Looking for some kind of weight lose pill to help speed thin

Hi there i just started my weight lose about 3 weeks ago however i am looking into trying somthing to help speed things up as i am trying to loose 40 pounds by july im down 6 so far but i am looking for some opinions anyone????


  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member

    Stay away from the pills.

    Do it healthily.

    Pills are a short-term fix
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    Sorry but there is nothing that will work other than hard work. You just gotta eat right and exercise. maybe you should change your goal to something more realistic. It took me a while to finally comprehend that this is a lifestyle change and not a quick fix. It sucks. Whenever i get annoyed and just want the weight to come off NOW i just tell myself..that if it were easy then everyone would be skinny.
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    I don't believe in taking those "weight loss" pills because it puts your metabolism out of whack and you end up gaining back the weight when you quit taking them. I think supplements such as Omega 3 are more beneficial because they are GOOD for your body and actually helps aid in weight loss. Good luck!
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    I used hydroxycut, and that seemed to help me, and I've noticed that my weight loss has slowed down some since I stopped using it. You are supposed to take 2 pills before every meal, but I was taking 1 before only breakfast and lunch, taking two made me feel jittery (taking only 1 instead of 2 made it last a lot longer too!) It made me feel fuller on less food, and gave me a smidge more energy.
  • o2blori
    o2blori Posts: 168 Member
    Hi there i just started my weight lose about 3 weeks ago however i am looking into trying somthing to help speed things up as i am trying to loose 40 pounds by july im down 6 so far but i am looking for some opinions anyone????

    Pills won't get you anywhere. You may lose weight, but you WILL gain it back. Good old eating right and exercise are your best answers!
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    Pills will destroy your metabolism. Not worth it at all. Don't sacrifice your long-term health for a short-term goal.
  • sharonuk10
    sharonuk10 Posts: 277
    There is no quick fix to weight loss in my opinion.
  • michis05
    michis05 Posts: 99 Member
    ive tried ALLI it really works, do some research on it 1st..its FDA approved but i recently heard in the news that it may be put out the market..but not to sure...as long as you eat right and exercise u should be good to go. I tried it for a while, exercised but didnt eat to healthy, didnt lose weight or gained any, so it help me stay at a decent weight. no i am sure if i would have exercise and ate healthy i would have lost a good amount of weight..godd luck!!
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member

    Stay away from the pills.

    Do it healthily.

    Pills are a short-term fix

    I agree.
  • if i were you i would try and stay away from the pills hon.....there is no magic pill or drink or diet out there for weight loss that is healthy if there were i would have found it by now lol!
  • sixpacking
    sixpacking Posts: 148 Member
    you hit it on the nail: Oompa_Loompa
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    MFP probably isn't the right place to ask about using pill to lose weight. Weight loss is a marathon not a sprint.
  • michis05
    michis05 Posts: 99 Member
    but like other have said...you will gain the weight back if you are not careful..so use it wisely and continue eating healthey and exercising!
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    The only thing that works is hard work! And having unrealistic weight loss goals will only end in dissapointment.
  • I am using HCG and lost 27 lbs in 33 days. Currently in phase 3. This is the only thing that has worked for me and i deal with hypothyroidism. I can and will suggest this to anyone looking to lose weight, it's safe and no side effects...atleast i didn't have any.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Sorry, wrong website.

    We're obsessed with health and fitness around here, not drugs and self-abuse.
  • If you are excercising (high intensity aka SWEATING your butt off) and eating clean you will lose it (MAYBE not by JULY tho) . To speed things up just a tiny bit add a fat - burner . I take Lipo Black for hers....it definitely helps!
  • Sirenism
    Sirenism Posts: 100 Member
    To lose 40 by July? Only drink water. BAM weight loss and a good chance of death.