Feeling low

I work for a Council in Children and Young People's Services and I LOVE my job. The only problem is that I am a temp and have been for 3 years now. So a colleague of mine was able to apply for my job (I wasn't because I'm a temp) and she got it, although didn't start straight away because she was on maternity leave, which gave me a bit of grace.

Fast forward to now, and she is due to start on 3rd May (my time is up at the end of June so that I can train her, I don't have another job to go to yet). She came in today to have a look around and sit with me for a couple of hours.

I knew I wasn't comfortable with it but I didn't realise it would affect me like it has. I feel like I've been punched. I was ok while she was here but now I feel so flat, and so bitter.

So my question is, how do I process this? All I want to do is go home, get drunk and stuff myself full of food.


  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Oh thats awful for you esp as you have to train her and you enjoy your job.

    Re the eating I would exercise - going to gym, swimming, walking anything really. I know I would feel worse if I overate so would try and stay away from the kitchen.

  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    Sweat it out! A good workout will elevate your serotonin levels and help clear your mind. Plus you will be so proud of yourself for not caving that you will pump up your self confidence. Stuffing yourself and getting drunk will do the opposite. Why kick yourself when you are already down?!
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    Well, first of all, acknowledging the feelings you have is the first step, and you have taken that one. So, rather than stuff and drink it away, make a plan to do something like go for a walk to clear your head, ot go for a bike ride, or find a gym with a heavy bag and take it out on it... rather than taking it out on your body and your health.
    Then make your plan to how you can use this as a stepping stone to a new position... If you love what you are doing, then maybe you can find a similar job in the field... and now you have experience training someone as well ...
    It's hard to find a silver lining, but maybe you can find some peace.
  • DreaDreaDre
    Try exercising relief the stress and take all the frustration out on some activity, go to a kick boxing class :flowerforyou:
  • lilsgarcia
    lilsgarcia Posts: 1 Member
    So sorry to hear that. Definitely stay away from the kitchen and booze. It will for sure make you feel worse!!! Try to exercise(one never regrets that), or even better, play your favorite music when you get home and dance! Just remember that when one door closes another one opens...there is something better waiting for you. :)
  • muddles100
    muddles100 Posts: 22 Member
    OK. That's what I needed to hear. Thanks people. EXERCISE!!! Okey cokey! xx
  • bellawomenswellness
    bellawomenswellness Posts: 99 Member
    I like to think the universe sometimes forces our hand. Forces us to go outside our comfort zones. Maybe you can learn to see this obstacle as a new opportunity! If you could pursue anything what would it be? Maybe this is an opportunity from the universe to focus on yourself 100%. I always try to find the "magic" in the situation, knowing something better is always around the corner! My dad always use to say "god does not give us that which we cannot handle". That has always stuck with me. The sooner the transition happens the sooner the healing process can happen. Losing a job has been compared to losing a loved one, in that it can cause that much stress and unease. Take time do some research on others who have experienced this, sit with it ...process why it is so bothersome to you, then take a deep breath and get excited for all that awaits you! Hope that helps a bit. Just remember it is an opportunity not an obstacle!
  • mponeil1982
    I was just getting ready to type what these other wonderful people have said. :-) It's difficult to transition from 'comfort foods' because we are used to telling ourselves that it'll taste really yummy at the time. But, fastforward to the next day and nothing feels better. In fact you may feel worse because now your stomach isn't well or you have a hangover.

    Exercise WILL help you clear your mind as well as release all those wonderful, naturally occuring chemicals in your body to truly help make you feel better. Even if it can't remedy the situation, you'll have a calmed, clear mind and may find that, while you are ultimately sad, you feel pretty darn good.

    Are there other similar jobs in your area you could look for? I feel for you and good luck!
  • muddles100
    muddles100 Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you everyone for so much support. I am going to go home and do a good workout tonight and then spend the Easter Bank Holiday gaining a little perspective. I suppose in the grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter. There will be something else out there for me - I like to think that I am highly employable! What doesn't kill me will make me stronger!! xx