Stevia? Do or Don't

maysflower Posts: 180
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
I am looking for alternatives to sugar for sweetening my morning coffee. I've tried Splenda and Equal, but the aspartame gives me brutal headaches. I was told about Stevia, but it is expensive. Has anyone tried it? What did you think?


  • rosequoll
    rosequoll Posts: 27
    Love it! I bought little tablets. Each one is equal to a heaped teaspoon of sugar. I keep the container in my purse and use it when I get a coffee when out at the shops. half tab and coffee or tea is perfect. No headaches for me! =)
  • I am very interested in these answers too! I really like Truvia, and I'm not sure if that's the same or just similar to Stevia.
  • kerryannk
    kerryannk Posts: 148
    i liked it, i just got the little packets and would put them in my lucnh pack for work. it didnt taste as chemically to me like the others seem to.
  • rokikio
    rokikio Posts: 92
    I tried Truvia and I like it alot!
  • Definitely DO! There are different brands like truvia, purevia, suncrystals (which is a mixture with sugar), sweetleaf, etc. Keep trying brands til you find one that suits you. Just go easy on sprinkling it on... too much tastes AWFUL... you gotta find the right balance.
  • I'm currently using a product called Sun Crystals which is a combination of cane sugar and stevia. It's pretty good and is 5 calories a packet. I've tried straight Stevia and I think I like the sun crystal product better.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Like "regular" sugar is the crystallized solids of the sugar cane plant, stevia is the crystallized solids of the stevia leaf.

    It has a very slight cooling sensation, too. I can honestly say I love it MUCH MORE than sugar. Truvia = :heart:

  • jeninne
    jeninne Posts: 412 Member
    tried it- didn't like the taste. didn't give me a headache, but I am just one person. I decided to make room for a tsp of sugar and one little bit of splenda.for my sugar intake. Wasn't going to give up a morning cup of coffee for that...maybe you can try that with stevia if you don't like the taste or it gives you an adverse reaction.
  • smitty328
    smitty328 Posts: 164 Member
    Love It!!! I buy the clear stevia (white bottle) at Fred Meyers, I think it is around $10, but it will last you a long time!!!! I am telling you , it is awesome!!!!!! :happy:
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    If it's actual Stevia from a health-food type shop then yeah, Truvia and Purevia? are not just stevia they have a bulking agent added to them so you can use a tsp for a tsp of sugar while the real stuff is something like 1/8 of a tsp for a tsp you really do need far less of the Stevia.
  • TamiKaye
    TamiKaye Posts: 4
    a friend and co-worker swears by it. She is a cancer survivor and reads a lot to improve her health. I have used it in my hot tea and I do not notice any difference. Now this person also believes drinking cold water will harder your artieries so take this advice with a grain of salt. Taste wise it is comparable! No headache or adverse reactions what so ever
  • frenchprairiegirl
    frenchprairiegirl Posts: 173 Member
    Truvia and Stevia are the same, it's just the "name brand". It's the only method of sweetener accepted on the Eat Clean diet and other Clean Eating Menus.
  • littttlelaurra
    littttlelaurra Posts: 229 Member
    I used suncrystals at first it helps with the transition from sugar or other artificial sweetners to stevia as it is an aquired taste only at first. I now use stevia in the raw, which I enjoy in my coffee or chai tea and oatmeal, other than that I dont have much use for sweeteners in general. Since using it I cant use anything else, I like it too much. It doesnt effect my blood sugars and I dont have any after effect like with the artifical ones, equal would give me headaches and instant bowel trouble. splenda would make my tongue and throat burn like it was scalded with a hot beverage but wasnt. So glad I found stevia or I would have to learn to drink my coffee black lol.
  • trimformecmb
    trimformecmb Posts: 257 Member
    I really like it, althought the after taste takes a little to get use to, but there are some vanilla steia liquid that is awesome for coffee and whole foods sells diet sode flavored with stevia and my body likes it better than the other sweetners.....
    good luck!!!
  • deannarey13
    deannarey13 Posts: 452
    I love it! Target (if you have one in your area) carries a generic to Truvia (which is Stevia, just a brand name) that is much cheaper.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Here's the thread comparing Stevia (pure) Truvia and Purevia, they aren't the same
  • I have tried a couple different ones: Truvia, PureVia, and Stevia in the Raw. Personally, all of them had a very strange taste to me. I usually just stick to Splenda to get away from the Aspartame. I would say try a couple, buy small containers of each (got a really big bag of the "Stevia in the Raw that has been taking up cabinet real estate for some time now).
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I don't, I just cut real sugar.
  • bikerbiz
    bikerbiz Posts: 179 Member
    Stevia in the raw....hate it, it's bitter. I'll stick with natural raw honey. :-)
  • vanfox23
    vanfox23 Posts: 110
    Splenda = Poison to me. I've tried truvia...but I would like more information. Is it natural or man made? I want something that is natural, but inexpensive. Why is it so much cheaper to poison your body with processed foods than it is to eat natural and organic?
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