Stupid Question

Now, you may think I am nuts, but I am going to ask anyways. Now, at work we only get so much time for lunch. and at home, if things are crazy then I only walk on the treadmil for a few minutes. So, my real question is....

If I walk 10 min here and 5 min there through out the day, does it really help things? Like last night, I was interrupted and only got in 10 min of walking. Then tonight the kids have track, and I may only get in the 10 min I walked at lunch (around my department) and maybe another 10-15 at home. Is it worth it? So, is short 5-10 min walks better than nothing or should I just walk when I can do a longer stretch, like 30 min?


  • fishermanwife
    I think it would help especially if every couple days you could get a good 30-60 min workout in, ive been losing by staying close or under my calories and trying to workout a couple times a week but somedays all the kids let me get is 20min on the statinary bike, good luck
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Yes. You should aim for 1/2 hour total walking each and every single day. 10 minutes here and there is what is recommended if you live a busy life. Every little bit counts!
  • Sierrasmommy
    every little bit helps but on the days where you can actually manage it i would just do longer workout sessions as time allows. Definitely still add in your smaller portions that you are currently doing and like teh lady above said, staying on top of your calories is vital too!
  • lesliefoste
    lesliefoste Posts: 137 Member
    Yes. You should aim for 1/2 hour total walking each and every single day. 10 minutes here and there is what is recommended if you live a busy life. Every little bit counts!

    I agree. I've read articles that say studies show that even 5 or 10 minutes at a time is better than nothing.

    Some exercise = better than no exercise. :)
  • NikkiLee227
    Every little bit helps! Also, you could maximize those ten minutes by adding dumbbells or increasing the resistance or speed on the treadmill.

    Hope that helps!
  • Niceven
    Niceven Posts: 25 Member
    Walmart has a step counter that calculates distance and calories based on your age, weight, and sex. It's an excellent tool for someone in your position. If I remember correctly, it was about $8 so for such a helpful tool, it's pretty inexpensive. Now is it 100% accurate? Probably not, in fact mostly likely not, but it gives you a base line. An idea really, to get you started or to keep you motivated.

    This is just an idea, considering you're busy. I'm by no means an expert. Just annoyingly well-read. Plus I've tried almost everything (excluding diet pills, fad diets, and starvation. I still have common sense to know those don't work out in the long run. Kudos to anyone that it worked for, you are part of the miniscule percentage that is the exception.)
  • Jvdm920
    Jvdm920 Posts: 2
    If you're looking to loose weight, the faster you get your heart pumping is what matters. Walking fast for 10 minutes is better than walking slowly for 20.
  • mursey
    mursey Posts: 191 Member
    I think every little bit helps. If you can only do 5 or 10 mins at a time it won't make the pounds FLY off but it's always better than nothing and it will accumulate over time.

    I used to only exercise when I had 2-3 hours free.. . plenty of time to do anything and still shower, etc. Later I snapped out of that thinking and I fit in whatever I can. Walk a few more blocks before I get on the bus. . . if I know I'm going out to meet friends, sometimes I jog around the block while I wait for my laundry to dry .. jog back, check it. . jog around some more . . even if it's only 20 mins. That's one item of food I made up for, or a glass of wine (it was a Friday!)

    You have a good attitude to try to fit things in anywhere you can. Stairs vs escalators, etc.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    Every bit helps. I've read that 10-minute bursts are good as long as you're getting out of breath / heart rate up for that whole time.
  • sewsimplykate
    I live a busy life. And some days are better then others!! But curently i've been useing these workout videos And so far i love them! I ussualy do 1 session in the morning then try to get in another 2 sessions during the afternoon while my 2 yr old naps! And at least 2-3 times a week i try to do 30mins(or 3 sessions). But i do at least two 10min workouts 6 days a week depending on my schedule.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    .o.k I thought so. I usually get in more on a daily basis, but for the days that the kids have track meets or other stuff, I was just wondering if I am wasting my time. Good to know! Thanks for the great information and very fast responses!

    I love this site!
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    10 mins here and there through out the day is good as long as you get some exercise in. When I first started this lifestyle change thats how i was getting my exercise in plus eating right and I still lost a good enough amount of weight. Im a SAHM but there are days where Im so busy and its hard to get a workout without being interrupted by the lil ones lol. You can do it!!! :happy:
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    if you can get 10 minutes right after you eat this will help to spead up your digestion and get your matabolism jump started. So even if you only get 10min after lunch and ten minutes after supper that is wonderful. Just enough to get your heart beat up just a little to start burning those calories. Good job on working with what you have and making it count. :)
  • MooseWizard
    MooseWizard Posts: 295 Member
    Might look into HIIT (high intensity interval training) which is supposed to pack a powerful workout into a short time.
  • slyder432
    slyder432 Posts: 475 Member
    Can you walk around the track with the kids are at pratice? Maybe walk the outside of the track. That way you will not have to leave and u get your exercise.
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    You should do something for 30 minutes everyday. Does it matter if it's 10 minutes in the morning, 10 at lucnh, and 10 at dinnertime? No.

    Here's an article from Webmd that has some ideas on what you can do in 10-20 minutes for a good burn. It even has some ideas for at work.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I think every little bit helps. If you can only do 5 or 10 mins at a time it won't make the pounds FLY off but it's always better than nothing and it will accumulate over time.

    I used to only exercise when I had 2-3 hours free.. . plenty of time to do anything and still shower, etc. Later I snapped out of that thinking and I fit in whatever I can. Walk a few more blocks before I get on the bus. . . if I know I'm going out to meet friends, sometimes I jog around the block while I wait for my laundry to dry .. jog back, check it. . jog around some more . . even if it's only 20 mins. That's one item of food I made up for, or a glass of wine (it was a Friday!)

    You have a good attitude to try to fit things in anywhere you can. Stairs vs escalators, etc.

    Thanks so much! Yes I do do that as well. park farther away from the store, as long as it is not raining. LOL Considering my only exercise was from my job, I think I am doing better than I ever thought! I work in surgery and am on my feet for many hours and some days I do get my heart rate up. one day last week we did 12 Surgeries from 7:30 am to 11:50 am. We were moving and sweating to get them all done before the doctor had to go to his office at noon.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    YES! Actually that IS what exercise is all about. The "Exercise Routine" has been incorporated into our daily lives because we, as a culture do not get ENOUGH exercise/activity or someone wants to work on specific body parts/goals. Activity/Exercise IS Movement and it Most definitely does NOT have to be as a part of a routine. That fact is even acknowledged here by the various "day to day" activities in the Exercise Tab.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    You should do something for 30 minutes everyday. Does it matter if it's 10 minutes in the morning, 10 at lucnh, and 10 at dinnertime? No.

    Here's an article from Webmd that has some ideas on what you can do in 10-20 minutes for a good burn. It even has some ideas for at work.

    That was what I was wondering. ok I get it now. I was doing 10 here and there 5 here and there between surgeries. Actually today I was LOL don't laugh... lifting gallons of cleaner for 3 minutes. lol while walking the wallway, for 5 minutes. lol
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    boy, I just can't say it enough! You guys really know how to lift up my spirits! This is such a amazing site! Everyone I have met so far is so wonderful and helpful! I just want to friend you all and give you a hug... not in a creapy way though. Thanks again!