Trainers for walking on treadmill and outdoors

debdene Posts: 40 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
Can anyone recommend a good shoe for walking in?, I suffer from painful feet, possibly plantar fasciitis so need extra cushioning and support I also have wide feet and find my reebok reinspires make my toes go numb after a while, I wish Id brought a bigger size!


  • I have the same problem. I have found that New Balance shoes work the best. You can get them in wide with cushion.
  • I have the same problem. I have found that New Balance shoes work the best. You can get them in wide with cushion.
  • I went to this place called "Shippy shoes" I don't think they have them all over, but you might have a store like it where you live.
    This is the website
    Anyways, they looked at how I walked, and then found a shoe that you be best for me. I haven't had any problems with my shoes, I love them!
  • marialexx
    marialexx Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, to get a good pair of shoes, you need to go to a specialty store, like the Running Company. The shoes are a bit more expensive (~$100), but it is definitely worth the investment if you care about your health. They actually analyze you feet and the way you walk (e.g. if you tend to walk more on the inner/outer part of your feet), they test you on the treadmill, etc and the suggest a couple of pairs of shoes for you to try on, see which best fit your needs. This is very important in order for you to get the support you need where you need it. All feet/people are different, one cannot really recommend a 'generic' pair. Hope this helps!
  • Walking2Lose
    Walking2Lose Posts: 69 Member
    I,honestly, have the same issues. I went to see a Podiatrist last year and he told me to buy special shoes (expensive shoes, not working so that is out of the question) from him that were specially made for this issue I have (ball of foot pain) or I could go to this store near me which is really expensive and buy their shoes. So, I did that and it cost me $140 yikes! But the guy that I bought them from (he measured my feet and everything) gave me a size 8.5 and I am a size 7.5 and the shoe was just to big. So, I ended up bringing them back and bought another pair some place else for $40. He advised that New Balance was the best/only should that would work. But I don't beleive him. I think he was just trying to get me to buy from that place because he has connections with them or is associated with them.

    What has worked for me in the past and is a pain in the neck is the gel soles you buy at Walmart. I have bought those and put them under the soles in my sneakers and that really helps. I haven't done that in a long time and the sneakers that I have now don't bother me as much now. I do wear NB sneakers but a 7.5 size and it seems to be ok. Once in awhile it will bother me.

    I did buy a different pair of NB sneaks the other day when they were on sale $85 to $30 and thought what a great deal! But I got a blister the first time wearing them (walking inside w/ dvd) and the 2nd time I wore them (yesterday) both feet were numb and painful (usually only the left foot is the one that feels the pain and numbness) so I took the off and felt much better.

    I would suggest going to see a foot doctor as it might be something serious. That is what people told me when I was in school for Medical Assisting (they thought I had a serious issue) this past yr. But, the doc said that it wasn't anything serious, just that I needed to have more padding in that area.

    Good luck!
  • rkoontz
    rkoontz Posts: 75
    I agree that New Balance seem to be the best for helping with foot pain. I have tried several different shoes that did not do well. Good luck finding the one that works best for you. Foot pain is not fun and walking/running is a great way to loss weight and tone.
  • debdene
    debdene Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks for your comments, I think I will take a trip to town to the running shop and try on a few, I was looking at new balance and also asics
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