Frugal living anyone?

So here it goes...I've made a decision to make a much better effort on managing my budget. I'm starting a new job, moving to a new city, paying rent AND student debts off. In the meantime, I want to live healthy!

If you are interested, I'd like to start a group here. I think it would be neat to share recipes, and maybe challenge ourselves to save money in different ways each week. Maybe we don't grab that morning coffee anymore, maybe we start packing our own healthy lunches. It could even be something not even related to health and fitness, such as switching to a cheaper brand of cleaning product.

I think this would be neat to try, because I'm convinced I can eat clean and healthy on a very strict budget.

Let me know if you want to join!



  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    This is how I try to live, but my wife has other plans at times... I love my crock pot for cheap home meals.

    I am also playing with modifying my car for greater gas mileage (right now at 45 mpg, hoping for 65+) as it's quite possible I'll be driving 150 miles per day starting in August. How much the wife will like some of the ideas I have in mind, I don't know.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I just realized today I spent WAY too much on drugstore products (shampoo, conditioner, etc.). I will be returning them tomorrow and will probably get about $30 back. Hate sounding nit picky, but it has to be done.
  • lisaloo85
    lisaloo85 Posts: 81
    sounds good to me!!! I'm always trying to save money and stay healthy!! It can be hard sometimes since the unhealthy stuff is cheaper!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I know tons of ways to save money, especially when it comes to cars (been researching for a while). If you want ideas, let me know.
  • ablueskier
    ablueskier Posts: 104
    I am always comparing the price per ounce on supermarket items and usually only buy if it's on sale and/ or I have a coupon. I buy generic whenever possible and if it's not the grocery store I try to stick to a no shopping cart policy. If it is so much stuff that I can't carry it, then I probably don't need at least half of it.
  • Jamiemielke
    Jamiemielke Posts: 40 Member
    I would love to join!! Add me:)

  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I just realized today I spent WAY too much on drugstore products (shampoo, conditioner, etc.). I will be returning them tomorrow and will probably get about $30 back. Hate sounding nit picky, but it has to be done.

    i love getting this stuff at sam's club. You can get a huge salon type pump bottle for around $7. I believe there is much less waste this way as well.
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    I'm so in for this! My budget is getting a lot tighter next month when my student loan deferment ends and every little bit helps!
  • Fitfreak199
    Fitfreak199 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in!!! especially for grocery store items and dept store stuff. Extreme couponing has cought my eye, but I agree, the cheap stuff is always the "unhealthy" stuff.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I'd love to join!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    bump :wink:
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    consider my self a frugalista. My family has lived on a very VERY small budget for 2 years now due to the economy and layoffs. Finally we are both working again so hopfully getting out of this blackhole soon.

    But that said I have learned to live on a $70 a week grocery budget. thats 3 meals and snacks a day 7 days a week for my family of 4. that includes buying all personal care and diapers. There are lots of websites I have found in my search that provide great moneysaving ideas and tips. let me know if I can assist you in your challenge in any way.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Awesome! I'm so glad to see so many interested!

    I think I'll be going grocery shopping Saturday, so I will be sure to post in my blog exactly what I spent, and my weekly meal plans (for the whole month). I just have to wait until tomorrow when the new flyers come out, so I can compare prices.

    Let's do this!
  • TurtleCrush
    I know exactly what you mean. I am on a very strict budget and mine does not allow for error even though like life, mistakes happen. I think living frugal is the new "Green" way to be. I especially found ways to reduce my energy bills. For instance trying washing dishes by hand with soapy water with a little bleach and it will save on the dishwasher. I also keep my hot water heater off unless I am going to do dishes or shower. Both of those combined saves me 20+ dollars a month. In my experience anything that uses heat will up your bills like crazy. I also watch the supermarket ads to make sure I get as much at one store as possible.

  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    consider my self a frugalista. My family has lived on a very VERY small budget for 2 years now due to the economy and layoffs. Finally we are both working again so hopfully getting out of this blackhole soon.

    But that said I have learned to live on a $70 a week grocery budget. thats 3 meals and snacks a day 7 days a week for my family of 4. that includes buying all personal care and diapers. There are lots of websites I have found in my search that provide great moneysaving ideas and tips. let me know if I can assist you in your challenge in any way.

    I think we would love to check these sites out!
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Yep, I'm in. I'm a girl who's trying to eat healthy on a budget.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    I'm in ! University student here, saving up for a condo down-payment. Gotta cut corners wherever possible!!
  • joshandstacy
    joshandstacy Posts: 56 Member
    I absolutely love this topic!! Unfortunately, every way of saving money I have found means time and loss of convenience but I've decided to put the effort in. Here is a list of things:

    -buy water bottles (like the BPA free ones) and use tap water, you don't need to buy the plastic water bottles... I have three and keep them filled in the fridge... if you to drink something other than water make your own iced tea (pop is a money sucker and not so healthy)

    -go grocery shopping with a list and don't add things to it once you get there and don't be afraid of generics

    -eat less meat and more vegetables

    -use your leftovers!! (and freeze them if you can't use them soon enough)

    -pre-prepare your own meals and eat at home instead of going out to eat (healthier and cheaper)

    -you can make your own laundry detergent very cheaply, also consider air/line drying your clothes

    -when doing dishes by hand use a dish pan, don't let the water constantly run down the drain (also reuse the water when you are ready to dump it, you can use it to water plants this tip also works for water from boiling noodles and stuff)

    - consider buying your clothes at the discount stores (around me places like TJ Maxx, Gabriel Brothers, etc) or clearance racks

    -landscaping the yard: grow them from seed yourself...if you have the space, try a garden. (also call your water company and ask about the gardening plan for the summer- it might be too late I'm not too sure)

    -for credit cards you are supposed to be able to call every 6 months and get the interest rate lowered as long as you weren't late on a payment

    -females... Google the Diva Cup and decide for yourself if it's something you'd be willing to try (definitely a money saver though!)

    -mend your clothes rather than replace them... also be creative and cut up and redesign old shirts for a new style

    -turn off every electric thing (and lights) when you don't use it (I've even read to put it all on surge protectors and flip that switch when you aren't using it...if you don't do this at least unplug phone chargers when not in use)

    -use daylight as much as possible instead of lights

    -turn the heat down when you are sleeping or not home (and in the summer you can get a lot by learning the right windows to open and when to close up the house and avoid turning on the a/c)

    -only leave the water running when it's needed (washing hands, brushing teeth, showers... turn on to wet, of and on again to rinse) and for the toilet possibly go with "when it's brown flush it down... yellow let it mellow (unless it's potent)
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    I'd love to join this with you. I save some great ideas too, since we went from a dual income to single income and moved to a newer house. I've made my own cleaners, washing detergent, very green way :flowerforyou: . Great topic!!:smile:
  • oici812
    oici812 Posts: 23 Member
    I would love to join also....just reading all of this there is a lot I could learn...