devil food...

following on from the thread about great diet food I'm just wondering if there are any particular foods out there that are your complete downfall..
after a (very) merry christmas and new year I went off alchol, I did nothing different regarding my diet and excercise just cut out drinking and within a very short period of time I could feel the difference in my clothes. A friend of mine was like that with peanuts she couldn't lose weight stopped eating them and started losing weight.


  • strapple
    strapple Posts: 353 Member
    oh god deli food will be the death of me yet

    right now in my blog i wrote an entire post about my need for a potato knish
    :brokenheart: :sad:
  • tammyvanhorne
    Mine is pasta and bread
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    Iknow that no food is supposed to be good or bad, but carbs are my big weakness. I love crackers!
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    If sugar were eliminated off the face of the earth, I'm convinced I would weigh 100 lbs only, lol. :laugh:
  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    Fried Chicken does it for me. I could eat it morning noon and night!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    ANYTHING SUGARY SWEET IS DEVIL FOOD!!!!! AND MY DOWNFALL!!! (chocolate peanut butter Bugles, coconut M&Ms, key lime pie, anything chocolate...the list goes on and on).
  • Slayer66
    Slayer66 Posts: 265
    Not a food but probably worse, Coke Classic
  • rrgrove
    rrgrove Posts: 73
    sweets all of them cakes and candy are the worst
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Two things, one I control and the other I haven't given up yet -

    Lays Regular Potato Chips - if I start eating them there is no stopping. I've avoided them almost completely since I started on this journey.

    Alcohol - I haven't noticed it hurting my weight loss yet. I always budget for the calories and don't let it get too out of hand.

    Of all the things I love, those are the 2 that are hardest for me to give up.
  • jmcniel
    jmcniel Posts: 65
    Famous Amos cookies....I am convinced they are laced with cocaine...nothing can be that good.

    And German Chocolate Cake, Pumpkin Pie, Pecan Pie and yeah.

    It is obvious I do not know how I made it north of 300lbs.
  • valentine4
    valentine4 Posts: 233 Member
    definately looks like we are all in the same boat - carbs, sweets and crisps...I was recently cured of ever wanting fried chicken again - we got a bucket recently and it wasn't great was very very greasy so threw some in the bin and our labrador got at it...yep nothing like cleaning up that puke to put me off fried chicken! lol poor me :(
  • supercatie18
    supercatie18 Posts: 82 Member
    GOLDFISH CRACKERS!!!!!! so addicting, once you start the whole bag will be gone, don't even get me started on the fact that they make them in pints!
    And anything sweet, candy, cake, you name it!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Corn chips and salsa. I will eat a whole bag of family size tostitos without even thinking about it.
  • Jazzy_Maria
    Jazzy_Maria Posts: 34 Member
    Corn chips and salsa. I will eat a whole bag of family size tostitos without even thinking about it.

    Chips are and salsa are a definate for me!!! I have to stay away... pretty much any carbs... I could take or leave sweets... but give me a bread basket and look out!!!
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I have trouble putting down chips, pasta, pizza.

    All are okay in moderation, but I hate limiting myself on those foods.
  • sightnowchanging
    Peanut butter, plain and simple. I can't tell you how many nights I've come home at one in the morning, grabbed a spoon, and went to town. I had to ask my parents to stop buying it... haha.
  • musicoflife08
    Fast food!!! I have had the HARDEST time staying away from it! It's so darn convenient and fast. :frown: Even knowing all the bad stuff in there, doesn't deter me much. The only improvement I've had is that I haven't been craving something greasy and fried the past couple of days.
  • shybelle
    shybelle Posts: 254 Member
    chips!! I can eat so freakin many of them!

    I still get desires for McDonalds...judge me if you wish..but i lived off the $1 menu for 4 years in college haha!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Corn chips and salsa. I will eat a whole bag of family size tostitos without even thinking about it.

    Chips are and salsa are a definate for me!!! I have to stay away... pretty much any carbs... I could take or leave sweets... but give me a bread basket and look out!!!

    Me too! In addition to corn chips and salsa, saltines are also a problem for me. I will eat them plain, but once I start, I end up dipping them in butter...