your favorite exercise?



  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    Zumba is easy to pick up and I love it! Ill do anything that gets me sweating, but I need the motivation of group classes at my gym. I also LOVE yoga and Pilates---a great workout, but not cardio. I firmly believe Pilates is what helped me with my core....
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    For at home or outside- Jump rope! Burns loads of calories and you really feel it, plus you can easily mix it up by doing different jumping styles. I also cycle with my husband.
    I do love lifting weights though, and usually lift 4 times a week at the gym. I try to follow zuzanas workouts sometimes on but they are super intense. This week our gym is closed so I am following some cardio workouts from the internet and doing pushups/ dips/ squats and abs at home.
  • lipt8611
    lipt8611 Posts: 60 Member
    if you can't join a gym, run. it's a great workout, it's impossible to be bored (create a new route!), it's ALL ON YOU (which, in my mind, =a great sense of accomplishment) is FREE as well as extremely therapeutic.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    My actual favorite exercise is figure skating, but it's not realistic to fit into my schedule on any regular/predictable basis.

    My regular exercise that I like enough to keep doing is running. I'll do TV workouts if I can't run for some reason, but I don't like them NEARLY as much.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Going out to concerts and dancing and being in mosh pits, LOL

    Really, tho, I love dancing. DDR, Just Dance, etc....or just hopping around my livingroom.

    I dont do these separate from the workout vids I do but I LOVE BICYCLE CRUNCHES
  • mursey
    mursey Posts: 191 Member
    I love weight training (during quiet hours in a nice gym) but for cardio:

    I like intervals of jogging up stairs in a park, you don't get bored, you are outside, and you can see people with their dogs, little kids, all playing and it's just nice scenery. . .

    I also do the same but in the hilly areas of town (I live in San Francisco so that's pretty easy to find)

    I canNOT run on a treadmill. . it's just too boring so when I am inside I like that "Stepmill" thing stairmaster makes. . the tall conveyor belt of stairs. . you can burn so many calories in a short amount of time and you can still look at a magazine or something.
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    Walking with dumbbells, bike, p90x, and I am getting soon insanity DVD can't wait :)
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    Pilates and body sculpt class. Tons of fun. Definately because of my instructor. Rollerblading, biking outside.
  • befitcoachuk
    befitcoachuk Posts: 13 Member
    For me you just can't beat getting out in the fresh air of the countryside and having a long run..... I am running about 6 miles twice a week at the moment and looking forward to getting the distance back up to where it used to be and heading off over the South Wales mountains - absolutely beautiful scenery :o)

    Whatever exercise you like that makes you sweat and gets the heart racing is fine with me though (I also do circuit training, bootcamp, boxercise, body attack, body pump, weights and swimming).