P90x question for ladies

my wife and I have completed 30 days of p90x. She is frustrated do to following, p90x fat shred diet portion control. During this time no weight loss and no inches loss. Gaining strength as can be told by number of reps or weight used. We use the lower diet plan based on her weight so it is not like she is eating on my level.

5-1. 130lbs

Anybody else had this same experience want her to stay motivated. If so when did you notice the difference.

On a side note I can tell a difference and am so proud of her.

Not the time of the month. She weighs daily so there have been no changes and they just don't show on weight days.


  • AFitasticYou
    I'm not having that problem. I am almost out of Phase 1.

    If you are noticing a difference then her body is changing. I would have her stay away from the scale for the next 30 days. Is she tracking calories on MFP? I'm not following the nutrition guide, but I'm tracking here and eating my exercise calories. The first week I gained .2, the next week I stayed the same. The 3rd week I lost 1.6.
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    I haven't done P90x, but based on what other people have said on the various message boards, it seems like the weight starts to come off during month 2. But everybody seems to report slower weight loss with strength training--makes sense b/c you're not just burning fat, you're also adding muscle.

    Also--my personal experience--I retain 2-3 pounds of water for 48-72 hours (or more) after strength training. Even though I know it's happening, it's still pretty discouraging to look at the scale and see no change--or weight gain!!--after all that work.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    I did not start losing any weight right away...I am in the last week and have lost just 6 1/2 inches and 8lbs. I am not unhappy with that at all! I am very happy with the changes that have taken place. My legs and arms are so much more toned. I am seeing a big change in my abs. You can look at my progess pics on my profile and see the difference from Day 1 to Day 60. And it did take about 7 weeks to even see a change in the scale. I was frustrated at first, but after looking at the before and after pics I could see it was making a big difference. Just try to encourage her to keep going! The changes will come!
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    If you look at my diary they are the same. Unless you see bike riding and that is me demanding my weight drop lol.
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    I did the full 90 days of P90X without the diet. I noticed all my clothes fitting differently and inches disappearing after the 1st month. By the end I had become VERY toned and definitely built the endurance to switch up my work-outs to runs, hikes, etc. As for weight loss, it was minimal in my case. While there was minimal weight loss (probably around 15-20lbs) there was significant muscle growth. Tell her not to get discouraged! After the 1st 30 days for me, I noticed the inches flying off pretty rapidly. Also in the 1st 30 days you're still getting used to the workout which is quite strenuous! Good luck and enjoy that crazy dude Tony, he always had me laughing :)
  • kkuhly
    kkuhly Posts: 80 Member
    I agree! I am on day 25 of P90X and have not seen much weight loss but all of my clothes are fitting so much better. I am hoping that I will start losing more in the next phase per what I have read from everybody else. I have also noticed that I am able to do the workouts more fluidly and with more endurance which is great! Keep encouraging her and as said earlier maybe keep her away from the scale for awhile. Muscle toning is more important than weight loss since she is pretty small anyways! Congrats on doing this journey together!!!
  • Jgarr
    Jgarr Posts: 1
    My wife and I are on our second round.

    If she's doing it for weight loss, and is doing the classic P90x with you, she may not notice results until the 2nd or 3rd month. P90x classic focuses on strength training, and is great for weight loss, but only after you put some muscle on. The muscle you gain burns fat around the clock, but until you gain some muscle it hasn't had a chance to work yet. Also, make sure she is using the heaviest weight she can and still maintain good form with 12 to 15 reps. I was in a chat with Steve Edwards this week, and he mentioned that many women, even employees of Beach Body, are guilty of using weights that are too light. He's seen them start and end the program using the same weights. If you don't use the right weights, you won't gain the muscle and the fat won't burn off. She should not worry about "bulking up". That won't happen.
  • 3aBadkids
    3aBadkids Posts: 78
    i just finished P90X...going to start round 2 next week. I didn't lose any weight until the 60th day. I didn't follow the nutrition plan...just started eating clean. I did lose 6 inches off my waist. Just tell her to keep doing what she's doing now...she's have a breakthrough soon.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Is she eating the same things as you? I"m pretty sure that Pepsi and ice cream are not part of the P90X diet plan!! :tongue:

    To get the best possible results from P90X or any other program for that matter, you really need to clean up the diet. Sure, weight loss can be seen as basically as calories in vs. calories out but consider that you are working your body in ways that it is not used to being stressed and you really need to feed yourself quality nutrition to repair itself after all of the hard work you are putting it through. Yes, you can lose weight by just watching your calories, but if you are going to all this work, wouldn't you rather get the best results possible for all of your effort? If you eat better, your body will reflect it. Go on to teambeachbody.com (it's free to sign up) and search for "Michi's Ladder" to see what kinds of foods best fuel your body for these kinds of workouts.

    Tell your wife to hang in there - changes come slower for women (not fair, I know!) - but if she works hard and eats right, changes will absolutely happen for her! (oh, and I'd hide the scale - it is not your friend! Use the mirror instead - it doesn't lie.)

    Speaking of the mirror - did you take 'before' pictures? If not, it really is worthwhile to do so, then you have something to compare against as you make progress.

    Good luck! Way to Push Play!
  • dcberg00
    dcberg00 Posts: 33 Member
    Not a lady... but my wife and I are doing P90X together. We are just about to start phase 3. We DO NOT follow the diet plan provided, we do our own eating healthy foods. My wife did not lose as much weight as I did to start, but she has dropped double digits now and is losing inches like CRAZY!! I think every thing is different for everyone. I think as long as she is feeling better health wise, the other things will come! If she is on her, have her add me as a friend and then I will connect her with my wife, or you can find her on my profile!!

    Just make sure she keeps doing what she is!! The results will come!!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,749 Member
    I've done P90X three times, but I wasn't very far into my first round before I realized the Nutrition Plan wasn't right for me. With only three calorie levels, it was too "one size fits all" in my opinion. The Meal Wizard on Beachbody will give a more individualized calorie goal: http://teambeachbody.com/eat-smart/meal-plans/diet-wizard. I don't use it for anything other than my calorie goal. I don't care for any of Beachbody's meal plans, including the ones in the P90X Nutrition Plan, but the Wizard is a pretty nice tool. It was certainly more accurate for me than the Nutrition Plan, and it's a lot simpler than tracking exercise calories every day.
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Since, you bring it up. Frozen Yogurt is on the plan.

    What also is not in the video is doing yard work, house work, extra exercising, running etc. So, if I burn an extra 300+ calories doing those activities yes I will have an occasional soda.

    I am not sure how far back you went in my diary. The p90x fat burn portion control level I has been followed for the past 23 days including today. Since, January I have been over my calorie goal less than 5 times.

    Some smoke, some do drugs, some drink coffee, some drink alcohol, some choose to go over their calorie goal on a consistent basis. I choose not to. However, I do choose to drink an occasional soda, and my wife as well. We all need to have 1 thing, that helps go to that happy place in our minds. I would agree with you if those were pushing me over on my calories. If anything I eat too little. That is to make it easy for my wife for we are eating the same things, and make sure she keeps going and doing the plan.

    I do appreciate you commenting and providing an answer to the question. Hope you all the best in your journey.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Non-fat, no sugar added frozen yogurt can be part of the plan. The full fat, limited fat and/or sugar added variety is in the bottom two tiers of Michi's Ladder because they should be avoided.

    I seem to have offended you somehow and I apologize if that is the case. No one likes the Food Police. I was only trying to point out that what you choose to eat can really have an effect on what type of results you will get from your exercise program. I also indulge in diet soda and ice cream - but only once or at most twice per month, not daily or even weekly. People seem to equate the word "diet" with deprivation and suffering, but that's just not the case. Your diet is simply what you eat day to day. If you eat properly 90-95% of the time, I'd call that good. But if you continually add sugar-laden treats in too often, you simply won't get the quality results that you could have achieved. That's a fact that even the great Tony Horton brings up time after time.

    Again, I apologize if I have somehow offended. I truly wish you and your wife a successful journey.