Help! Nighttime cravings

Hi folks. I've had some great success on MFP so far (10 lbs gone since March!) but I need some help. I love exercising, and I'm decent about food during the day. But right after dinner, the same sort of craving hits me that I used to get right after I quit smoking.

It's not hunger. It doesn't even imply that I'll feel emotionally better after I eat this 8th Girl Scout cookie or this . It's a mouth craving type of thing. There are things I can do to deal with it when it happens - cinammon gum, the wii fit plus, etc. - but I want to know why it happens in the first place, so I can prevent it from happening at all.

Last night after dinner I was mad and disappointed, so I went for the treat bowl I keep for my daughter. I usually do a great job avoiding it. Why did I do it? It didn't make me feel better. I KNEW it wouldn't make me feel better. It was almost a self-destructive thing, but why would I do that to myself when I feel so much better otherwise?

It's absolutely the hardest, most frustrating part of this process. I'm hoping that if I can come to understand it, I can find ways to avoid it.

Does anyone else get this? And if so, how have you handled it? All opinions and input welcome.


SW: 180
CW: 170
GW: 140


  • kateistoned
    kateistoned Posts: 116
    Agreed. Help me too!!!
  • MissLuana
    MissLuana Posts: 356
    I go through the same thing. My solution has been to save 200-300 calories for the evening cravings. That way I'm still within my daily intake and the night cravings don't ruin my effort for the day. Also, what I use the 200-300 calories are for a lot of low calorie things. For example, I might eat one cookie, 1 caramel rice cake, 10 cheetos, 1 cube of cheese, 1 slice of deli sliced meat and a piece of fruit. All low calorie things but it feels like a lot cause it was 6 different things. Tricking my mind more than my body.
  • meganc813
    I have cravings for sweets at night too! I found that if i allow myself to have a sweet treat a few times a week it doesnt feel so bad. Try sugar free pudding. I love JELL-O cheesecake sugar free pudding.. mixed with strawberries and bananas, and even some melted salt free almond butter sometimes... it stays below 200 calories and seems to do the trick. Or even invest in a box of kashi vanilla wheats. you can have a bowl of that with ff milk for just over 200 caloires. If I have the worst possible chocolate craving, I indulge. (but not really)... Have a tablespoon of nutella with some berries. Or even berries with sugar free cool whip. Lastly... I LOVE the chocolate sorbet from trader joes. U can have a half cup for 120 calories. and it tastes just like ice cream :)

    Hope that helps!
  • Akaratel
    Akaratel Posts: 137 Member
    i sometimes find that when my mouth is hungry like that, i feel worse after as well. IT also seems like i feel that way when i haven't drank any water for a long period. (Your mouth is dry and watering) They say most of the time when your body feels hungry it is really thirsty... i think that is where that comes from.

    Edited to say: if you are going to do this, have your own treats - I like Jell-0 mousse temptations - dark chocolate - 60 calories :)
  • fonteyoung
    fonteyoung Posts: 1 Member
    Sometimes I get that too, but it actually is hunger. Try drinking some tea, or low fat hot cocoa, or a glass of ice water. Also, if you do eat at night, DON'T eat carbs. Stick with protein like cheese sticks, turkey slices or even some veggies with hummus. I find that if I don't eat enough during the day, I am hungry before bed, which is about 3 hours after dinner.
  • alanzo87
    alanzo87 Posts: 14
    it's SO hard. drinking lots of water sometimes helps. Also whipped cream is very low cal and if its frozen its delicious!