What time do you work out?

Hmf414 Posts: 30
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm curious as to what time of day everyone works out. I recently got a new job which means I can no longer workout in the morning & I have to work out at night time now, & I was rudely told that basically working out at night is pointless because you will gain weight. How do you gain weight just because you work out at a later time as opposed to before lunch?! So please tell me what time you work out. & If you are a night work-out'er' did you find yourself gaining weight?!?!

Thanks in advance!


  • That doesn't sound right at all. Physical activity is activity regardless of the time of day.
    I prefer to work out in the morning, because I work evenings, and my gym is less busy. On the days I go to the gym twice, I do go in the evening though. I've also gone at 2am. That was fun :)
    Working out generally gives me a "buzz" though, and I find it hard to sleep after a workout.
  • Hmf414
    Hmf414 Posts: 30
    I thought what she said to me was so rude. I didn't see how it would be accurate if I'm still eating the allotted calories, AND burning calories. What should it matter what time I'm doing it it? I'll be getting out of work anywhere between 4pm & 6pm so my workouts will be done a half hour later.
  • Any time you can fit it in is a good time :) I teach classes in the morning and in the evening.....and I also exercise for myself anytime I can fit it
  • monkeefun
    monkeefun Posts: 271 Member
    I've been working out every day after I get out of school at about 4-5PM, and I've been decreasing in weight. I can't imagine that it really matters what TIME of day it is you work out, so long as you're getting enough sleep, eating the right things, and drinking plenty of water.
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    I work out in the morning 99 percent of the time, I think it does help jump start my metabolism and definately gives me energy . But there are tons of people on here that work out at all different times. I can't believe someone discouraged you from working out at night, that's just silly!!
  • I go right after work about 3-330 pm. I have never heard of certain times to work out to make it better for weight loss.. but I will ask when I go for my assessment at the gym on sat... however I am losing, and when scales don't show me the weight loss and I start to get frustrated someone at work pays me a compliment.... so it's all worth it to me.. Good luck to you and don't let anyone get you down!!!

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  • aliciadpo
    aliciadpo Posts: 69 Member
    whoever told you that was ignorant to say so. It doesn't matter, you will lose weight if you burn more calories than you eat.
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    It sounds incredibly ignorant for someone to say that exercising at any time is pointless. That just doesn't make sense to me. That is like saying, drinking water at night is not good for you but if you drink it in the morning it is really beneficial. Work out when you can and when you can fit it into your schedule. Exercise is never "pointless".

    And, FYI, I exercise at about 05:30 - 06:30/07:00.
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    I am a night exerciser and am losing. I get my boys in bed, clean the dishes, pick-up toys, and once my husband gets home go to the gym. That is noramlly around 9:30 (he just walked in actually). Burn the calories when you can-- any workout is better than none.
  • Hmf414
    Hmf414 Posts: 30
    Thanks for all the responses! I thought it was really rude & ignorant for her to say that to me. At least I'm making an effort to get this weight off. That's more than I can say for her. It was all because of a status message I posted on Facebook about how I was proud of myself for continuing to workout even though I had to change from my normal routine. Breaking routine is my downfall. But I stuck with it.
  • Ree_Chatelain
    Ree_Chatelain Posts: 229 Member
    I've always worked out at night. From the first few minutes on the glider 3 years ago to the runs i'm doing now. For a while I wouldn't start until after both my kids were in bed at 9 o'clock at night. And i've lost..
  • mrk1day
    mrk1day Posts: 54 Member
    I work out around 7-8 PM every day and have steadily been losing weight so that is not true at all.
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    I work out (almost always) after my kids go to bed at 8pm. I'm not gaining weigh AND I eat after I workout which is (gasp) right before I go to bed. Do what works for you and your schedule!!
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    Lol gain weight no way
    I always work out after 9pm unless I kno im gonna b bz I do it earlier but time dont matter much....
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    I work out (almost always) after my kids go to bed at 8pm. I'm not gaining weigh AND I eat after I workout which is (gasp) right before I go to bed. Do what works for you and your schedule!!

    Me too. My daughter has been very inconsistent with her naps and we hold odd hours, because my husband works until 1230...so we all go to bed later than normal so that we can spend time together. Some nights she goes to bed 11-12....I work out then..some days I don't start until 12:15am. I ALSO eat afterward on many nights if I have a huge calorie deficit leftover. I also did this last year and lost my baby weight plus some. Whoever told you that is definitely not the brightest crayon in the box.
  • Hmf414
    Hmf414 Posts: 30
    Glad to see so many other people work out at night AND lose weight.

    She is NOT the brightest crayon. She said that to me trying to be supportive too ... nice try.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    I also work out at night -- around 8:00 or 9:00 PM. I have started to plateau, but I don't think that it's because I exercise at night. I think my body has just decided that it's comfortable.

    For me, working out at night works. First of all, I am not a morning person, so if I worked out in the morning, it wouldn't happen at all! LOL. Plus, working out at night helps relax me so that I can sleep. If I were to do this in the morning, I would fall asleep at work, which might be embarassing.

    Work out whenever you can -- I don't think mornings or evenings matter. Just do it!
  • meggiemaye
    meggiemaye Posts: 117
    I'm also a night-time worker-outer. We get home around 5:30 PM but the gym is RIDICULOUS at that time, so we wait until some time between 8 and 10 PM. It hasn't been a problem for us.

    Don't let anybody convince you that what works for you isn't acceptable. You're doing great.
  • ok so i think that what that person told you is rude. but from my experiece when i work out at night i feel really really hungry afterwards. like i need more fuel for the fire so to speak. so i eat and then shortly after i go to bed. now we all know that eating and going to bed should be a few hours apart. so maybe that is what the person was trying to say idk. but when you work out in the morning you get your matabolism going and then it keeps going throughout the day. but when you work out at night your matabolism will start and then steadily decline so you burn less. i hope this makes sense:smile:
  • Walking2Lose
    Walking2Lose Posts: 69 Member
    I know they say that working out in the morning is better for a lot of people because more people seem to "stick with" working out in the morning if they do it everyday. I have never heard that you will gain weight working out in the evening. I used to work out in the evening all the time (when I worked) and I still do some times when I can't get a workout in in the morning or if I want to do a "last minute workout". I think it is odd for someone to say that.

    In all honesty, it sounds a little crazy that you would gain weight working out period. I know that as long as your calorie intake is low then adding exercise (any time of day) would definitely help you lose.

    I do know that it is harder to workout at night for me...but if you stay focused and realize that this is your time then you will do great!
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    I usually work out around 11pm if not later, eat after working out at around 12-1am, and continue to see the scale drop! Don't believe that myth at all!
  • I'm pretty sure it's probably best to work out at night because by then you'll be finished eating and you'll burn off the calories you've consumed throughout the day.

    My gym time fluctuates, but I've never been to the gym past 6.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Welll... I work second shift and I go to the gym after work (so I usually go between 11pm-midnight) and you know what? I've lost 52lbs, so I'm pretty sure she isn't correct. I'm not a morning person, so getting up early to go is out of the question. I usually have other stuff going on before work and just don't have the time to dedicate to going prior to working. So, after work it is. Plus, it isn't nearly as busy late at night.
  • I usually work out around 9 or 10 at night:) it works for me since I'm usually awake until 2 am anyways:)
  • corpus_validum
    corpus_validum Posts: 292 Member
    I too work out starting around 9pm and there are still a few people around too when my gym closes at 11pm. I don't know who was being rude or ignorant, but know that the time really doesn't matter...as long as you do it and stick with it.
  • lisa01mb
    lisa01mb Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I always work out at about 8pm at night ( once the kids are in bed ). Do it when you can because its better than not doing anything. It works for me!!!
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    I workout whenever i have the time day or night and i'm losing weight.
  • Sadie98072
    Sadie98072 Posts: 212 Member
    Mon - Fri I work out at 6am and one night a week Ill go for a swim at 7pm.
    I wouldnt believe the person who told you that you will gain weight by exercising at night, sounds like sour grapes to me.
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    Any time you can fit it in is good. During the week, I get most of my exercise cycling to and from work, but also walk up a nearby hill at lunchtime when I can fit it in. On weekends lately, I often spend much of the day walking or cycling.
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    early evening 4-5 and i think it works well lost 15lbs
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