First Day

Hi! Today is my first day. I am sort of at the end of my rope and need some motivation. I am feeling fat and defeated. I even tried to make myself throw up this afternoon after eating a cookie. I know that this is wrong, and I just want to be able to drop the weight and not feel so awful about myself. So, here I am . I am hoping to exercise more and eat healthier, but now looking at the daily meter of what I have eaten I feel SO guilty--like I just can't do it. Hoping to get some motivation.


  • Slayer66
    Slayer66 Posts: 265
    GL to you, Its a big change to decide to change your eating habits and lifestyle, but once you get in the swing it becomes very easy =)
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    take it one day at a time... one change at a time... it won't all be able to change over night..

    but coming here is a start.. welcome!
  • hllamaster
    hllamaster Posts: 137 Member
    get in a healthy rotiune live it each day make it a part of your can do this
  • tinkerkelle7
    Thanks everyone! :) I want this, so I am starting on the journey. I like what was said about it being one step at a time..and how change wont happen overnight. I think that's what I expect--instant change!
  • Lydiara
    Lydiara Posts: 5
    tinkerkelle7, that's how used to feel. Especially when you are surrounded by a bunch of downers who try and slow your progress- or at least, that was my issue. One of the best things I ever did for myself, not just for weight loss but for life in general was keeping a journal. Once you try it you get hooked and it really helps to gauge your progress over time at look at the negative thoughts you've overcome. Even tomorrow, you can look back at today and feel a LOT better because you erased all of your negative thoughts!
  • rickyj37
    rickyj37 Posts: 2
    ooh, i'm a newbie too (day 2) and actually puttin' the stuff down and lookin' at what i'm stuffin' in helped me both yesterday and today. stick with it, and let us know how you're doin'...and what you're not doin', too!
  • ducksinarow
    welcome...remember, we are all in this together! feel free to friend me if you want...
  • lisam724
    lisam724 Posts: 58 Member
    Welcome I am on week 3 and have lost 6 lbs it was not as hard as I thought just take it a day at a time and don't rush it !!! I sent you a friend request !
    everyone here is so nice and out to help !!!

  • curliefrii
    curliefrii Posts: 56 Member
    I just started here this week too. I was just incredibly overwhelmed by my food-related, guilt. I've felt a lot of relief here in the past few days. It's weird, but once I started tracking what I eat and being intentional-- the guilt lessened significantly.

    Guilt is so powerful and destructive--leaving you feeling powerless.

    I think this is a great place to come for encouragement and solidarity. :)

    One day at a time. :)

  • lisaw325
    lisaw325 Posts: 12
    Hi, I'm brand new here too and I understand your frustration. We're all in this together, sweetie, so hang in there!
  • Kebennett1
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    Congratulations on making the wise decision to join MFP. We are all in this together! Do not let discouragement get the best of you. Tomorrow morning will be a brand new morning which means that every day before that is in the past. You have no control over the past. All you can control is what YOU CHOOSE to do today! I want to encourage you to buy only healthy grocery items so you are not tempted to eat things you shouldn't! It will make your entire household healthier which is ONLY a good thing! Lean meats, Poultry, Fish, Vegetables, Fruit, whole grain breads, whole grain pasta, Full-Circle Brand Pasta Sauce (least in salt), brown rice, sweet potatoes, yams, no salt spices, sea-salt (small amounts if you have to use it), white pepper, fresh Garlic, Laughing Cow light cheese wedges, string cheese, whole wheat crackers, Greek low fat yogurt, Oatmeal, Organic raw sugar! These types of things make up very healthy meals and snacks! Personally, we do not even eat beef and pork in our household, but that is because my husband has problems digesting pork and I have problems with digesting beef! We use ground turkey instead of ground beef and Turkey Italian Sausage in our pasta! We both HAD high cholesterol but we did not want to take the meds, we changed our diet and now our cholesterol in normal!
    I wish you all the best!
  • zianiH
    zianiH Posts: 68
    Welcome on board to all the newbies.... add me if you like
  • AprilMLowe
    AprilMLowe Posts: 447 Member
    Welcome! We are all here for you! I am only on my 2nd week and found this site so helpful! I am glad u have decided to make a lifestyle change to be more healthy! Keep up with dieting and exercise one step at a time!

    Feel free 2 add me as a friend!
  • tinkerkelle7
    Awesome advice. Thanks all for being so supportive! :)
  • absolament
    absolament Posts: 278 Member
    Save this site as your homepage. It will keep you on track. Take a gradual approach to all changes you make... from how much you eat and the exercises you choose to do. If you keep a good track of your food intake (stay close to the suggested) and do some form of exercises for at least 30 minutes several times a week, you will be on the road to a healthier you. After a good week of proper eating and exercises, treat yourself with a favorite cookie. It's okay to eat junk food as long as you are mindful that it is a treat and should be enjoyed as a treat and not as a meal.