Any results from stopping artificial sweetners?



  • AngieDee12
    AngieDee12 Posts: 41 Member
    I would say the worst thing about diet soda...any the phosphoric acid. Our bodies tries to maintain an acid balance, and the soda throws it off. To try and keep our proper balance( as our body is very protective of our blood Ph.)...calcium is pulled from our bones to balance out what the phos. in soda does to this equilibrium! NOT good!!!! SO, for stong bones, decrease soda consumption!!!! When I learned of this I cut way down on my diet soda....Used to have 1-2 a day, now maybe 1-2 per week
  • jessicaj_824
    jessicaj_824 Posts: 114 Member
    I have had success with cutting out aspartame and sugar free gum. I have had IBS type symptoms for years. I knew I was lactose intolerant and recently found I couldn't tolerate most fruit. I went to a gastro for help since even after cutting out these foods I still did not feel 100% (or even close). She had me cut out all the various supplements I was taking, lower my fiber intake, cut diet soda and caffeine. I then told her that I had had the bad habit of chewing a pack of sf gum(sorbitol) a day and was drinking a jug of crystal light (aspartame) every day. She made me stop all of these things right away and this is what I found:
    First: When I didn't chew gum I had none of the gas and bloating that I was thinking was a symptom of IBS. I have since read that this is very common and the sorbitol that sugar free gum is made from is a laxative.
    Second: I had been taking diet pills for close to ten years and whenever I tried to stop my appetite would be through the roof. I had also tried cutting out aspartame in the past and never felt any difference so I would go back to using it regularly. When I cut out the diet pills AND the aspartame I found that not only was appetite not crazy but it actually seemed to go down.

    I do have a sweet tooth and I am currenlty on a diet that limits my sugar to under 25 grams. I do notice that cutting out the real sugar has also helped keep my appetite down. I do always hear that real sugar and artificial sweetners will have the same effect on your insuling level and spike your appetite.
    I use stevia when I do need sweetner as it is calorie free and not a chemical - this sweetner is also recommended by Dr. Oz.
  • TheDeviation
    Yep. For me fake sugar is a headache inducer. I talked to my doctor about it and she said "don't eat it."
    I stopped drinking diet cokes and now I don't get near as many head aches and I turn to water more often than anything else. Those were the benefits for me.
    That is the biggest complaint I hear from people who drink diet sodas. A friend of mine's blodd sugar plummets if he drinks diet coke and then does anythign physical.

    I can't believe that artificial sweetners are a good thing in the amounts that some consume. Personally, I limit artificial sugars more than real sugars. Nature tends to know better than the chemists in the long run. Again, everything in moderation.
    sugar free gum - Chew mint leaves?
    sugar free hard candies - find an online source for maple candies?
    drink artificial sugar free drinks - lemon juice, water, sweeten with honey/agave/stevia?
    SF jello - packet of plain gelatin, packet of kool-aid, honey/agave/stevia?
    yogurt - plain with honey/agave/stevia and frozen or fresh fruit

    That being said, I'm a-ok with ALL artificials - but I'm willing to offer help if you're set on trying to avoid them. :-D *Everything* has a healthier alternative.
    Good suggestions!
  • AngieDee12
    AngieDee12 Posts: 41 Member
    yes, I think the gum, candy causes me to be bloated in the belly. I chew the gum too much, easy a pack a day. I am a nurse, and I asked our neuroligist at the hospital if she thought the artificial sweeteners were bad, she said the problem is way more with diabetes and real sugar...that sugar was for certain a problem in peoples diets....effects there blood sugar levels! However, it is my understanding that sugar free products do not impact our blood sugar, hence the reason diabetics are supposed to use the artif. sweetners instead. Thanks for you input!...once I ate too much sugar free candy, and my stomache was awful!!!! bloated and cramping! I am going to try and control this somewhat of a "sugar Like" addiction. :)