p90x results?

PJS323 Posts: 115
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone! I'm new, and am interested in trying the P90X program. Has anyone on here had a positive experience? I currently workout six days a week, and I have a personal trainer. I've lost 51 lbs on my own, and I signed up for a 90 day challenge through Lifteme (my health club). After the challenge is over, I am interested in trying the P90X. It seems like it would be a fantastic challenge, but I'm wondering how it is in real life. Also if there are any females out there that have successfully completed it, I would love your take on it. Thanks!


  • JenniB619
    JenniB619 Posts: 85 Member
    I love P90x ..Im in my 2nd week of it right now. I can definately feel a difference. I havent dropped any weight yet but im only in my 2nd week. I do feel that I have lost something around my waist tho. I didnt take before pictures so I cant compare. But i would definately try P90x if i were you. Its a great workout to do at home! and you can do it any time of day youd like. You dont even need anything other then weights really.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    Tomorrow is day 60 for me on the program and I haven't lost a lot of weight but the inches are definitely coming off. It's not touted as a weight loss program per se (more of a fitness program) but your body will change. There are several threads on here about P90X. I would suggest you do a search and you'll see conversations as well as "before & after" threads using the program. I'm personally loving it and plan to do another round as soon as this one is done because I'm nowhere near where I want to be.
  • I absolutely love P90X and I literally went from a size 8 to a size 2 in the 90 days. I only lost about 10 pounds, but the inches melted off. I'm actually pregnant now so I'm going to the gym for less-intense classes, but I plan to start P90X again as soon as my doctor gives me the go ahead after I give birth!
  • Angelic73
    Angelic73 Posts: 1 Member
    I love P90x, also! It is a hardcore workout but you will love the results you see. In my first 9 weeks, I lost 17 lbs and LOTS of inches. (Size 12 to a size 6) Overall my entire experience has been positive. Unfortunately, I pulled a muscle in my back while doing one of the crazy pushups in Week 10 and have been out of commision for 2 weeks. But I'm itching to get back to it just as soon as I've recovered! Just do as Tony says and work to your own ability and eventually you'll work your way up to the most difficult moves. Good luck to you and BRING IT!
  • muncharoo
    muncharoo Posts: 15 Member

    I'm on my 4th round and I've never lost any weight on it. :( but its my fault because I don't watch what I eat and I eat as much as I like. I actually ate a lot more food on it than off. But I didn't gain any weight either. I'm now counting calories and starting to see more changes.

    So bottom line is everything works as long as you watch what you eat. I think the eating is the most important and exercising is just keeping your body healthy and of course burns extra calories lol good luck

    I'm 4'11 and 105lbs and I do bring it every time I work out ;)
  • PJS323
    PJS323 Posts: 115
    Thanks everyone for the information. It sounds as though overall it has positve results. I realize it will take more than one session to get to my goal, so I'm going to give it a shot. Thanks again!
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    hi and welcome!

    myself and my husband are doing p90x...we're into our 6th week tomorrow and i am loving it...i've only lost 2lbs so far but i have noticed i am starting to get more definition to my stomach and i have lose 'some' inches!
  • Azelas
    Azelas Posts: 2
    Ive noticed that there aren't many males on here but I thought I'd add to this thread. :) P90X is a fantastic workout programme if you really put the effort in. I'm in the final week of my first 'proper' round and I'm 18lbs lighter than I was at the start, I also lost a stone about 18 months ago doing just half a round, so I can vouch for the results there. I've lost a couple of inches off the waist too!

    Started out 6'1 and 210lb and am now 178bs. For a 20 year old male, saturday league footballer, I don't think Im doing too bad!

    All I will say though is 90% of the results you get from the programme come from the kitchen. Nutrition is a massive part of any P90X round and the results you get. Keeping disciplined and allowing yourself to have a 'treat meal' every week makes it really easy to stay on the right track (Seriously, just enjoy one meal of whatever you want once a week. It does your metabolism favours by throwing a bit of a curveball and gives you something to stay disciplined throughout the week for). The females I know who follow the programme too have also reported some fantastic results. I'm currently trying to persuade my girlfriend to join me!

    I dont come on here often, just to track my calories, but if you have any questions just throw me a message!
  • glaursen
    glaursen Posts: 1
    One thing to keep in mind doing a program like P90x is that it isn't just a cardio program. You're also doing excercises that build muscle, and we've all heard the saying that muscle weighs more than fat.

    So while your scale might only say you've dropped 2 pounds but you've been going at the program with as much intensity as you can manage, don't get discouraged. As other members have pointed out, their weight loss hasn't necessarily been huge, but they've noticed changes in their waistlines. That's why the program suggests taking pictures before starting the program, then following up with pictures at the 30, 60, and 90 day mark. You might not be seeing massive drops on the scale, but there will be some changes to your physique, which is what the program is really about.

    For me, my measure of success on the program are all the little aches in my muscles the next morning. -If you're sore, that means you're doing something right and challenging your muscles!
  • PJS323
    PJS323 Posts: 115
    What's the difference between Insanity & p90x? 60 to 90 days? My eating isn't an issue. I haven't had caffeine in 6 months, no smoking, no alcohol, very limited carbs, and sugar. I drink a gallon of water a day, and stay away from artificial sweetner. I can't believe how my tastes have changed, and that foods that use to tempt me-don't. I appreciate all of the information from everyone, especially about the weight vs. muscle building. I wouldn't expect a high amount of pounds to drop, my body is being extremely stubborn with letting go. I'll keep at it, and I refuse to go through this cycle again. I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but this time is different. It doesn't feel like I am depriving myself, just that I am treating my body with more respect.
  • PJS323
    PJS323 Posts: 115
    How many calories would a cheat meal be? I've gotten so use to not eating foods from my past, that I'm almost afraid to indulge. Plus when I have, I've had horrible stomach aches after. I feel sluggish, and unmotivated. Should it be pasta? Pizza? Bread? I don't have a clue. I average about 1550 calories a day. My daily max is 1780. So maybe as long as I stay around that, cheating once a week wouldn't be bad. Thanks for the help, and information. I appreciate it.
  • Azelas
    Azelas Posts: 2
    How many calories would a cheat meal be? I've gotten so use to not eating foods from my past, that I'm almost afraid to indulge. Plus when I have, I've had horrible stomach aches after. I feel sluggish, and unmotivated. Should it be pasta? Pizza? Bread? I don't have a clue. I average about 1550 calories a day. My daily max is 1780. So maybe as long as I stay around that, cheating once a week wouldn't be bad. Thanks for the help, and information. I appreciate it.

    I know how you feel with being afraid to indulge. I enjoy a treat meal sometimes and at other times I feel like I shouldn't have eaten it. I've found that having a treat meal on a Friday evening when my working week is over and I've completed a scheduled workout is a good day to 'let your hair down' and enjoy yourself. I have a friend who is a certified nutrition and fitness coach and also serves in the military, who swears by having a treat meal once a week while on a workout programme. From my own positive results, I can see the merit behind having a treat once a week to some extent.

    In terms of calories, I tend not to apply a limit as it is a treat. I'll sometimes guesstimate how many calories/carbs/fat etc. I've taken in and add it to my diary whereas some people I know will just add an 'x' value. So for example, a friend on a treat meal day might say they've taken in "700 + x calories on Friday" to denote they've had a treat meal day.

    If you are really apprehensive about having a full blown, 700-1k calorie treat meal on a weekly basis as I have been before, or do have discomfort when you have eaten something like that; just add a small treat that you can easily track on here instead. So a healthy meal on a Friday evening with a chocolate bar afterwards or a serving of ice cream wouldn't be as sinful as a full pizza/takeout meal for example, but still would be something you enjoy. It's all about what works for you. :)
  • PJS323
    PJS323 Posts: 115
    Thank you for the information. I'm going to give it a try. Since Sunday is my day off, I'll do it then. Maybe some coffee, or cereal. I haven't had either since October. I'm trying hard not to let this consume me, and I need to realize that i will want to eat other things in a limited/rational amount when I hit my goal. Congratulations on your progress, and keep up the good work.
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