Hello Everyone (again) !!

Hi my name is Jenn, I am a recent college graduate. Living an unhealthy lifestyle was just a day to day thing for me. I would occasionally work out, and tried to eat healthy, but between studying, friends, drinking, and all the bad food for cheap i definitely gained way to much weight. I joined fitness pal a few months during Christmas break and found it really helpful. I am joining again and need all the support and tips i can get to stay on track! I've tried everything from working out everyday, to diet pills, to consuming low amounts of calories and just cant seem to lose a lot of weight. I have the 30DS and I think I might start that tomorrow. I also have Wii fit and have been doing that, has anyone noticed drastic results just using the wii and workout DVDs?


  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Be consistent and eat clean. It's the only way! You can do this!
  • AshleyLauren589
    AshleyLauren589 Posts: 139 Member
    Welcome back!

    I've had a lot of success in terms of improving strength and flexibility using OnDemand yoga & pilates videos, but the cardio ones don't seem to work for me as well as just hopping on an elliptical. I haven't tried Wii Fit though -- do you feel like it really gives you a workout??
  • je133506
    je133506 Posts: 4
    Yeah the next day I am usually pretty sore. and I definitely sweat a lot while I'm doing it. But i haven't really heard of anyone having drastic changes using it so I'm not sure how well it works.