Do you encounter these types??

beahawk Posts: 34 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Why do people who aren't concerned about eating healthier make such a big deal when you're trying to be conscious about what goes into your body?

I bring this up because I was out at a business dinner last night and it was brought up that I was into exercising and on the whole health thing. I ordered a decent meal - grilled fish, rice, and sweet potatoe and didn't have any of the rolls...etc. But this guy at the table kept bringing up the fact that he eats what he wants and when you're about to "kick the bucket" you're not going to be thinking about healthy food but you'll be thinking of the food you should've eaten - like burgers, fries, blah, blah.

I'm thinking that if i'm on my deathbed the last thing I'm thinking about is the food that I should've eaten...anywho that's my rant for the day...

If you don't want to eat healthy, fine but don't make me feel like I'm not "living" life to the fullest because I choose another path....


  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Healthy Life = Longer Life (generally) so........he is just........misinformed? lol Keep doing what you're doing!:tongue:
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    You should have pointed out that if he keeps eating that way, he'll probably be on his deathbed a lot sooner than you will.
  • timeforme23
    timeforme23 Posts: 461
    People will aways think how they live is better. Keep doing what youre doing. Im sure your life will end up being one thats more fulfilling.
  • Kaileyxoxo
    Kaileyxoxo Posts: 95 Member
    HA i hate that, not my immediate family but family and friends will be like, oh come on live a little, its like I am!! i wont be if i eat that saturated mess! lol
  • Jennwith2ns
    Jennwith2ns Posts: 296 Member
    Well he will be kicking the bucket long before you then :)
  • brianlocal3
    brianlocal3 Posts: 33 Member
    I know the feeling. People do that because they are insecure, and most don't want to see another person succeed or do well because it brings to light there own shortcomings. It takes will power they don't have to make the right choices .
    I do not drink, not even socially, and it is not because of any high believes
    It's just that I don't want something changing my mindset or cognitive skills. But I hear all the time " lighten up and have fun" . But I get "high" on life!!!! These are the same people who can't/ won't find FUN in hiking, canoeing, rock climbing, skydiving and all the other things I would rather do.
    GOOD JOB and stand your ground.
  • Christie23
    Christie23 Posts: 357 Member
    I think that, in general, when you take care of yourself, it causes the slightest twinges of guilt in those who don't. And we all know that hateration typically comes from envy. So, they try to make themselves feel as though THEY are making the better choices.

    Yes, we all die someday... but I don't want that day to be sooner rather than later. Duh.
  • He is just jealous of your drive and self control. :-) I have people that I work with exactly like that. *sigh*
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    If it was me i would be thinking about my life and my family not damn i should have had that extra pizza.
    I am sure when your life flashes before your eyes you do not see all the food you have eaten but the experiences you have had.
    Being healthy lets me have better experiences simple
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    Without meaning to, you made him feel guilty... so he felt the need to justify his poor choices. Just be proud you are making good choices... and maybe some of that will rub of on people like that.
  • jteammom
    jteammom Posts: 173
    That is precisely why I never bring up why I choose to eat what I do. When someone says (and invariably they do) "Why are you eating that? Live it up! Have a steak! etc. etc." I just tell them that I actually prefer the fish, the sweet potato, whatever. I tell them that a well prepared piece of fish is something I can't have at home so I like to order fish in restaurants. They usually can't argue with that.
  • JMJohnson1005
    JMJohnson1005 Posts: 209 Member
    Keep doing what you are doing. He will probably kick the bucket long before you.
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    Some people believe just b/c they are skinny or don't gain weight easily they can eat whatever junk they wanna eat.
    Which is not true!
    Food is fuel but we made it into more. Treating your body well will be good in the long wrong b/c you get to live a longer and healthier life. Wait until you're 60 and still doing everything you want and he'll be fragile and not able to do much b/c of his health.

    Ignorance is not bliss
  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
    He just feels bad for eating to unhealthy so he tries to justify it.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    the guy's comment was ridiculous. a. what the hell does he care what you are eating b. he could be complimenting you on making healthy choices and lifestyle. c. i would say if he's stuffing his face with crap, he's gonna be on his death bed sooner rather than later.

    keep up the healthy living! don't let him drag you down.
  • beahawk
    beahawk Posts: 34 Member
    Without meaning to, you made him feel guilty... so he felt the need to justify his poor choices. Just be proud you are making good choices... and maybe some of that will rub of on people like that.

    The crazy thing is that I didn't bring it up - someone else did. But he prob did feel a little guilty. That's why I try to keep things to myself so I won't put my opinions or actions on others (if that makes sense :))
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I've literally told someone at one point, "Life really IS too short. I agree people should indulge and die happy. Then when they're dead, I'll be doin' push-ups on their graves."
  • jenttifer
    jenttifer Posts: 90 Member
    I wonder how happy his life will be to live with heart disease, diabetes, etc. Your choices give quality AND quantity to your life. He may enjoy that pizza, but it's hard to actually enjoy life with a box of medications and an oxygen tank to tote around!
  • I hear ya! I had the same trouble with some friends the other day...I am trying to live a healthier lifestyle and I felt like I was getting picked on because I won't eat junk food all the time. I don't have the luxury of a fast metabolism either as some of them do so I just felt kinda down after that night's conversation. I thought they would be excited that I wanted to be healthy but instead there was no support :( Sucky sucky...
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I work with a lot of haters. I eat right (most of the time), work out 7 days a week and drink plenty of water. I either get that i am vain and thats why i do this or they tell me that they are already fat and theres nothing changing it. I invite them to join me when I walk up the flights (10 flights) of stairs to get to our floor and they usually tell me that i am trying to kill them. i feel like responding with, "no, you are killing yourself."

    yesterday, i gave into them and had a burger and fries for lunch. i felt guilty because i let them win. today i am having a healthy lunch. I am no longer going to let them hurt my feelings for living a healthy lifestyle.
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