anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
So I am confused on the BMR. according to this website it is 1681. well i am consuming less than that and working out, why am I not seeing the weight come off quicker? Does anyone have suggestions or pointers that can help me???


  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    Is your body fat changing? Clothes getting smaller or looser? If you are working out you may be building up muscle but losing fat. Your scales won't change but your clothes will fit better. Don't quit! Sometimes we just hit a plateau for a bit.
  • teasha43
    teasha43 Posts: 101
    A heart rate monitor with a strap could give you a much better idea of what you are burning. Make sure you aren't eating too little of this also has an adverse effect on weight loss. Much success to u:)
  • 3500 calories = one lb... then you have to account for water weight and other factors.
  • debdptg
    debdptg Posts: 94 Member
    All the numbers here are estimates - but it is simple math. If you are consuming less calories than you burn, you will loose weight by burning stored calories (muscle or fat). I find that I plateau often - and the only way that I break thru that is to change up my exercise routines. Use different muscles in different ways - different cardiac routines, etc.

    Also, make sure you are eating enough calories. If you get too low, your body lowers it's BMR to be more efficient. This is one time where efficiency is not good. I know it is counter intuitive, but sometimes you need to eat a bit more to loose weight.

    At least that is what I've heard...
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I've lost so far total of about 30lbs. Maybe i have hit a bump in the road. I get my moments where I start to be impatient. It doesnt help that i dont have much support. no one has even commented really on the 20lbs ive lost. i think its noticable. Idk.....
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    How much less than that? How fast are you expecting the weight to be coming off?

    You should note that BMR are the amount of calories your body expends simply by existing. Even being sedentary expends calories beyond this. IE my BMR is 1365 and my calories burned from Daily activity (no exercise) is 1710
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    There is large debate about the "calories in/calories out" theory. From years of experience with successful and non-successful dieting, it seems not really to be the way things work. At least not with my body. I recommend the book "Good Calories, Bad Calories" by Taubes. It's not so much the total calories your consuming, but what those calories are as to how your body uses them.
  • keybelle
    keybelle Posts: 15
    I feel for you! It is so hard to keep going when no one seems to notice, but remember, you are doing this for YOU! There will come a time if you keep plugging away that all of the sudden people will start to notice!

    I hit a plateau awhile back and I started looking at my percentages of carbs, fat and protein, as well as sodium intake. I lowered the carbs some and increased the protein more and the fat just a bit. I think my body had gotten used to what I was eating and just needed a curve ball thrown at it. I have my settings at 40/30/30 now (carbs/fat/protein) and I make sure to get plenty of water, rarely have a diet soda.

    I'm not sure what your exercise routine is, but mine includes walking every day except Sunday (and sometimes I'll even do a short one or a good walk on Sunday as well, because I enjoy the weather now so much. I added weights (toning, just some small dumbbells and some light ankle weights. I do that every other day. Before I added the weights, I was having problems getting much of anything off. Once I did that, not only did the weight come off more easily, my flexibility and strength increased greatly, allowing me to do much more physically. I've had two total hip replacements so I cannot run or do high impact.

    Good luck and hang in there. Remember, it is one day at a time, and you are doing this for the most important person in your life, yourself!
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I hit a rock in the road for about 2 weeks where i worked out only like 2 times because i had the flu. both me and my daughter were sick. I guess i just wish more people noticed. I have finally hit my before pregnancy weight. i have 75 more to go for my total goal. Thank you meganne for the book information I will look into it.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I hit a rock in the road for about 2 weeks where i worked out only like 2 times because i had the flu. both me and my daughter were sick. I guess i just wish more people noticed. I have finally hit my before pregnancy weight. i have 75 more to go for my total goal. Thank you meganne for the book information I will look into it.

    Just keep trucking- focus on the small, day to day goals - making your cals, healthy choices, fun or inspiring workouts (or both!). It will come off.

    Someone once made an analogy about weightloss relative to your size- It's abit like unravelling a roll of papertowels- the first couple sheets don't seem to make that big of a difference, but as you get to the middle and end of the roll does a whole sheet seem to make a visible difference. Yet the sheets are all the same size.

    You are just getting to the middle of the roll! Relax. Try to take your mind off the "big picture" or the long term. Focus on here and now and take each day 1 at a time. Soon you will be at the end of the roll. :happy:
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    Thank Meggonkgonk, for the motivation. Ugh just stinks because i get in this slump and it tends to happen when i weigh myself daily. which i have been doing the past week or so. Looks like I need to hide the scale again!!
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