Who hates cardio? I DO! I DO!



  • I LOVE LIFTING AND walking or cycling. My problem: GETTING TO IT, as you know. But try ZUMBA. That is what I am trying next just to keep me motivated. MOM :love:
  • luisabaeta
    luisabaeta Posts: 30 Member
    I hate cardio with the same intensity as you do, I swear. In fact, I hate the gym like that, weight lifting included.

    For myself, I found that one of the things I hate about cardio is sweating, so swimming is a good alternative, as you don't sweat at all (and it also tones all your muscles, so you don't even have to lift weights anymore). Or if you're lucky enough to live in a city by the beach, walking with your feet inside the water is also much more pleasant than sweating in a treadmill, and it's refreshing.

    The other thing I hate about the gym is the feeling of uselessness, as if the only thing being accomplished in that activity is the exercise itself – such as running without leaving your spot, or lifting a weight just to put it right back where it was. This is why taking a class on something you'd actually like to learn – dancing, volleyball, swimming, whatever – is much more gratifying and fun.

    Easier said than done, though, I haven't been exercising at all lately!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Ha, you're lucky, cardio isn't that important for weight loss, but is important for cardiovascular health. Most women would do better without cardio and a stricter diet.
    I think lifting is way more important for fat loss, so I do it even though I hate it (it hurts!) and would rather be grooving to turbo fire or listening to my favorite music while spinning or working the elliptical.

    Have you tried bodyrock.tv? It's more like metabolic resistance training as mentioned above. The workouts involve strength and cardio and are high intensity but only 20 mins or so each, a new one is posted daily.

    But hey, if you really hate cardio, just eat right, lift heavy and leave it at that. You'll still get in great shape.
  • Yeah cardio is totally the devil sometimes (especially that time I tried the "energizer bosu" class at club one and thought I was going to throw up all over the super perfect 5-minute-plank-without-breaking-a-sweat girl in front of me). Try cardio kickboxing...it makes you feel pretty badass because you get to express your hatred of cardio by punching and kicking the living daylights out things. Bonus points for teaching you how to kick the crap out of a possible rapist or robber or whatever.

    The right music also totally helps you get in a groove and forget about your homicidal impulses. I also like listening to hilarious podcasts. Good luck!
  • Put me in the "I hate cardio crowd".

    Will try some of these suggestions....
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I love both cardio and lifting. Guess I'm weird.
  • I love both cardio and lifting. Guess I'm weird.

    No your not weird, just a natural athlete.

    What kind of cardio do you like best? I need ideas!
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I hate some of the more common types of cardio, but I don't hate all cardio.

    For example, running and elliptical are the devil. Dancing, however, is a jolly good time if no one is looking.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I love both cardio and lifting. Guess I'm weird.

    No your not weird, just a natural athlete.

    What kind of cardio do you like best? I need ideas!

    Well at first I started with mostly elliptical.. but now I'm really starting to like running.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Why do you HAVE to do cardio?
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    I don't like the boring kind (eg, treadmill, elliptical), but there are many ways to get the ol' heart pumping. Many of those activities, I love.
  • it grows on you.
  • _persephone_
    _persephone_ Posts: 138 Member
    I hate cardio machines but...

    Dancing around your house is amazing. Put this...


    on, and I defy you not to have fun while doing cardio (and you get extra points for silly dance moves IMO)
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    I hate both, but I do 'em. Perhaps one day we (cardio, strength training & I) will learn to love each other.
  • shanahan_09
    shanahan_09 Posts: 238 Member
    I'm kinda half and half regarding cardio. I dread the treadmill, (although, I always feel better afterwards) ... but, I absolutely LOVE hiking, and could hike all day if I had the time. Nothing is better than trekking up a mountain and seeing the view below!! Pretty much any cardio that's outside is great -- it's the indoor cardio that gets ho-hum. Weight training--right there with you, love it!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Take a look at these :)



    I like:
    hill sprints
    KB stuff
    tabata intervals with everything I have in my home gym
    bb complexes

    I'll just let you know that the KB swings challenge was probably the hardest thing I've ever done cardio wise. Felt like my heart was about to explode out of my chest :tongue:

    Yesterday's cardio was unicycling and kinect dancing :laugh: So you can really do whatever you enjoy.
  • Thulpa
    Thulpa Posts: 55 Member
    Two pages and no one said crossfit. I use crossfit as a warmup to my lifting on good days, though I like to bike trails around my place. I hate cardio, and avoid it like the plague.

    I use a spin machine to increase my VO2 rating.

    One thing you can do if you want to avoid cardio is to tighten up your food intake. If you lift with a good cadence and pace you will work your heart and circulatory system. You will not be running any marathons, you will be fitter and not have to do any real cardio.

    If your food is good and your lifting is good, you will lower your heart rate, I know from personal experience, I lowered mine to 56 last time through from 80.
  • I just started to enjoy it in the last few months. Running mostly. I do it for the challenge and just to see if I can. But I MUCH prefer the "fun" stuff and I feel like that stuff is more effective, too. I like working everything at once
  • leeny78
    leeny78 Posts: 4 Member
    I love Cardio! I have some much fun with it and love to get my heart pumping!
  • Why do you HAVE to do cardio?

    To lose weight.
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