Constantly going over my calories but still losing weight...

I find myself constantly going over my calories. The scale is also pretty much constantly going down but I still feel guilty about it because while sometimes I do eat because I'm hungry, sometimes I eat just because I want to/it makes me feel better/habit.. and so on. It's hard to break this bad habit when I'm still progressing but I don't wanna get into this cycle of always feeling like I'm overeating. Any suggestions? Sometimes I wonder if 1200 calories just isn't enough for me. Even on a good day it's a BATTLE to stay at 1200 calories.


  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Perhaps 1200 just isn't enough for you. If you don't mind losing more slowly, while feeling less hungry and happier, then change your calorie goals. If you find that your weight loss slows down, it also gives you some wiggle room.
  • Ree_Chatelain
    Ree_Chatelain Posts: 229 Member
    Everyone is different, maybe for your body and your activity level you don't need to be as low as 1200.
    Congrats on the loss, you are looking great.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    1200 is really the minimum for a moderately obese female of an average height. If you are taller or more than moderately obese then you'll actually lose weight eating more.
  • kpolnik
    kpolnik Posts: 4
    you look great! I am having the same problem, I have gone over twice on my 1300 calories and I don't know why. Try to make walking a habit and drinking water, on days that I do both I seem to eat less.

    best of luck on your weight loss journey I have 10 pounds to go.

  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    you look great! I am having the same problem, I have gone over twice on my 1300 calories and I don't know why. Try to make walking a habit and drinking water, on days that I do both I seem to eat less.

    best of luck on your weight loss journey I have 10 pounds to go.


    That's awesome!!! I go over like 5 days a week or more :/ I think I'm gonna move my calories up to 1380 for now even though I feel extremely guilty about it.. I might try to master eating that then move back down to 1200 :/ And thanks!
  • Willowalker
    Your results speak for themselves. What a difference in your two pix - you look great!! You know that saying, if it's not broke, don't fix it? Well, I think if your "going over" isn't affecting your loss, keep with what's working - don't waste energy stressing over it. Congrat's again on your success!
  • CassandraD82
    CassandraD82 Posts: 71 Member
    What do you do at work? If you're sitting a computer than you probably should try and stick to your 1200 calorie allowance - make an effort to eat really, really healthy filling meals for a week - try cutting out margarine, mayo and all the little things that throw up the calorie count instead of, say, cutting out a piece of bread.

    I know that eating super healthy is difficult but just try and do it for a week or two. Hopefully this will fill you up enough that you don't still feel hungry at the end of the day once you've hit your 1200 calories.

    Remember, it's good to go to bed feeling like you could still eat a snack. It's great if you wake up hungry and want a big breakfast.

    If you have quite a long walk to get to and from work/your car/your bus stop or if you are on your feet a lot during the day than 1200 calories might be a bit too low for you.

    Have you tried the BMR calculator? It might suggest a slightly higher Calorie goal for you as a daily baseline.

    I'm on 1300 calories per day and seeing a slow and steady loss of my last few pounds excess weight.
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    Your results speak for themselves. What a difference in your two pix - you look great!! You know that saying, if it's not broke, don't fix it? Well, I think if your "going over" isn't affecting your loss, keep with what's working - don't waste energy stressing over it. Congrat's again on your success!

    Thanks <3 I should update that because I've lost about 3 lbs since the last pic was taken! Ya I think that too but I don't like feeling as if my eating habits haven't changed tremendously. I feel like I could easily put the weight back on :/
  • minburke
    minburke Posts: 241 Member
    I think if it's working for you then that amount of cals is perfect for you! I'm doing 1200 and not losing.. Gah. Exercising 5 days a week too.. Not sure what to do.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    i dont why people stick with this radom 1200 cal number. its a myth. no more..what you should do is go on your can still be eating 1200 or even 1500 depending on your current weight and BMR and still lose weight.
  • minburke
    minburke Posts: 241 Member
    whats BMR? Never mind.. Google!
  • Deidresmith
    Everyone's metabolism is different. BMR is your Basel Metabolic Rate which in English means it is the base rate your metabolism functions at to keep you heart pumping, lungs inhaling, and brain working. It's the minimum amount of calories your body needs to physically function. You should never go below your BMR because it will be taking crucial energy away from vital things such as carbs from your brain and brown fat that insulates your heart. (This is good fat :) )

    A person can have a high BMR or a low BMR. A person with a high BMR literally requires a high amount of calories for their body to function. This is the kind of person who can eat all day long and never gain a pound. A person with a low BMR requires very low calories for their body to function. People with low BMRs tend to have a harder time losing weight because their caloric intake needs to be low ie 1100 - 1200.
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    Everybody has different caloric requirements based on their current weight, body composition (body fat + lean body mass), and their daily activity level.

    Mine is somewhere around 2300 calories. My sister, who weighs 20 lbs. less than me, needs around 2400. Everybody is different. Eating because you're hungry is great! It means you are listening to what your body is telling you (I need energy!) and you're not depriving it of energy (thus, lowering your metabolism).

    Keep doing what you're doing!
  • minburke
    minburke Posts: 241 Member
    Everyone's metabolism is different. BMR is your Basel Metabolic Rate which in English means it is the base rate your metabolism functions at to keep you heart pumping, lungs inhaling, and brain working. It's the minimum amount of calories your body needs to physically function. You should never go below your BMR because it will be taking crucial energy away from vital things such as carbs from your brain and brown fat that insulates your heart. (This is good fat :) )

    A person can have a high BMR or a low BMR. A person with a high BMR literally requires a high amount of calories for their body to function. This is the kind of person who can eat all day long and never gain a pound. A person with a low BMR requires very low calories for their body to function. People with low BMRs tend to have a harder time losing weight because their caloric intake needs to be low ie 1100 - 1200.

    So my BMR is 1530.9... So I should never go below this even when trying to lose weight? I multiplied it by 1.25 for my activity level so the BMR is already 550cal lower than the one I am working off 2104
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Stick with what you are doing- it is working. If it defeats you to see you went over, up your calories on the site :o)
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    I find myself constantly going over my calories. The scale is also pretty much constantly going down but I still feel guilty about it because while sometimes I do eat because I'm hungry, sometimes I eat just because I want to/it makes me feel better/habit.. and so on. It's hard to break this bad habit when I'm still progressing but I don't wanna get into this cycle of always feeling like I'm overeating. Any suggestions? Sometimes I wonder if 1200 calories just isn't enough for me. Even on a good day it's a BATTLE to stay at 1200 calories.

    Although eating above your 1200 calories is working, I would be concerned (a little) about what you say in your second sentence... "...sometimes I eat just because I want to/it makes me feel better/habit..." as that's where the danger area is.

    While you're losing weight, that's great, but if you're making a lifestyle change as opposed just being on a "diet" I would say you need to look at these as your danger areas, and try to find out if anything particular triggers you to overeat. Then, you can work on strategies to do something else instead - say, drink water, go for a walk or something. If you're still eating because it makes you feel better/habit then once you get closer to your goal I think you'll hit some issues.

    For instance, I know damn well that at the weekend, I'll eat when I'm reading or watching TV - crisps, biscuits, whatever is to hand. And not because I'm hungry, either - just because it's there and I can. So, I either need to get off the sofa and away from my book, or make sure that I have something else to eat that won't be 900cals in one go!
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    You look awesome. Just keep doing what you are doing because it is working for you x
  • skinnyjeans13
    My BMR is 1600 but I'm only eating 1200 calories a day... (not including the average 250 to 500 I burn off...) Should I be eating more? My scale didn't budge in the past week... I find it so hard to eat 1200 calories, I can't imagine eating more!
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    Wow mines 1500 something!
  • rakelros
    rakelros Posts: 67
    I think if it's working for you then that amount of cals is perfect for you! I'm doing 1200 and not losing.. Gah. Exercising 5 days a week too.. Not sure what to do.

    I was also eating 1200 per day and not losing a pound on it for a month. I upped my intake to 1600-1800 per day, and bingo! I started losing instantly. So maybe you´re not eating enough? I´m also training a lot. I work out 6 days a week. 1-2 hours each time.