Off Topic My dad.. and my son



  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member

    I am SO on my way over!! I need a BIG glass of wine....quick!! Already fumbling the keys on the computer..instead of hitting reply I almost posted report abuse ! LOL!! Not Shannon...never!!!

    You wouldn't be the first!! :laugh:

    Wine will be poured, but get here fast. I'm known to sneak sips! :bigsmile:
  • LightenUp_Caro
    LightenUp_Caro Posts: 572 Member
    My prayers are with you and your family. I hope your father is doing well and hopefully they've caught it early enough to treat. My father is a gastroenterologist and he tells me that most cases of colon/rectal cancer can be treated fairly easily if they're caught early enough in a routine colonoscopy. Your son is also in my prayers, i know that it's hard on him.
  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Try to stay positive and keep that beautiful smile on your face:flowerforyou:
    Prayers and thoughts:heart:

  • Crystal_Cherry

    everything is gonna be ok

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697

    I am SO on my way over!! I need a BIG glass of wine....quick!! Already fumbling the keys on the computer..instead of hitting reply I almost posted report abuse ! LOL!! Not Shannon...never!!!

    You wouldn't be the first!! :laugh:

    Wine will be poured, but get here fast. I'm known to sneak sips! :bigsmile:

    LOL!! Well scratch that..we're gonna need a whole bottle of wine now.. Brandon is in the hospital again for his Crohn's!!!! I just can't win this week can I? He spent yesterday in the ER and they admitted him right away..where he will now spend his weekend... They are keeping a close eye on his prednisone IV drip along with all sorts of other meds to try and stabalize this..once again..and yet still has a smile on his face?? I was with him yesterday and my husband with him today..taking turns so our 7 yr old daughter has some sort of normalcy going to school and sleeping at home instead of in the hospital with us.. ..will keep you posted when I know more! Time for bed!!!!!
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697
    Oh my gosh..this week soooooo can not get any worse..... I am surprised I haven't gained 20 pounds due to STRESS!!!! So here we are...STILL in the hospital with Brandon..when I get a phone call. My husband and 7 yr old daughter were on their way home from the hospital and got into a car accident....... both are ok..shaken up of course...but our can is totaled...completely.. I guess Sarah freaked out in her car seat because she couldnt get out..and couldnt find her stuffed animal....even the firemen and rescue guys looked for it... but it was just gone.. poor thing... I guess She has a bruise from where the seatbelt was but hopefully by the morning everyone is fine and not worse... always soemthing.. can't seem to catch a break this week can i????????
  • logansmommy
    Wow! I am so sorry about everything ya'll are going through. Your family is in my prayers!
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    Oh my gosh..this week soooooo can not get any worse..... I am surprised I haven't gained 20 pounds due to STRESS!!!! So here we are...STILL in the hospital with Brandon..when I get a phone call. My husband and 7 yr old daughter were on their way home from the hospital and got into a car accident....... both are ok..shaken up of course...but our can is totaled...completely.. I guess Sarah freaked out in her car seat because she couldnt get out..and couldnt find her stuffed animal....even the firemen and rescue guys looked for it... but it was just gone.. poor thing... I guess She has a bruise from where the seatbelt was but hopefully by the morning everyone is fine and not worse... always soemthing.. can't seem to catch a break this week can i????????

    Leslee!!!! :brokenheart: :cry:

    I'm so sorry honey. Seems like most the time when it rains, it pours. Your whole family is in my prayers.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Oh my gosh..this week soooooo can not get any worse..... I am surprised I haven't gained 20 pounds due to STRESS!!!! So here we are...STILL in the hospital with Brandon..when I get a phone call. My husband and 7 yr old daughter were on their way home from the hospital and got into a car accident....... both are ok..shaken up of course...but our can is totaled...completely.. I guess Sarah freaked out in her car seat because she couldnt get out..and couldnt find her stuffed animal....even the firemen and rescue guys looked for it... but it was just gone.. poor thing... I guess She has a bruise from where the seatbelt was but hopefully by the morning everyone is fine and not worse... always soemthing.. can't seem to catch a break this week can i????????

    WTH(!), Les???????? :brokenheart: :noway: :cry:

    Cars are replaceable, loved ones not. I'm glad hubby & Sarah are okay. Sending cyber-hugs and heartfelt prayers your way. :heart:
  • lascolaj514
    lascolaj514 Posts: 53 Member
    Leslie, sorry to hear about all your family is going thru and dealing with. Just wanted to let you know more prayers are being said for you all. Hang in there. Try to take care of yourself in the midst of all this. Love, Jackie
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Keeping you and your family in my prayers:heart:

  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Just wanted to let you know that there is hope! My mama has survived CR cancer for 2 years now and is as strong and beautiful as ever. It was a year of pure hell for her, and she has a colostomy bag now, but when she found out about the cancer and the colostomy bag, she said: I'd schlep my poo around in a 5 gallon bucket if it means I get to see my grandkids grow up. Yah, she is a fighter! :laugh: Have faith, lots of love and laughter got our family through it.

  • mbb8682
    mbb8682 Posts: 262 Member
    You and your family are in my prayers I am so sorry to hear about that.
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697
    Venting part...four..five? can't remember lol anyways.... Thanks for the prayers! Things have FINALLY calmed down around here!!!! Brandon is doing a little better...home from the hospital! After talked to our pediatrician the day after his release ( Because he felt just as sick leaving as he did the day he was admitted) she said it is time for a second opinion.... not that the dr's were bad in any way..... but for some reason my kid ...of all prednisone resistant...and it is not helping...but the side effects are really bad. They keep putting him on it during a flare up and its frustrating because we keep telling everyone it's not working! They just kind of throw their hands up in the air and give up....asking us what path we would like to take ( HELLO!! We didn't go to medical school...THEY did!! They should be the ones telling US what to do right!! lol) So our pediatrician told us we should go to Boston Children's Hospital where the best of the best are in New England. It's a drive..but worth it for a second opinion on how to treat the Crohn's. We went on Monday and the GI dr. there was awesome! He was unable to get all the pathology /biopsy reports from our hospital because they were dragging their feet a little..but from the stuff he DID have..he sat us down and said Here's what we should do...this this and this.... and if that doesn't work..we'll do this this and this..... He had a complete plan and it was so nice to have a doctor sit us down and tell us which path to choose. It was nice to have a Dr. tell us what do instead of being all wishy washy about everything!!
    In other news... we still havent told our kids about my dad..with everything going on right now I just couldn't do it. My dad knows they dont know and actually wants it that way until Thanksgiving is over...because he doesn't want brandon worrying about his grampy . thanksgiving is my dads favorite holiday so he wants it to be perfect. which is understandable. it's just hard because we visited him on Sunday..first time since the news..and even know the kids don't know you could tell everything seemed strained. My dad was trying to hide his pain big time while playing and picking up the kids and stuff. I don't think they noticed though. One bad thing is my dad is and will always be an alcoholic.....he usually keeps things somewhat under control if that makes any sense...but over the weekend he decided he did not want to take his pain medications but a bottle of whiskey instead..and decided to call us girls ( his daughters) along with my mother..his ex wife....telling us all he needs to talk to us and organizing his paperwork in his office so everyone knows what to do when he dies..and saying something like the tumor is spreading and all sorts of stuff..he doesn't remember any of it the next morning but ... its just a really hard time for him right now and I guess this is the way he is going to deal with it. After Tomorrow he starts the chemo and radiation to shrink the tumor..and then surgery to remove it..maybe two once he undergoes treatment we will have to tell the kids..ugh! When does life start to get easy again? on a positive note.. I lost another two pounds!!!!! I thought through all this I would I am very please with that...even though I haven't been very faithful to my treadmill the last few months!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hey Leslie!!!! Wow! You are sure are being kicked when you're down huh?? I am so sorry!!!

    You are in my prayers! Just know that. I truly hope for things on your end to get better.

    At least the Dr. in Boston was more helpful!

    Take care hun! Try and enjoy your Thanksgiving!!

  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    :brokenheart: :cry: I am so sorry honey! Things are just not going well for you. But it sounds like the docs in Boston know what they are doing and they have a plan. So that is definately a good thing.:flowerforyou: As for your dad...All you can do is stay positive and keep your head up and pray.:flowerforyou: I will keep you and your family in my prayers :flowerforyou: :heart: Have a Happy Thanksgiving sweetie.:flowerforyou:
  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I'm happy you finally got some answers about your son's condition.
    Stay strong:flowerforyou:

    Oh congrats on the weight loss:drinker: :drinker:

  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    You can get through this Leslee, but wow are things tough for you. Why can't this crap happen to bad people, dang it?:angry:

    My prayers are still going out to you, sweetie.:heart:

    Try and enjoy your day tomorrow and be happy in the thought that things may be going wrong.....but you truly are blessed.

    Luv Ya!:heart:
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I will keep your family in my prayers.
    Faith can move mountains! Don't give up hope.
    All of us here at MFP are pulling for you, your dad, and your son.
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Dear God, how much can one woman take!!!! My goodness!!!!
    :cry: :flowerforyou: :cry:

    I'll be praying for you and your family.
    Sorry you've been through all this - you are one strong woman!
    :flowerforyou: :heart: