pills for hunger control?

Hello, I have been trying to stick to a calorie restricted diet, but I cannot seem to get through the hungry times. I really need to lose 30 pounds in the next 55 days. Is that impossible? My exercise regimen is great, but my diet really needs help. I am wondering if anyone has experience with any supplements that help to curb hunger? I am also considering the HCG as well. Any tips would be great!


  • Nataliethin81
    Oxy Elite Pro is a great thermogenic fat burner and suppresses your appetite extremely well!

  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    Why do you need to lose weight so fast? It's possible if you are morbidly obese, but otherwise, you should probably set a more realistic goal and chat with your doctor. Healthy weight loss is usually 1 pound a week.

    There ARE appetite suppressants that your doctor can prescribe you.

    Some other ideas are to eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber, because this will help you feel full longer without the calories. Some people also use water as a way to curb hunger.

    If you are hungry between meals, you might need to be eating smaller meals more often or small snacks. That'll help keep your metabolism burning strong as well for a more sustainable weight loss.
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    What do you typically eat during the day? Maybe making some adjustments to your diet might help suppress your hunger better than a pill would.
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    Revise your meal plan so you are eating smaller meals, every 3 hours:

    not less than EIGHT 8 oz. glasses of WATER/daily (more if possible).

    Stay away from sweets as much as possible. If you have something sweet for breakfast, for example, you may end up with a blood sugar rebound effect. Take in more protein for breakfast, lunch and dinner and you'll be less hungry. Avoid all soda pop completely...diet sodas will make you FAT.

    Pills are not the answer. HCG will destroy your body, your organs (liver, kidneys, etc.). Extremely dangerous!

    Add me to your friends list if you wish (retired RN/educator).

    Claire :)
  • chefkev
    chefkev Posts: 155 Member
    I am on a prescription of Phentermine, which is really NOT for everyone. Plenty of side effects! easily agitated, hyper, etc.

    But it is really effective, I'm down 43 pounds in 3 months.
  • flutterqueen04
    30lbs in 55 days is a risky goal. That is losing a pound a day/every other day. The guidelines for healthy weight loss is no more than 1.5 to 2 lbs a week. Losing too fast can put you at greater risk to gain it back once you stop your tight regime. It is not impossible, but just know the risk.
  • earino
    earino Posts: 5
    I don't want to sound like a downer, but 30 pounds in 55 days is bordering on unhealthy, unmaintainable weight loss. Even if you lose 3 pounds a week (which is 50% above what is recommended) you're sitting at 23.4 pounds lost. Be careful with your health.
  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    Is there a medical reason why you need to lose that much weight so fast? As much as those pills may work for some, there are so many other side effects and monetary costs that go into it that are not worth it at all. Many people I know actually end up gaining it all back before they even blink (okay maybe not that fast).

    I am not sure what you are eating but slowly, if you take the time, your body will adjust to your new eating habits if you stick with small meals and snacking and staying within the range of calories that you need for your body. As I started out, I actually found myself not to be hungry as I fed myself the correct portions and at the correct time.

    If you need any help, let me know and I can help with a meal plan as that is the best way to start off when you aren't sure what to eat and feel that food is your biggest obstacle.

    Diet pills aren't miracle workers... just a fad to get companies to get your money.
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    Just STOP!!!!
    There is no magic pill, potion, lotion, injection, cream, shake, or whatever - it just doesn't exist.

    Eat a NORMAL amount - exercise.

    It takes work.

  • Sierrasmommy
    Mega T green tea pills, you take one in the morning, and one in teh afternoon. i take them and they help a lot!!! Plus they have green tea in them which is a metabolism booster. Available at walmart for the low low price of 5.99, almost cheaper than a tank of gas. lol
  • dd_salas
    dd_salas Posts: 57 Member
    slow down your goal, unless you're being medically supervised! Check with your doctor, and if it is ok, consider taking chromium piccolinate. But check with your doctor first! Can react with some meds/conditions.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    I don't want to sound like a downer, but 30 pounds in 55 days is bordering on unhealthy, unmaintainable weight loss. Even if you lose 3 pounds a week (which is 50% above what is recommended) you're sitting at 23.4 pounds lost. Be careful with your health.

    I agree with this comment. It really depends on how much you weigh, however...this is still a large amount of weight to lose. Your health is more important than your weight and doing it the proper way will help keep the weight off for longer. The debate over diet pills still exists..however, I would advise you not to buy anything over the internet and contact your GP for further info.

    You cannot trust pills distributed via the internet.

    Good Luck :flowerforyou:

    The thing that wrecks weightloss is impatience! Be determined and patient and the results will soon show :flowerforyou:
  • jscimeca
    jscimeca Posts: 66
    I agree with nataliethin81, Oxy Elite Pro works amazingly at suppressing your appetite. I wish you the best with your weight loss endeavors.
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    Phentermine!!! But you have to get it from a doc, sometimes there are medical weight loss clinics that prescribe them.....***ducks and covers*** That's the only thing that will get you to lose that much in that little of time...
  • Lola_B
    Lola_B Posts: 19 Member
    How overweight are you? You can probably lose about 10-15% of your body weight in 55 days if you're really focused. If your BMI is 31+ you might be able to get a prescription for phentermine (Adipex is the most common brand, I believe). It's very effective at appetite suppression, but it does have some serious side effects -- when my doctor gave it to me, it made me extremely anxious, paranoid, and not fun to be around. You might not have the same reaction. I think most over the counter suppressants are B.S. and pretty much a waste of money. I haven't tried alli (and the thought of "leaky stools" is pretty unappealing), but a lot of people have had success with it.
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    I am on a prescription of Phentermine, which is really NOT for everyone. Plenty of side effects! easily agitated, hyper, etc.

    But it is really effective, I'm down 43 pounds in 3 months.

    Haha, I like your pics....and your quotes!!
  • makeovermomma
    thank you so much for your help! This is my first time posting on here, so hopefully I get it right :)
  • ericcalaniz
    ericcalaniz Posts: 12 Member
    First off, your goal is very unrealistic/unhealthy. You'll be losing a lot of muscle mass as well as fat. I'm no biology expert so I won't go into details about why it's unhealthy, but I do know you'll gain it all back in very little time.

    I agree with what everyone else says...pills are not the way to go. This is just my personal opinion, but I see them as a tool for people with weak will and no willpower. If you want to lose weight, you have to be prepared to make sacrifices.

    That being said. eat plenty of foods high in fiber. Fiber gives you the feeling of being full without eating a lot. Celery is great, it's mostly water, and you actually burn more calories digesting it than you get from the celery itself. Other good ones are bran cereal, most types of beans, and raspberries. Almonds are good too, and those are good to snack on, if you can keep it to a finite amount. Also, bananas and grapefruit. I mean, who doesn't like those?

    Another tip is, as previously stated, go to the 6 small meals a day plan, while still staying within your calorie and macronutrient limits. It takes a little more planning throughout your day, but it's well worth it. I have noticed a great decrease in my appetite since starting this.

    My third tip that has helped me, drink lots of water. I mean, LOTS OF WATER. I haven't measured how much I'm drinking yet, but it's probably over the 8 cup a day minimum. It really helps to curb the appetite though, and it helps your body get rid of the waste it produces more efficiently.

    Sorry this is so long, but this is all stuff that has worked for me. I hope it helps.
  • makeovermomma
    Okay so I didn't post how I wanted. But I am 160 now and would like to get to 130 for a special occasion in June. Right now my daily calories are at 1200, but I am not seeing much loss from that. But I have been stuck at this weight for 3 years. We moved from Michigan to Florida and just moving...somehow I gained weight! But I cannot express how wonderful this group is!
    I am so thankful for all of the advice! My diet is not too bad (food choices) I have been trying to stick with more proteins. I am hypoglycemic, so I really need food every couple hours. But, I didn't realize how much (quantity) I ate, until I joined this page and actually tracked the food. So its been a good eye opener to what I actually consume.
    Thank you for all of your support!
  • makeovermomma
    First off, your goal is very unrealistic/unhealthy. You'll be losing a lot of muscle mass as well as fat. I'm no biology expert so I won't go into details about why it's unhealthy, but I do know you'll gain it all back in very little time.

    I agree with what everyone else says...pills are not the way to go. This is just my personal opinion, but I see them as a tool for people with weak will and no willpower. If you want to lose weight, you have to be prepared to make sacrifices.

    That being said. eat plenty of foods high in fiber. Fiber gives you the feeling of being full without eating a lot. Celery is great, it's mostly water, and you actually burn more calories digesting it than you get from the celery itself. Other good ones are bran cereal, most types of beans, and raspberries. Almonds are good too, and those are good to snack on, if you can keep it to a finite amount. Also, bananas and grapefruit. I mean, who doesn't like those?

    Another tip is, as previously stated, go to the 6 small meals a day plan, while still staying within your calorie and macronutrient limits. It takes a little more planning throughout your day, but it's well worth it. I have noticed a great decrease in my appetite since starting this.

    My third tip that has helped me, drink lots of water. I mean, LOTS OF WATER. I haven't measured how much I'm drinking yet, but it's probably over the 8 cup a day minimum. It really helps to curb the appetite though, and it helps your body get rid of the waste it produces more efficiently.

    Sorry this is so long, but this is all stuff that has worked for me. I hope it helps.