Hello...tips for fighting cravings and staying on track



  • janack
    janack Posts: 33 Member
    Exercise, then you can eat more. :) Once I figured that one out there is rarely a day that goes by that I am not running. It really helped me stay on track.
  • copperdave
    copperdave Posts: 146
    1. Measure what you eat...people grossly over-estimate what a serving is. For instance, a serving of olive oil is 2 tablespoons. Are you actually measuring using a tablespoon, or are you estimating?
    2. Water, water, and more water. Many times, when you feel hungry, you're actually thirsty. Water also helps to flush fat cells.
    3. Log everything you eat. Use MFP to track you calories. That way, you can actually "see" what you're eating and hold yourself accountable.
    4. Pre-plan your meals, so you'll be able to keep up with your caloric goals.
    5. Protien...make sure you're getting enough. Protien will keep you feeling full longer than other types of food.
  • As I was reading your question, I was munching on some almonds and thinking "She should try eating nuts!". I love filling the munchy issue with my almonds. I have heard that there are other goods ones out there...so barring a nut allergy, nuts are great! I have also learned that they contain good fat and protein AND it will stick with you longer. They are also crunchy, and if you need a little salt, lightly salted is a great option too!

    Good luck :D
    Haha thanks! I love nuts so that definitely works! Thanks for the pointer
  • are the cravings invaders from the north like the scandinavians or are they more like the barbarians from the east of Greece. you have to fight them differently depending on their country of origin. like, you could probably get away with fighting the northern invaders with nothing but battle axes and swords, but the eastern barbarians are a little more tricky. try to use oil with flaming arrows and burn them as they move over the landscape. remember, you pick where the fight takes place. don't let them force you into a narrow pass where hand to hand combat is required.

    just playing. if you are craving something try eating an apple or some food that is high in fiber and water but will raise your blood sugar level. your cravings are most likely caused by low blood sugar. fruit juice could help. just don't start gobbling down bags of hershey kisses.
    Hahaha! Like the example! Lol thanks :)
  • I will tell you what I am doing and its working for me.... Since I tend to eat more as well...

    here is what i do... Eat more....

    Like 6 eggs omellete with 4 big mushrooms amd lots of vegetables...now thts a big omelette and will fill you up but it has just 220 calories and will keep you full for 4-5 hours...I make sure I drink atleast 2 glasses of skim milk a day(i find it easy to drink milk than sit and eat salad everyday) Now these 2 things will take care of 2 meals and 3rd meal, eat whatever(since your have enough calorie count left)... and you will be fine

    so far lost 52 pounds average 6.5 pounds every month and on target to lose another 20....

    Why this diet is working for me... cause i get to eat everything everday and dont miss out on anything...
  • janack

    Joined Nov 2010

    Posts: 27

    Wed 04/20/11 12:04 AM

    Exercise, then you can eat more. :) Once I figured that one out there is rarely a day that goes by that I am not running. It really helped me stay on track.

    I Just started running......smile:
  • You are right on spot. Very good advice, these tips will go along way if one stays consistant.
  • Everyone's comments are great, especially fruits, veggies, and nuts as snacks.

    I have two more suggestions, of a different sort:

    1. As soon as a craving hits, distract yourself. This one seems deceptively simple, but it actually works. When a craving hits, if you call a friend on the phone, or grab your iPod and listen to your favorite song, or pick up a book or magazine, within 5-10 minutes your craving will likely disappear. Try it - I'm actually amazed at how well this works for me (9 times out of 10).

    2. On the flip-side of that, avoid situations that cause you to crave things. For example. I started gaining weight when I become obsessed with the Food Network, websites like Tastespotting.com, and lavish cookbooks that display oodles of delicious, unhealthy food. Of course I was craving what I was seeing! So I packed away those cookbooks, stopped watching the Food Network, and bought some healthy, light cookbooks. I started using websites like Allrecipes.com, where you can search for specific ingredients, omit specific ingredients, and browse through healthy recipes.

    Another example: I used to walk to work past this bakery with gorgeous pastries in the window. Every morning, I was so tempted to indulge, and wound up craving delicious buttery croissants all day, often giving in. Now, I walk a different route and avoid the bakery all together. Cravings gone!

    Good luck to you :)
  • Ravencjw
    Ravencjw Posts: 18
    My doctor told me that sometimes the cravings that you are feeling is your body thirsting for water but your mind thinks that you are wanting food...I try to drink water first...and then if I am still hungry and it's for something sweet I eat yogurt with cereal in it. I like the crunchy texture in my yogurt it seems more filling some how...lol...I think its all in my mind but it works for me sometimes...lol...I also like fat free cottage cheese in my yogurt they are both low calorie and it will get you through your craving....I also try to keep my hands busy...I crochet or play game on the computer that don't allow me to eat at the same time...lol...good luck.
  • VerMulm3
    VerMulm3 Posts: 4
    Hey everyone, I am so new to this, but I was doing good until the winter hit, then I figured I needed to get back on track. Its been really hard for me to get to my wieght lose goal since i have PCOS, but every day I do a little better, and hummus is amazing I put it on my wraps and burgers, and for a snack I use baked pitta cracks and dip it. I also drink a lot of skim milk. I can eat something and a little while later be starving again. So I wait it off and if it don't go away i drink a glass of milk, and it always helps me!
  • VerMulm3
    VerMulm3 Posts: 4
    Another thing I enjoy eating is, "oats" in my yogurt, you can find it at Hy vee in the gluton free section or I make home made with sunflower seeds, (salt free) and oat meal and bake it with a little peanut butter and honey, for the sweetness.
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