food to eat before exercise?

yvanne Posts: 11 Member
seriously.. i keep going over my "sugar" cause i feel a banana on wholemeal toasted roll is a good brekkie before the gym, but I need some inspiration.. I love my fruit but i know its high in sugar! what else is good before a workout? i was thinking porridge but dont really fancy it in the summer!


  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    I've read several places that a banana is EXCELLENT for a pre or post workout food, but if you really don't want to have it, an egg would be a good source of protien.
  • yvanne
    yvanne Posts: 11 Member
    yeah banana seems my obvious choice i know, just the sugar thts eating away at me lol! suppose if im burning ot off its not too bad! egg sounds good to! i do love eggs!
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    I do 1/4 cup eggwhites and a piece of whole wheat toast before i work out. :]
  • KansasGal
    KansasGal Posts: 268 Member
    i either do hard boiled eggs, peanut butter banana sandwich on whole wheat toast, jimmy dean delights whole wheat bagel, egg white, turkey sausage and cheese sandwich, or cheerios multigrain cereal!
  • Burbritt
    Burbritt Posts: 7 Member
    I usually eat about 70 calories worth of chicken breast before a cardio or weight lifting workout. It is just enough to fuel me for a workout, but it isn't so much that I can't a nice big dinner.
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    Honestly, i do not worry about the sugar at all. But i also don't eat before workout if it's in the morning. I feel heavy if i do.... I would stick with the banana or and apple or something
  • LillysGranny
    I have a banana and plain greek yogurt and I don't worry about going over on my sugar when I know NONE of it is added sugar.
  • txsarge17
    txsarge17 Posts: 50 Member
    I am new here, but wanted to add that from what I've been able to find, the natural sugar you eat before working out gives you a little boost so you don't feel drained as your workout gets going. A banana is great, or I will eat a Pure Protein bar about 45 minutes before. You will burn it all off, so it's a good time to have it. A few carbs, such as a cup of apple juice or low fat chocolate milk right after the workout also keeps you from crashing due to low blood sugar from the workout.

    I've started doing these things with my Insanity workouts, and it has helped my energy level afterwards greatly!

    Oh, and not eating anything before a morning workout may not be a good idea for most people. Your body is very low on blood sugar, so you may end up burning more muscle than fat. Try to eat at least something light if you think it weighs you down.
  • yvanne
    yvanne Posts: 11 Member
    lots of ideas now! you are all stars!! :D