Consistent or yo-yoing?

Well, I fell off the wagon. :( The last time I was on MFP was at the end of September. It gave me a plan to lose .9 lbs a week. (I want to lose 13lb total.) I thought that was soooooo slow. But, still, it was working.

But then I stopped being dedicated. I am still at about where I was when I stopped -- with about 1.5lb lost. I haven't been going crazy but I haven't been watching what I eat, so I've only barely maintained weight, instead of continuing to lose it.

The other day I found a little chart I had made back in September when I was on MFP, showing how much weight I would lose with the .9lb a week plan, each week. I would have been at my goal weight on my birthday, Dec. 9th. And by now I would be very close to that goal, with only about 3-4 pounds to go. :(

It just showed me that while not even a pound a week seemed like such a small amount to lose, if I had stuck with it, it would have added up! Instead, I did *nothing*, which is much worse than just a little bit a week. I am almost as far away from my goal as I was in September!

So I've decided to start over. I just feel depressed at myself, like, why can't I be consistent when it comes to my health? This is not even about weight loss anymore-- in September I had been getting up to run with my dog or go to the gym every day at 6am, I was feeling refreshed. Now I wake up cranky, almost late for work, I don't work out and I feel fat. I just want to be overall healthy and always have a good balance. I am so busy with my job, and it seems there's not nearly enough day light, but, I know these are just excuses. I know I have to stick with it no matter what the circumstance.

Was there a certain point when it just "clicked" for you? When you stopped yo-yoing and now you can say you always live an overall healthy, balanced life, which happens to include the weight loss goal you were aiming for? Or are some people on yo-yo's their whole life... I don't want to be one of those people...


  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Well, I fell off the wagon. :( The last time I was on MFP was at the end of September. It gave me a plan to lose .9 lbs a week. (I want to lose 13lb total.) I thought that was soooooo slow. But, still, it was working.

    But then I stopped being dedicated. I am still at about where I was when I stopped -- with about 1.5lb lost. I haven't been going crazy but I haven't been watching what I eat, so I've only barely maintained weight, instead of continuing to lose it.

    The other day I found a little chart I had made back in September when I was on MFP, showing how much weight I would lose with the .9lb a week plan, each week. I would have been at my goal weight on my birthday, Dec. 9th. And by now I would be very close to that goal, with only about 3-4 pounds to go. :(

    It just showed me that while not even a pound a week seemed like such a small amount to lose, if I had stuck with it, it would have added up! Instead, I did *nothing*, which is much worse than just a little bit a week. I am almost as far away from my goal as I was in September!

    So I've decided to start over. I just feel depressed at myself, like, why can't I be consistent when it comes to my health? This is not even about weight loss anymore-- in September I had been getting up to run with my dog or go to the gym every day at 6am, I was feeling refreshed. Now I wake up cranky, almost late for work, I don't work out and I feel fat. I just want to be overall healthy and always have a good balance. I am so busy with my job, and it seems there's not nearly enough day light, but, I know these are just excuses. I know I have to stick with it no matter what the circumstance.

    Was there a certain point when it just "clicked" for you? When you stopped yo-yoing and now you can say you always live an overall healthy, balanced life, which happens to include the weight loss goal you were aiming for? Or are some people on yo-yo's their whole life... I don't want to be one of those people...
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    I'm kind of where you are right now, and finally labeled myself a "yo-yo-er", and I don't want to be that person. I'm active, crazy active, 2-3 workouts a day for months while training for a race, with mostly good eating, a few "binges", and then I'll do like absolutely nothing for a month or two. While I still consider myself in good shape, I know I'd be where I keep trying to get, if I'd just be consistently consistent. So...I've started over also, for the last time, really, I mean it this time, I can't diet for the rest of my life, what kind of example is that for my 13 year old daughter? So I'm starting from where I am, as that's the only place I can, and I not going to stop being active and eating healthfully, I'm just not.

    You can do it, you want to, so just start, and then don't stop!

    And remember-don't give up what you want most for what you want at the moment!

    I'd say good luck, but that's not anything any of us needs, so make good choices today, and then do it again tomorrow...
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    I could have written your post, angiebangie! I too train for races... I've run marathons, half-marathons, mountain trail races, etc. I have realized I have an extreme off-or-on personality about *everything*. I'll be training consistently for a race for a few months, then, after the race, I won't do anything for another few months.

    And like you I am generally healthy -- I can run for a long time (although not as fast as I think I could if I really trained hard and slimmed down etc.), I like to work out, I am "generally" active but then at other times I'm a big slob who likes to eat everything on her huge burrito or buffet plate and not work out for a week. And I used to go on these crazy crash diets like only eating fruit, or doing Atkins', or whatever, and sure that worked for awhile but then I'd forget about it and gain the weight back... all the while my "normal" weight would always go to a little bit higher and I get worried that it will be "normal" for me to gain an average of a couple pounds a year and never notice because it's just a small increment... and then I'm big!!!

    If I could just be in the middle -- always work out consistently, and always eat pretty well/ healthfully consistently -- then I know that would be ten times better for my body than either training for a marathon three months out of the year, or going on some crash diet. Eventually I would like to train hard for things *and* always eat well consistently. But for now I am just going to start like you said, day by day making healthy choices, trying to do some kind of work out even if it's yoga (which I used to think wasn't "intense" enough but now I find it really relaxing) and trying to eat right every day.

    Thanks for the encouragement. :) It's good to know I'm not alone. I think there are a lot of people like that, especially women, who have great ambitions but we don't always remember to execute them slowly, day by day.
  • allaboutme
    allaboutme Posts: 391 Member

    And remember-don't give up what you want most for what you want at the moment!

    I love that quote. So true. I have only been at this for four months, so don't feel anyone would believe me if I said I, finally, with the help of this place, realized that eating healthy and exercising will be my lifestyle from now on, there were quite a few down days when I thought geez this is just too hard, but I realized I was looking at it like a diet, and it isn't a diet, it is a lifestyle, so I allowed myself some treats now and again, because I won't go though life eating scrambled egg whites, and it has been much easier to accept. It keeps me healthy and happy. I often had to repeat, it takes time, but it is working and I finally started to believe it.
  • faythe
    faythe Posts: 245
    I AM a yo-yo dieter. I get on the wagon, fall off hard, get back on but only kinda halfway, fall off again, really get myself on again, fall off, anyway, and I'm hoping that NOW I'm finally at the point where I can stay on. I'm so tired of not being satisfied with myself! I think my real turning point - large size pajama pants have always fit me really well. I bought a pair last night, took them home - they don't fit! So now I have to either lose the weight FOR REAL or take them back and exchange them for a bigger size (ew!). Time to get serious!
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    allaboutme-- four months is a long time to do something consistently. Good for you! I want to be there too and it's good to see that I can get there if I remember the big picture.

    faythe-- I can totally relate, today is casual friday and none of my work-appropriate jeans or pants really fit me anymore. :( So they aren't really work-appropriate because they're tight, they wrinkle up on the back of my thighs, and I feel like my stomach and sides are oozing out of the top of them and showing under my oxford shirt. So gross!!!

    I always get in my head that I will wait to "start" at a specific time, like 1) on Monday, so that I have the weekends to catch up on my exercise for the week, 2) at the beginning of the month, which is only [however many] days away, 3) as soon as I download Ascendo Fitness to my blackberry, or buy that book with the work-out plan, etc., 4) after the next holiday coming up, or my next trip home, or the work potluck, etc. or, my most-used put-off excuse, 5) as soon as I have time to go grocery shopping for healthy food or plan my menus for the next week so I know what to buy in advance and I won't have to stop at McDonald's for lunch because I'm starving, etc.

    Today is not any of those days. I don't have it all "planned" out and Thanksgiving is coming up and I'm going home where my mom makes a bunch of food, etc., so it's not good "timing" but when is?!? Today I realized I had been finding reasons to put off "starting" -- starting what? Like allaboutme said, it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle, and if I'm putting off "starting" my good lifestyle, then I am continuing to live a bad lifestyle!!! And today my casual friday pants don't fit me like they used to, and I don't have the money or time to go shopping for a whole new wardrobe, so today is a great day to "start".

  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    I always get in my head that I will wait to "start" at a specific time, like 1) on Monday, so that I have the weekends to catch up on my exercise for the week, 2) at the beginning of the month, which is only [however many] days away, 3) as soon as I download Ascendo Fitness to my blackberry, or buy that book with the work-out plan, etc., 4) after the next holiday coming up, or my next trip home, or the work potluck, etc. or, my most-used put-off excuse, 5) as soon as I have time to go grocery shopping for healthy food or plan my menus for the next week so I know what to buy in advance and I won't have to stop at McDonald's for lunch because I'm starving, etc.

    Today is not any of those days. I don't have it all "planned" out and Thanksgiving is coming up and I'm going home where my mom makes a bunch of food, etc., so it's not good "timing" but when is?!? Today I realized I had been finding reasons to put off "starting" -- starting what? Like allaboutme said, it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle, and if I'm putting off "starting" my good lifestyle, then I am continuing to live a bad lifestyle!!! And today my casual friday pants don't fit me like they used to, and I don't have the money or time to go shopping for a whole new wardrobe, so today is a great day to "start".


    Me too, but no more!
  • allaboutme
    allaboutme Posts: 391 Member
    exactly neeterskeeter. And funny, my work pants not fitting me anymore was what motivated me :) I too felt gross in them, jeans were easy they had spandex :wink: . One day at a time starting today, it truly is the first day of the rest of your life. how profound was that hahaha:laugh:
  • mamaof2girls
    mamaof2girls Posts: 332 Member
    OMG!!! I feel like you guys are writing about me! I am in the exact same situations as you are! I too am pretty "fit". I workout occasionally and eat right most of the time, but then I have those days/weeks/months that I just do nothing and eat whatever I want. GROSS!! I too am depressed about the fact that I quit being dedicated and I know that if I would have stuck with it, I would be 13lbs closer to making my goal now. 13 POUNDS!!!! That is alot for me. Instead, I ate like a pig and now I am back where I started from in the beginning. I gained it all back.

    Ok, enough ranting. This week I have done exceptionally well with tracking my foods. I consider this turning over a new leaf, and look forward to my weigh in on Sunday.

    Good Luck to you girls who are stuck like me on the yo-yo. It is time we change ourselves for the better and stick to it!:flowerforyou:

  • elementzdesigns
    :explode: Aloha, I am having the SAME problem. I am a yo-yoer. I don't know how to stay on top of my plan. I will be gung-ho for a couple of weeks, losing a few pounds...then I binge...putting myself right back to where I was. UGH. On top of everything, I have hypothyroidism. I grew up eating so many foods that were bad for me and now that I am an adult, I can't seem to stick to a healthy food plan. Any suggestions??
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Yay I like our little club of yo-yo'ers, I think we can all stop being yo-yo'ers.

    Hi mamaof2... you are already on the right track.

    Hi elementzdesigns... I wish I had the long-lasting secret or I wouldn't be having this problem either. :( I think what everyone else has been saying... take things one day at a time and try to wake up thinking, "today I'm going to be healthy" every day.

    Also, a tip that works for me is to do everything in small steps. I changed my Food diary preferences to three meals and two snacks and I try to eat at least 200 calories every two hours. I never feel hungry, but I never feel too full. Then once I get used to it I notice that I don't have those cravings for binges or for treats because those only come when I'm hungry and I haven't eaten in a long time. And I tell myself to do SOME form of exercise everyday... I remind myself that I sit at a desk allllllll day long so this is necessary for my health, weight, circulation, not to mention my big hyperactive dog that goes bizark if I don't get her outside every day!!

    I used to be really extreme and say "I'm going to work out for 2 hours a day, at least five days a week, etc." and I *would*, for awhile... then back to nothing, because it seems so daunting and I get discouraged if I'm not super perfect. So instead, I try to be gentle with myself and not give myself harsh goals. I just say, I am going to exercise today. It could be a 20-minute workout at the gym, it could be a half an hour yoga video, it could be sit-ups while I'm watching the Office with my boyfriend... *anything* that gets my body moving counts. And of course I find that once I'm working out a little, it usually turns into more than I thought I could fit in.

    So that's what I'm trying (again), starting today... every day I am going to ask myself, "are you eating healthy today?" "have you exercised today?" If not, "when can you fit in a little exercise?" I find that I have better results physically and mentally when I focus on the *health* part of it instead of the weight part of it, and when I'm easy on myself and congratulate myself for small steps instead of beating myself up over every "big" thing.

    BUT take my advice for what it's worth because I'm still working on it... I hope I can keep feeling this way but now and again I just forget about all of this positive stuff and start eating whatever I want and not working out. I think by concentrating on every day, and remembering that chart where I *would have* lost 10 pounds by now if I had kept doing it slowly but surely... I will be able to stick with it this time. Good luck.
  • mamaof2girls
    mamaof2girls Posts: 332 Member
    All great suggestions! I agree that we just have to take it one day at a time.:tongue:
  • borjanap
    borjanap Posts: 232 Member
    u guys just wrote about me. I eat pretty healthy most of the time. I am dedicated to working out. I can run for a long time. Once I fall off the wagon, I wait for a monday or some other major day to start again. I promised myself, no more yo-yoing. I am going to be accountable for everything I eat. I can do this. I was down to 132 and gained 8 pounds back because of yo-yoing....
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    I got down to 130 and went up to 149 :sad: :noway: , and in 6 months!!! On my way back down though, and this time I'm focusing more on my body fat % than a goal number on the scale.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I didn't exactly yo-yo in the past, but I had too much of an 'all or nothing' mentality. If I had even one little morsel of something sweet, I'd think AWE HELL, the whole day is RUINED, and just pig out, sometimes for a whole weekend. Then I took my progress pics...progress in the wrong direction! After a month of that, I realized that I had to change how I viewed 'fun' food and 'every day' food. Since then I have been much more consistent and have had verrrrry few cravings. I don't feel the need to have 'bad' days; I can be happy with just a meal.

    I just got back from taking 2 WEEKS off due to medical stuff....UGH. I went crazy!! I ate a couple bad things, but still stayed on track fortunately because of my current way of thinking. And now I am really excited to get back into the swing of things because I too noticed a negative change in my mood. Welcome back! :flowerforyou:
  • ranaelynn
    ranaelynn Posts: 115 Member
    You asked if there was a point at which it 'clicked' Here is my answer to that...

    Somewhere along the line I had resigned myself to the fact that I was just 'meant to be short and fat.’ Then I started to literally have people drop dead around me from heart failure. A brother-in-law who honestly had a heart attack in my back yard and we lost him right there. An Aunt who after her third bypass just didn't make it out of surgery, a dear co-worker who came home from a round of golf, sat down in his favorite chair and never got up. The last straw came last Thanksgiving. My Dad who has had a triple bypass 'crashed' in my backyard. Thankfully he recovered and is doing well. But as he went down all I could think was dear god we can not do this again. I saw the fear in my kid’s eyes and it was then and there that I knew I could not be the next person to drop in front of my kids. We had been through to much and I needed to do something to be sure I did not continue this horrible trend that was now a legacy in our family. Almost 60lbs gone and I am loving every minute of it - I no longer doubt if I can do it - I KNOW I not only can but will:smile:
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Thanks for the answers and especially for the "clicking point" answer ranaekline.

    It's funny how we're all so similar... funny in a sad way I guess... I mean, I guess this really is the issue for many of us who can't seem to consistently lose weight or maintain our best weight.

    This taking things one day at a time has been working for me for all of 2 days :laugh: ... but seriously I think this is the key. Even if I don't get to work out one day, or even if I goof and eat too many calories, I feel like overall I will be healthier and happier because I'm making a lot *less* of those bad decisions. And the next day I *will* work out or I *will* eat better, so I'll stay on track. I won't look at it like "I've messed up so it's all over now", like I used to do... like you, songbyrdsweet.

    And it just puts me in a better overall mood. This morning I woke up and thought, okay, great, it's a Saturday, I can fit in as much exercise as I'd like. :) I went to the gym for over an hour and later I'm going running in the mountains. Woo hoo. I like looking at things positively and praising myself for things (like that hard workout I just did!!!!) rather than beating myself up. I really think this will work for me now. But I hope I am still singing the same tune in a month. :smile:
  • Angiebangie
    Angiebangie Posts: 191 Member
    Let's start a "yo-yo" no more post daily so this thing doesn't get ridiculously long, then we can check in with eachother.

    I made good food choices for 8 straight days! Yay! I exercised M-F last week and everyday this week, did yoga today and will run long tomorrow. Day by day.

    How's everyone else doing?
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Angie Do you mean we should post daily to here, or somewhere else?

    Well I lost a pound already... In 2 days. Is that good or will it bounce back b/c its so fast?

    I ate well yesterday ecxept for a little bit of chips n salsa, a beer, and a cocktail at a party. I'm impressed with my new attitude where small treats like that are ok in moderation, just not all the time. I don't beat myself up over it, I just congratulate myself on having carrots and dip, a chicken sub, etc earlier and on working out a lot. Speaking of which, I did go running up very steep hills at the mountain yesterday with my guy and our dog. :). That was after my Make the Cut workout. So I worked out hard for an hour and a half yesterday. :)

    I'm off to start off the day with some exercise! Sorry for typos or shortcut words but I'm on my blackberry.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I don't know what the future holds for me but so far I am doing good as far as calories etc. I also walk atleast 5 days a week. I am 55 and went most of my years "past" doing nothing to improve my body weight or eating habits. I think in my case, I hit bottom with it. I went into menopause and found myself 27 lbs overweight, no clothing fitting right, feeling downright unattractive, being single and not wanting to meet a guy because of letting myself go. I have a pacemaker from a heartrate that wouldn't go over 40 bpm in 1997, depression, financially shipwrecked and I even had to stay in a women's shelter. I am starting very late in life to be the best I can be, in all ways. But it is one day at a time. If I say Im going to do this perfectly the rest of my life and then "when" I mess up, because we all do, I will beat on myself and waste that time I could be getting back "on the horse". No one knows how long each of us will live. I am older and most of you gals are younger, but I don't see us that differently because we don't have yesterday and we don't have tomorrow yet. All we have is right now, like someone said something about the "moment". One thing for sure, we are not alone here. And I thank God for this site where I can talk and read about other peoples struggles and triumphs against all odds sometimes. Im gonna be a cheerleader here for a moment and say lets start calling ourselves winners. Not yoyoers or failures. I think for me, if I dwell on the negative I will eventually "live it". It's funny, but I've only lost 2.8 lbs since Oct 6 when I started this, but, I think of myself as thinner than I was. Yes I am firming up but I honestly haven't lost but one inch off my waist!! It really has a lot to do with how we think of ourselves:) Everyone of you folks are beautiful right now! Even if we are overweight beauty is an "inside" job. The real beauty, confidence, genuineness, esteem, security all come from our insides, not how we look. But, because of a healthy self-respect, we want to be the best "all around" we can be so we can live life to the best of our ability. Maybe avoid sickness and disease. And yes, fit into that little black dress, or guys, look good in those Wranglers, LOL!! Sorry, Im a country girl and I just love a man in Wranglers:)

    denise in Sams Valley, a winner!!:bigsmile: :drinker: