6 week PUSH YOURSELF challenge, WEEK 3



  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    im new! hopefully this will push me to work out everyday! and i dont want to let anyone down

    Well welcome to our PUSH YOURSELF challenge! Have yo seen the original posting that has our requirements?
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Here is my results for day three, week three.
    - I did one of my Fitness walks for 20 minutes and according to my treadmill, I burned 181 calories.
    - I danced to a song for 2 minutes and according to MFP, I burned 10 calories.
    - My strength training lasted for 13 minutes and according to MFP, I burned 50 calories.
    - I only got in 5 glasses of water.
    Total: 35 minutes. 22 minutes is cardio and 13 minutes is strength.

    chickadee's week three progress:
    Total Weekly Minutes: 99
    Total Weekly Cardio Minutes: 77
    Total Weekly Strength Minutes: 22
    Total Weekly Water Intake: 21 glasses

    chickadees total 6 week progress:
    Total Challenge Minutes: 970
    Total Challenge Cardio Minutes: 715
    Total Challenge Strength Minutes: 270
    Total Challenge Water Intake: 131

    My strength training hasn't lasted that long since last week lol. Water wasn't very good today though. And surprisingly, my blisters aren't as bad as I would've thought. There more like just swollen sore spots, so maybe that wouldn't be considered a blister since the skin isn't broken. I have no idea lol, but I did work out through it like I said I would.
  • jeanaustin
    jeanaustin Posts: 101
    Ok I fell off the wagon last week. Only got a little over 60 minutes of exercise in but I lost 4.6 lbs (shocking since I've been fluctuating between the same few pounds for 6 weeks!) and completed my 5k on saturday in 31 minutes and some odd seconds, first one I've run the whole way through. So even though I didn't meet my minutes and water I had a good week goal wise. I'm looking forward to getting back on track with everyone this weeek and really PUSHING myself! Good luck to everyone this week!!!

    Awesome that you lost 4.6 pounds and you did a 5K!! I'm going to do my first 5K this Saturday. Any tips?
  • jeanaustin
    jeanaustin Posts: 101
    Week 3 - This week I'm so happy to report that I've run for 35 consecutives minutes TWICE! :)

    Monday - Couch to 5K (Week 9) - 65 minutes
    Tuesday - Strength Training - Lower Body - 60 minutes + 5 min on stationary bike
    Wednesday - Couch to 5K (Week 9) - 65 minutes

    Total W3 Cardio: 135 min
    Total W3 Strength: 60 min

    Good to see that everyone is kicking butt!! :D
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Week 3 - This week I'm so happy to report that I've run for 35 consecutives minutes TWICE! :)

    Monday - Couch to 5K (Week 9) - 65 minutes
    Tuesday - Strength Training - Lower Body - 60 minutes + 5 min on stationary bike
    Wednesday - Couch to 5K (Week 9) - 65 minutes

    Total W3 Cardio: 135 min
    Total W3 Strength: 60 min

    Good to see that everyone is kicking butt!! :D

    Woo Hoo, fantastic job and awesome about the running! You are correct in that everyone is kicking butt!
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    So far this week :)
    250 minutes cardio
    30 minutes strength training
    Total- 280 minutes
  • MoM2LayLa09
    MoM2LayLa09 Posts: 152

    Cardio - 60 minutes ( beat my all time high calorie burn - 636 in 60 minutes!)
    Water - 9 glasses

    Cardio - 150 minutes
    ST - 20 minutes

    Total - 170
    Water - 36 glasses

    : )
  • humble64
    humble64 Posts: 69 Member
    Yesterday results.

    30 day shred 25 mins 225 cals
    Abs 10 mins 84 cals

    water 128 oz

    I was so tired yesterday but i gave it my all........... I can see the results from Jillian Michaels workout. I am getting so toned. Awesome
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 317 Member
    Day 17

    Cardio: 88 mins
    30 mins - Elliptical
    28 mins - Get Running - wk1 run2
    30 mins - Step Aerobics - using the EIGHT inch step (oh my do i feel it today!)

    Week 3 Totals: 194 mins/Cardio; 0 mins/Strength; 45 mins/Other= 241 mins

    System was down last night when I tried to post!
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    60 minutes today and 10 8 oz glasses.

    Thanks Tracie for the encouragement and being and inspiration! I am proud of what I have accomplished! I'm exercising alot, more than I ever did. I like the energy, plus I need it with 2 little ones!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member

    Cardio - 60 minutes ( beat my all time high calorie burn - 636 in 60 minutes!)
    Water - 9 glasses

    Cardio - 150 minutes
    ST - 20 minutes

    Total - 170
    Water - 36 glasses

    : )

    Great Job, that means your endurance is getting better.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    60 minutes today and 10 8 oz glasses.

    Thanks Tracie for the encouragement and being and inspiration! I am proud of what I have accomplished! I'm exercising alot, more than I ever did. I like the energy, plus I need it with 2 little ones!

    I am so happy to hear this. It's a great feeling, isn't it?
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Day 17

    Cardio: 88 mins
    30 mins - Elliptical
    28 mins - Get Running - wk1 run2
    30 mins - Step Aerobics - using the EIGHT inch step (oh my do i feel it today!)

    Week 3 Totals: 194 mins/Cardio; 0 mins/Strength; 45 mins/Other= 241 mins

    System was down last night when I tried to post!

    Way to go, you only have 109 minutes left for the weekly requirements. You are doing great and doing a lot of different workouts.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Yesterday results.

    30 day shred 25 mins 225 cals
    Abs 10 mins 84 cals

    water 128 oz

    I was so tired yesterday but i gave it my all........... I can see the results from Jillian Michaels workout. I am getting so toned. Awesome

    This is great! Glas that you gave it your all even though you were tired. Good Job
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Here is my results for Week three, Day four
    I did 39 minutes of walk/run intervals and burned, per my HRM, 628 calories
    I did 30 minutes of the elliptical and burned, per my HRM, 576 calories
    I did a 47 minute elliptical class and burned, per my HRM, 760 calories

    I have 18 glasses of water to drink so far today

    I have done 358 minutes of cardio, 92 minutes of strength, and 39 minutes of other for a total of 489 minutes so far this week

    Here is my results for Week Three, day three
    I did 39 minutes walking the dog and burned, per my HRM, 373 calories
    I did a 40 minute session with my trainer that was half and half strength/cardio and burned, per my HRM, 704 calories

    I have had 18 glasses of water, thus far, but more to follow

    I have done 242 minutes of cardio, 92 minutes of strength, and 39 minutes of other for a total of 373 minutes so far this week
    Here are my results for Week Three, day two:
    I did 55 minutes of running, with walking inserted in at times, burned, per my HRM, 775 calories
    I did 30 minutes of the elliptical and burned, per my HRM, 536 calories,
    I did a 52 minute muscle pump class and burned, per my HRM, 529 calories

    I have drank 18 glasses of water so far, but am parched and willd drink more

    I have done 222 minutes of cardio and 72 minutes of strength for a total of 294 minutes so far this week.
    Here are my Week Three, Day one results:

    I did 60 minutes of walk/run intervals, this morning, and burned, per my HRM, 708 calories
    I Roller Skated 33 minutes, this afternoon, and burned, per my HRM, 508 calories
    I did circuit strength training for 20 minutes and burned, per my HRM, 202 calories
    I did a 44 minute kettlebell class and burned, per my HRM, 616 calories

    I am at 17 glasses of water, so far, but am still drinking.

    I have done 137 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of strength training.

    Hope everyone is PUSHING THEMSELVES and rocking this day one of week three!
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Hey everyone! Hope you all had a great Thursday-one day closer to the weekend and maybe some nice weather! If mother nature cooperates, I am hoping to get a good 4 hours of riding in on Saturday!

    So here's my numbers for the past 2 days:

    40 minutes-elliptical
    50 minutes-bike (still on the stand inside)
    8 glasses of water

    60 minutes-elliptical
    30 minutes-walking
    60 minutes-circuit training
    10 glasses of water

    I am at 495 minutes for the week but really have no clue on the breakdown between cardio and strength training-will figure that out before the week is over.

    Keep up the good work!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Fantastic week so far Jenn! You are doing great! I too am hoping to get a good bike ride in on Saturday and maybe even some roller skating!
    Hey everyone! Hope you all had a great Thursday-one day closer to the weekend and maybe some nice weather! If mother nature cooperates, I am hoping to get a good 4 hours of riding in on Saturday!

    So here's my numbers for the past 2 days:

    40 minutes-elliptical
    50 minutes-bike (still on the stand inside)
    8 glasses of water

    60 minutes-elliptical
    30 minutes-walking
    60 minutes-circuit training
    10 glasses of water

    I am at 495 minutes for the week but really have no clue on the breakdown between cardio and strength training-will figure that out before the week is over.

    Keep up the good work!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Let me just say you are all putting in some awesome workouts this week! Be very, very proud of yourselves!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Here is my results for day four, week three.
    - I did one of my Fitness walks for 45 minutes and according to my treadmill, I burned 318 calories.
    - I walked an extra 10 minutes today and according to MFP, I burned 65 calories.
    - My strength training lasted for 10 minutes and according to MFP, I burned 38 calories.
    - I only got in 7 glasses of water.
    Total: 65 minutes. 55 minutes is cardio and 10 minutes is strength.

    chickadee's week three progress:
    Total Weekly Minutes: 164
    Total Weekly Cardio Minutes: 132
    Total Weekly Strength Minutes: 32
    Total Weekly Water Intake: 28 glasses

    chickadees total 6 week progress:
    Total Challenge Minutes: 1035
    Total Challenge Cardio Minutes: 770
    Total Challenge Strength Minutes: 280
    Total Challenge Water Intake: 138

    It took me three different times to get my 45 minute walk in because of the weather, but I got it!
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 317 Member
    Day 18

    Cardio: 45 mins
    30 mins - Elliptical
    15 mins - Kettleball routine (OH MY!!!)

    Strength: 30 mins - various

    Week 3 Totals: 139 mins/Cardio; 30 mins/Strength; 45 mins/Other= 316 mins

    Tough week - group paper due tomorrow and then another in two weeks.

    Great job everyone!
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