Trying to make myself "Start"

kazzball Posts: 5
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi Everyone

Im sure you have all gone, yeah i will start the diet tomorrow! Once I start and stick to something I tend to go ok, its getting started.
I feel so yuk cause I am heavier than I normally am but I continue to say "tomorrow". At what point will I go, enough is enough!
You end up getting so disappointed in yourself which leads to more junk food!
Any suggestions?


  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    Start tomorrow! I eat way too much junk food and candy but once I started eating better, I actually stopped craving the junk so much.
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    Take one day at a time. If you slip up don't beat yourself up. Don't throw in the towel. Start off slowly. I have great MFP pals that keep me modivated.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Just start. Make the decision and stick to it. It isn't easy, but it gets easier everyday. Get off your *kitten*!
  • grandmanita
    grandmanita Posts: 59 Member
    Just do it sweetie, once you start you won't be able to stop. Take the step, you'll be so glad you did. We're all here for you!!!
  • nicley21
    nicley21 Posts: 12
    I have been in your shoes many, many times! What did it this time for me was my doctor telling me my cholesterol is too high (and I'm only 34). Heart disease runs in my family and I want to be around for a long time. Plus a friend recommended this web site and I love it! Good Luck! You can do it!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • shapestocome
    shapestocome Posts: 399 Member
    Start right now, there is no time but the present!:smile:
  • I keep saying I will start walking the dog before work, which I leave for work around 9am. So I have enough time to walk him. I just never have the energy too. But it is something I really want to do for myself and for him. So maybe tomorrow. LOL ^_^
    Best of luck and add me if you want.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    Here's what I love about this system... you can essentially eat what you want. There is no grocery list and meal plan to follow, just a calorie cap, essentially.

    Today I took it one meal at a time. I woke up and made two poached eggs sprinkled with a little salt, plus a 4oz yogurt. And I knew if I wanted to eat something else I could. And then I just didn't because I was content with it and didn't feel like I was denying myself cravings.. I knew I could have them if I wanted! If I had said "I can ONLY have two eggs and a yogurt, nothing else till lunch" I would have told myself to eff off and I would have had pancakes.

    For me, having no diet plan allows me to limit myself at my discretion, one meal at a time, without preset meals and/or amounts (which, for me, are the death of a diet).

    Also, I look at what I'm about to eat or what I'm thinking about eating and say "How to I quantify this on MFP? Do I really want to type in 'Cake, 2 pieces, buttercream frosting, sprinkles' into my diary that's visible to all my friends?" The answer is usually no.

    Summary: Take it one meal at a time. Tell yourself you can have what you want and maybe you'll be more likely to choose a healthier option. That's how it works for me =)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Put your mind into then just jump in to the lifestyle change. It is not easy but once you make the commitment, it gets easier. You will have good days and bad but the little changes will get you motivated to do more. Good luck and go for it. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    When I first got started, I had a hard time getting under my calorie limit, but after a while, it becomes natural and routine. Start slowly, cut back the bad stuff first (sodas, sweets, processed salty/sweet stuff) and replace them with healthier options (whole grains, water, homemade foods, fresh and frozen (non salt) veggies steamed or raw, etc.). Take your time, and it'll be much better for your sanity and your health!

    Best to you! :)
  • Jenn070608
    Jenn070608 Posts: 206 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. I used to say "tomorrow I'll start" all the time. Shortly after I started my weight lose program in January, I realized i had to stop dieting and make a life style change. After you lose the first few pounds, your motivation increases. Get tough on yourself for a couple of weeks. Set some short term goals and work up to your long term goals.
  • heatypablo
    heatypablo Posts: 221
    Stop saying "tomorrow" and start right at that moment... you don't have to wait for a "new" day to start. :smile:
  • aanddplusoanda
    aanddplusoanda Posts: 189 Member
    For me, I have to make myself start every least at that TOM. and today I have failed but I will end up at least working out
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    I've spent most of my life where you're at right now. What got me started last June, and kept me going was recognizing that it takes a few days to "detox" and train my brain to have positive thoughts. Whenever I "start" over again, I know I have to master the cravings one minute at a time. Every minute that I don't give in is a HUGE success, and makes me feel like I CAN do it. I know from experience that these intense cravings (for me it's sugar and empty carbs) last 3 - 4 days, and are then mostly gone, as long as I don't have any sugar or empty carbs at all. At first it was so frightening to think of giving up sugar - it almost made me panic to think of it. But when I'm not eating sugar, I feel so FREE!!!! It's so fantastic not to feel imprisoned and out of control. I don't know if you can relate, but I'd thought I'd share my experience is case it might help you or someone else out there.
  • moyyster
    moyyster Posts: 37 Member
    Start today. Start right now. Right now, make the commitment.

    Diets don't work- diets are temporary. A real life style change is truly the only thing that works. And make it gradual, don't make any drastic overnight changes.

    You also have to give yourself some credit. Recognizing where our issues lie is the first step towards ANY change. And you've done just that.

    Also, remember to treat yourself with the same respect you treat others. Ask yourself this question and answer it honestly, "If you had a friend who spoke to you the same way to talk/think about yourself, how long would you stay friends with that person?".
    You should show yourself the same love and patience you show others. You wouldn't get frustrated with them and put them down, so don't put yourself down.

    When enough is enough, make the change. Do it for you.
  • wintermama13
    wintermama13 Posts: 172 Member
    I would say you just started. If you felt before like you couldn't make it yourself, you are in good hands here! I've only been on a couple of days now but it was recommended to me by a few people who RAVED about this website and just trolling the message boards, they were right!
    Every day is a struggle. For everyone. What your own personal struggle happens to be and how you fight it is up to you but it's always easier when you have somewhere to go, to be accountable for, and to have someone always there to say, "great work today!"
    I've been noticing too that if you take it as a diet overhaul you probably won't last very long, because there is a reason you ended up where you are now with your weight. You don't eat all that junk food because it tastes's ok to treat yourself. But don't do it often and don't have too much. Enough preaching I know, sorry. But GOOD LUCK! YOU WILL DO GREAT!!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Don't start dieting. Start logging. Right now, today. Not tomorrow (and if it is already 11pm where you live, log what you've eaten today!).

    For me and I'm sure for a whole lot of other people, once you "go on a diet" you feel pissed off, deprived, hungry and are just waiting for failure to catch up with you, as it always has before.

    I decided that as a starting point I wasn't going to worry about a particular calorie goal, but that I did want to see just how many calories I was consuming, so logging every day was my first goal.

    The minute I started writing things down, it was pretty obvious where the excess calories were coming from. So, I started changing small things like taking half a peanut butter sandwich to work instead of a whole one for a snack, leaving out the butter from my sandwich, planning ahead for snacks during the afternoon when I know I'm prone to nibble mindlessly, serving myself a smaller portion of rice with my dinner, having one glass of wine instead of two (or three, oh hell, lets just finish the bottle....)

    These small changes, plus adding in 30 or so minutes exercise most days have had great results so far, but I don't consider that I'm "on a diet" and it feel like something I can keep going with.

    So, stop reading and start logging.

    Good luck!
  • I agree with those who say "start today", even if today is half over....just do it now. Also, use this site as a tool to "play" with what your day COULD be like...that is what I did the first few days I was on this site. I put in some possible combinations for meals for a day as well as some exercises that I might do and clicked the "Complete This Entry" button and saw what I COULD weigh in 5 weeks...I found that VERY motivating.
    You CAN do this...You DESERVE to feel good in your own skin!

    Good luck!

    Remember....God loves you and HE CARES about you. can help!

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    I agree a very good first step is to start logging your food. Once you see how much and what you are eating it will make it easier to start on the healthy road!

    If you start today think about where you will be 1 year from now!
  • absolament
    absolament Posts: 278 Member
    What worked for me... it's not about starting any diet. I simply put in my mind that I wanted to eat healthier food: less sodium, less fried stuff, less processed meals, and replace those items with whole food. By making that choice I also faced the fact that I will get to eat out less often. The good point is I saved money by doing so. In time, when you do crave junk food, you're be more mindful and treat as a treat, not a meal. Best place to start is your shopping list and find some new recipes. I've never done weight watchers, but I did buy one of their cookbooks. Excellent nutritious recipes low in sodium and high in whole foods.
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