What is your biggest obstacle?

What is everyone struggling with the most? For me it is portion sizes. I think I wouldn't have as much of a problem with food if I knew how to slow down and eat moderately. I'm the worst at parties, potlucks, etc....... anytime there is an unlimited amount. I guess it is psychological or something-like I'm entitled to as must food as I can stuff in my face!!???


  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    carb count.
  • hagofnaedre
    hagofnaedre Posts: 30 Member
    Sweets. I have the worlds biggest sweet tooth!
  • lulu1962
    lulu1962 Posts: 210
  • wrightgirl230
    I struggle the most with saying no. Especially at the office. If someone offers me something, it goes directly in my pie hole! I just need to work on a little self control!:ohwell: :ohwell:
  • Mistykelly
    Mistykelly Posts: 47 Member
    Soda, I can not give it up!
  • Pinkdestiny2
    I just love chips and pizza so I have to totally cut them out because I'll eat them all the time if i dont. Im also not a big fan of fruit and veg...
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    Just food. I really like eating...like a lot...
  • rcgrissom
    rcgrissom Posts: 17
    Patience and continuance as the weight comes off sslloooowwllyy. :flowerforyou:
  • Mrs_TrimWaistFatWallet
    Spending more time exercising = less time with the fiance. Guilt.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Free food. There is always something on my desk, usually donuts. I can't resist donuts. I wish they would just give me the money....
    The weekends! I flake off more on the weekends because my schedule is all messed up! so I gain sometimes on the weekends!
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    My family is not willing to forgo the junk, so I can't get it out of the house.

    I do pretty well avoiding the chips. But I can't avoid anything else. They get mad when I use wholewheat pasta or bread.
  • MisMolly
    MisMolly Posts: 88 Member
    Weekends! More stuff to do that makes it harder to squeeze in a workout, beer, and big family dinners (with a family who could care less if what they eat will make them fluffier). And stupid rainy weather is another obstacle.
  • beccaboo1021
    My biggest obstacle is not planning. Like today, for example, I know I will go from work to my daughter's softball game...did I pack anything to tide me over so I can avoid the concession stand? No. Did I plan anything specific for dinner tonight so I can come home and eat dinner instead raid the pantry and the fridge while dinner is cooking? Nope. Hopefully I find time to offset any bad eating tonight with a good workout...
  • cdthom
    cdthom Posts: 108 Member
    shopping i go to the store and i want all the bad stuff for me
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Sodium. Bleah. I don't add salt to anything. But the foods I love have high sodium. And it annoys me that it doesn't NEED it. I can make a marinara sauce from pureed tomatoes, garlic and some seasoning, and it's very low in sodium. But a jar of Ragu is loaded with it!

    Also difficult... curbing my desire to eat mindlessly. I could happily sit down with a box of crackers and a ball of cheese, and eat a day's worth of calories in one sitting.
  • plantboy2
    plantboy2 Posts: 224 Member
    Definitely alcohol - I associate it with any social event, family event or with the sun which has started to shine a lot more these days. I can't say no to a get together and that usually means drinking
  • Plumpqt
    Plumpqt Posts: 156

  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Definately portion sizes... I feel hungry all the time and I end up eating the entire thing. I have no idea how people can live with what an actual portion size is supposed to be. That's my biggest problem... that and being so discouraged.