A day road trip- what to eat??

RDH0513 Posts: 245 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay so on Friday I am going to be in a car for about 8 hours total. I'm going with my mom and sister, which they always stop at almost every mcdonalds haha anyway, I'd prefer not to eat that stuff then just sit in the car for an hour. So my question is- what should I bring to eat?? It has to be something that can stay fresh by itself or with a very mini cooler. Or should I still eat the fast food stuff and eat off the healthiest thing on the menu?? I like to try to keep my meals with at least 20 grams of protein, but I really don't want to eat 4 oz of cold chicken 3 times on the way there/ back haha

Suggestions or recipes for something would be appreciated!!


  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I would probably pack some healthy snacks (fruit, nuts) and opt for a "healthy" restaurant option. Or possibly pack a sandwich for lunch and grab a fruit and yogurt parfait at McDonalds to go with it.
  • Terriwin
    Terriwin Posts: 46 Member
    Whether a long or short trip, I like to leave Wheatable Nutcrips in my car to stave off hunger whenever I am driving. I also keep a few protein/nutrition bars so that I can have something quick to grab instead of stopping at the fast food places.

    I would suggest packing some fruit and veggie snacks so that wherever your sister and mom stop, you will not be so hungry that you make poor choices.

    I've also found it pretty convenient to pack a Subway sandwich in a small cooler. However, on an 8 hour drive with family, you will probably be looking forward to stopping and sitting down to a nice meal at a restaurant. So, just keep handy, healthy snacks in the car so that you will not overdo it when you get to the restaurant. This way, you can be focused on enjoying time with your family rather than obsessing about your meals and overeating.

    Safe travels!
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    I'd pack a small cooler of clean foods if you really don't want to eat the food they're eating. You can pack some whole wheat pasta with broccoli and chicken for lunch and have some cut up veggies, fruit, nuts and hard boiled eggs...whatever your heart desires! Just because you're going on a road trip doesn't mean you can't be prepared! Good luck and have a fun trip!
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    ... a good option ... Beef Jerky. Has protein. Just watch the sugar content and sodium content. Nuts are also a protein source. Eat a good breakfast before you leave, know that you will have a healthy dinner when you return home and then concentrate on doing the best you can for a lunch option! Also - drink water, drink water and drink water. When you get the chance - get out and walk around, it will prevent any "natural" fluid build-up.

    I like your idea of "sitting" in the car vs. being tempted inside... but perhaps an even better idea is to use that hour to go for a walk! :-) Sounds good, not sure I would do it, but would like to think that I would! ha, ha.

    Enjoy your trip!
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    I'm headed to Key West tomorrow it's about 8 hours here my food list 3 grilled chicken breast, 2 apples 2 bananas, 3 premade protein shakes 2 protein bars some yogart covered raisins and 6 bottles of water the chicken and the water and one shake will be in the cooler.O forgot 6 ricecakkes and peanut butter
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Our drive to visit family is 11 hours in the car, so this is what we do. I pack breakfast, lunch and snacks for the car trip and then eat dinner there when we arrive. My list is pretty basic since I pack for myself, my DH, and my 7year old and 2year old.

    Dry Cereal Cups (the small ones that usually sell for $1)
    Fiber Bar

    Pre-made sandwiches from home
    Apple/Banana/Strawberries (whatever fruit you like, just cut it up and have it in a container so you won't have to pack knives, etc.)

    100 calorie packs (if you like these)
    Fiber Bars
    Bottled Water

    I tend to eat less while I'm in the car since it's a pain to get to everything in the cooler, so I usually have some extra calories left for a nice dinner when we arrive.

    Enjoy your trip!
  • Pumpkin seeds/sunflower seeds, beef jerky, protein bars that taste like candy bars 160 cal 15 gr of protein. Bottled water add a package of whey protein flavor 50 calories 10 grams of protein. Bags of frozen grapes, strawberries. I will enjoy lunch w/ the fam I really like Grilled Chicken salads from Chick fil a. I always ask for water squeeze lemons add some stevia/splenda...enjoy a free lemonade (:
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    There is usually a Subway wherever there is a McDonalds.
  • steffilily
    steffilily Posts: 149
    If you could get your family to eat at IHOP instead, they have many dishes that are low calorie. My fave is the Baby Cakes (from the kids menu) and with the sugar free syrup, the whole thing is only 235 calories.
  • wyomingmama
    wyomingmama Posts: 71 Member
    Celery with one TBSP peanut butter. I carry it everywhere with me. Easy to get you through to the next meal. I also like Pacific Natural Foods- Chashew carrot ginger soup singles. Two cups is 240 cals and you can heat them up at the gas station and put them in a coffee togo cup! Super yummy! Green tea for the road, again make it at each stop!

    Good Luck!
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    I always pack for road trips. Sandwich bags of pre-sliced finger food (I'm always driving) like slices of zucchini, grape tomatoes, sugar snap peas, baby carrots, apple and pear wedges.

    Putting items like crackers, nuts, etc. in pre-measured sandwich bags helps with portion control and also helps guard against mindless eating.

    Make yourself a sandwich or two and make sure to halve or even quarter them; that way they are easier to control if you're behind the wheel.
  • wyomingmama
    wyomingmama Posts: 71 Member
    Hard boiled eggs with salt! Only 70 cals each and the protein you want!
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