Would you weigh in the morning (before breakfast) or evening

pakky Posts: 17
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss

Do you usually weigh in the morning before any meal or in the evening before go to bed? Which one is the right one? Now I do before breakfast.



  • Shawna0101
    Shawna0101 Posts: 76 Member
    I weigh in, in the morning before breakfast, and after using the washroom, I figure that would be my "truest" weight.
  • jonathandavid_t
    jonathandavid_t Posts: 107 Member
    Wake up, empty bladder and bowels, and weigh.

    Or abandon the scales and just measure waist every couple of weeks.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    It doesn't matter as long as you weigh in at the same time each day. I weigh in on Friday a.m. after my shower each week.
  • My aunt, who is a nurse, always told me to weigh myself right after your 'first morning pee' naked, before you eat breakfast. Sounds weird, but it's the time of the day when you are your 'lightest'. If you weigh yourself in the evening, the weight will constantly be changing because you are also weighing all of the food you ate during the day, and have not allowed your body to fully digest all of it.
  • jaymark
    jaymark Posts: 18 Member
    Every morning, helps keep me focused all days
  • jenniefromtherock
    jenniefromtherock Posts: 80 Member
  • dracobaby82
    dracobaby82 Posts: 380 Member
    I have always done this in the mornings... usually once I wake up, drink some coffee and go to the bathroom LOL sometimes I do it all through out the day and usually nights I'm the heaviest... but sometimes when I workout in the evening, before I shower I'll get on the scale just to see... and sometimes I'm a little less
  • lawilgus
    lawilgus Posts: 21
    Whichever you do, stick to it for consistent weigh-ins. Generally, you weigh less in the morning though, and clothes generally add about a pound or so.

    I stick to a routine. Get up, walk the dogs, go the the bathroom, and then strip and weigh. =)
  • bossmodehan
    bossmodehan Posts: 210 Member
    Thinking about it logically, I'd go for a morning weight in, simply because your system is likely to be empty, but in the evening you can't control how much the weight of the food you've eaten throughout the day could tip the scale. weighing in on an empty stomach is something you can control.
    i don't know for a fact, and of course there are other factors, this is just what makes sense to me!
  • meggiemaye
    meggiemaye Posts: 117
    Definitely in the morning!!

    You supposedly weigh your 'true' weight in the morning, after using the restroom, when you haven't any clothes on. A person's weight will be three pounds higher on average before you go to bed. You're also almost an inch shorter from your spine compressing all day long! :)
  • cc2r1511
    cc2r1511 Posts: 127 Member
    The morning after you use the restroom but before you eat anything!
    I have it down to a science since I weigh myself everyday. I stand on the scale right before I go to bed (about 10:30 or 11:00) and in the morning I am 1.6-2.0 lbs lighter in the morning. I weigh myself at night just to get an idea of what it will be in the morning. The morning weight is what i actually record.
  • MandiPandi757
    MandiPandi757 Posts: 28 Member
    Weigh-in in the morning and after you use the toilet. Also with no clothes on. It's the most accurate in the morning after your first pee or bowel (sorry for the TMI about the toilet, but it's true). Hope this helps!
  • I agree with morning before breakfast and after disposing of waste....makes a difference, trust me on that!!
  • Windi38
    Windi38 Posts: 164 Member
    General consensus says in the morning before breakfast, but I think the best advice is to do it at the same time, whenever that is. So if you weigh yourself at night, do it at night every time. Personally, I weigh myself in the morning and usually in the evening as well, but I don't stress over a 1lb gain through out the day, it's pretty normal. I've noticed that after a really strenuous work out, sometimes I even lose half a pound or so! :) Not that it stays off most of the time! LOL
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    First thing in the morning after using the bathroom is the best time to weigh yourself. All of the food from the previous day has been fully digested.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Morning. After pee and before eating and naked. Weight fluctuates up to 5lbs each day (can go under true weight too).
  • pammyedmunds
    pammyedmunds Posts: 608 Member
    Weigh in the morning after you went to the washroom and before you have had breakfast!
  • Keefypoos
    Keefypoos Posts: 231 Member
    I, like most it seems, do it in the morning after the loo and before breakfast. but am now wondering that perhaps it should be after breakfast as that would be fed and watered for the start of the day and therefore a more true relfection of my weight.
  • ESD4431
    ESD4431 Posts: 1
    I weigh in before breakfast. My belief is that after a night of sleeping(and after using the restroom) my body will be in a more constant state than at night before bed. I'm trying to gain weight though, so I sometimes snack in the evening but sometimes I don't and that affects my nighttime weight. I feel that weighing in the morning gives a better baseline.
  • I weight myself after I go to the gym. I always weigh more when I first get up verses after I go to the gym. I drink atleast 24 oz. of water at the gym, so it's not due to water loss. I have always done this. And yes, it is usually at the same time every day.....and this is also after I have eaten a large breakfast. Everyone says different times........just be sure to do it at the same time once you pick a time.
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