

  • SSawney
    SSawney Posts: 69 Member
    Hello everyone I am new to the site started last thursday. I am 5'2 and I weigh about 153 pounds i will weigh myself tomorrow morning to see if I have lost any weight since I started the site. My goal weight is 125 I am taking 1 day at a time I work out about 5-6 times a week and sometimes 7 depends on my mood. I have signed up at my gym for their contest of who is the best loser and I pray that helps rev me in the right direction in weight loss. I hope we can all help each other on this long journey to a healthier us.
  • zumba_gal
    zumba_gal Posts: 63 Member
    i know sooner r later u hit a point where it is hard to lose.. just keep up what ur doing and maybe push yourself harder. and change something up alittle.. feel free to add me!
  • I'm another 5'2"-er and my situation is very similar...at my heaviest I have been 132 and right now I am at 127. My goal for the moment is to pare down to 120. I have started myself on an egg fast today to see if that will help me out even more. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • mirnag89
    mirnag89 Posts: 5 Member
    hey another 5'2 girl!! and not trying to lose weight just shape up ;) feel free to add me...
  • rlwinton
    rlwinton Posts: 101
    Hi girls : ) Another 5ft 2 here! I'm 130 right now...my lowest last year was 118 but the weight was lost infortunately the wrong way (very stressful unhealthly relationship I was gettting out of). Of course since then I've put the weight back on. I would love to be in the "teens" but I'm good with 120!

    Feel free to add me : ) I'm semi-new here, been lurkin for while ; )

    I've also been changing my eating and switching some things out of my diet...trying to eat "clean". All I can say is that eating clean (I would say I'm about 85% clean eating) for the last couple weeks has left me feeling great! I'm scared to get on the scale but I feel good!

    Another thing I swear by is my heart rate monitor to make sure I stay within the right "zones" to burn fat NOT muscle!

    You said you're eating clean - how did that result? Did you see weight loss? Do you track your calories?
  • llujan88
    llujan88 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 5'2" and am 117 (small frame). Although I'm now concentrating more on losing body fat so that my belly can tighten up. I have been slightly increasing my calories. I'm now at 1400 and usually eat back my exercise calories so that puts me at about 1600-1900. Some days I'm hungrier than others...I just listen to my body though. And I'm not as diligent about my food on the weekends. I weight lift 2x a week and do spin class 2x and usually run or hike 1x a week. My body is defnitely toning up. I'm loving the results so much that I'm going to start weight training 3x a week and I'm thinking of switching to kickboxing 2x a week (may also increase my calories as well). I'm a strong believer in switching things up to shock your body. I may do the kickboxing for a few months and then switch to another form of cardio.

    I do have to say that I started out at 123 and was super flabby. Just had a baby 10 months ago and stopped nursing 3 months ago. When I got serious at the begining of March about watching what I ate and worked out consistently, I have lost 6 pounds very slowly (about 1/2 lb/week). I still feel like I have a long way to go to be fully toned. But I can't say enough about how weight lifting has changed my body. And it's only been 2.5 months.
  • mruszaj
    mruszaj Posts: 105 Member
    Hi :) I'm 5'2 and i started my weight at 121, which was my highest. I work out at least 6 times a week, and i do HIIT and crossfit training, I also do weight lifting. I really believe cardio is not enough..instead of doing an hour on the eliptical, your hour would be better spent doing HIIT cardio. For example: sprints or jump roping for 1 minute, jump squats x 20 , jump lunges x 30 , butterfly crunches x 30.. then rest for 5 minutes...and repeat all over again for 3 rounds. That is what my personal trainer has made me do, and i went from 121 to 116 in a few weeks!

    Before i had a 27 inch waist, 11 inch arms, 21.5 inch thighs 21% body fat ... when i completed my training, i lost 5 lbs, i have a 25 inch waist, 10 inch arms, 20.9 inch thighs and 19% body fat ! I lost inches !!

    My trainer always tells me, you can't just stay on the elliptical or treadmill for an hour. You have to have your heart racing and do alot of HIIT or cross fit. Look it up, they have such great websites for that stuff!

    I'm still continuing my fitness journey, but it was hard for me to get out of the 120s as well! But if i can do it , you can do it!

    Message me or add me :)
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