyle change". I say that because, I refuse to go back to where I was, before i started with this change. I think, if you keep your mind set on where you want to be, and not want to go back after, you can make this happen. Before I started thinking about changing, I was 169 pounds. I started walking and working out, but not watching what I was eating. Since I really started paying close attention, and I joined MFP, I really have done pretty good. I am down from a size 10 to a size 4..and only have about 6 pounds more to lose. Stay strong, and never get discouraged, and you can accomplish anything. Best of luck to you.
  • carrie_lebel
    I am 5'5 and 138lbs and while I would like to drop a few more pounds I think I look tight. I have been doing Jillian Michael dvd's and they tighten you up. Now I have lost weight before and I have still felt sloppy you know what I mean? I think you are at a great weight and what you see isn't always true.
  • joilet
    joilet Posts: 99
    Don't get too down on yourself. 135 is a healthy weight for 5'5". But I know what you mean... A couple years ago, I worked really hard, started at 140, and got down to 127. At 127 I looked in the mirror and still thought I was jiggly and fat, while everyone around me was telling me that I looked fantastic, some even said I looked too thin. At that weight, with clothes on, I looked too thin, but with clothes off, I looked untoned... I had done a lot of dieting, but no exercise to get there, and I had no muscle tone.

    I started ChaLEAN Extreme at that point, hoping to lose more because my self image still told me I was FAT! (even though I fit into size 3/4) I actually gained 5 pounds or so doing ChaLean, but still fit into the same clothes, and toned up quite a bit. I was STILL unhappy because I had GAINED weight, but in reality, I had a healthier, firmer body that was lean. And actually, I maintained that for quite a long time... probably because of all the muscle in my body, I was able to eat without thinking too much about it. But it was all in my head because of the numbers on the scale. After that I got pregnant, and now 1 year post baby I'm at 148. (I actually got back down to 138 or so after baby, but it has crept back up again since then.) When I look back at the pictures of me before I got pregnant, I would give ANYTHING to look like that again. I realize now that my little battle with myself over those 8 little pounds (127 vs 135) was unhealthy MENTALLY and inaccurate.

    Moral of the story: someone at your size really cannot go by the scale as a TRUE measure of how healthy you are. It is a GUIDELINE, but what it really comes down to is body composition. But on top of that, work on looking at yourself, and pointing out what you DO like. It's ok to say "I want to work on this..." but you should also be saying... "but look at this... that looks GREAT!"
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    Thanks all!! For the words of motivation, inspiration and information. It's always nice to know that there are folks out there going thru the same ups & downs as I am. I think I probably do need to focus on toning. I started 30 Day Shred but I am not sure if that will give me the toning that I need. I used to lift weights several years back but I just got burned out. Plus, hitting the gym takes up more of my time than just popping in a DVD at home. I will see what this 30 day shred does for me... and just maybe, maybe after 30 days I can post before (the one I took this morning.. ugh) & after pic!

    Oh, several mentioned body image. And, I think that is also a source of my issue. I am just stuck with this image in my head of what fit looks like and I see myself so far away from that. It's a struggle, but I am really trying to learn how to embrace me the way that I am now and celebrate the ways that I continuously improve both inside and out!

    Thanks again!