My Own BeachBody Rant

I read (and responded) to a topic here earlier today and after reading more and more of the responses, I'm a little fired up. Partially because BB has changed my life in SO many positive ways and it's frustrating to see so many people crapping on a company whose intentions are good because some people "employed" by them are not or because the people who founded the company are getting rich off the rest of us. Um hello? Are you mad at WalMart and its employees as well??? I mean, the people who work there get a paycheck, right? So what is the difference?

I signed up to be a Coach initially because I wanted the discounts on their products. I happen to LIKE Shakeology and YES, it IS expensive. But so is SlimFast, Whey Protein, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers...the list goes on and on. YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR, people. Do some research and please let me know if you find another meal replacement shake that is even comparable nutritionally. Go ahead. I DARE you.

My 1st BB program was Slim in 6 like, 5 years ago before I had my 1st child. I had great results and then I fell off the fitness wagon as I adjusted to motherhood. Now, I have 2 small children. My little guy is not even 1 year old yet and I am in better shape NOW than I was before I got pregnant with him. The first 30 lbs I lost on my own and then I needed help. Could I have hired a personal trainer? Sure. Could I have hired a dietician? Absolutely. Do you think that would have been cheap??? Why don't you call around and get some quotes.

After talking with my "Coach" about what program would be right for ME and MY GOALS, I bought ChaLEAN Extreme. I had my own personal trainer and a diet guide delivered right to my door. Mine to keep for life. And it cost me about $100.

I agree-you can get the same results on your own. IF you know what you are doing. Or know someone who does. But some people need/want/like things spelled out for them! And that is EXACTLY what the BB programs do for you. At the end of the day, the only person you have to blame if you fail is you.

BB is not my whole life. But because of it I have resigned from my job of 11 years to pursue a career in fitness, I spend hours researching diet and exercise and training at two gyms so that I can help others. I'm training so that I can enter a fitness competition next year!! I CONSTANTLY refer people to MFP because I truly believe if you want to reach your fitness goals, you need to count calories. BB has a calorie counter option too. I happen to like this one better. Honestly, I don't always refer people to BB programs when we are discussing goals! I've told several people to go buy JM 30 Day Shred! I bet she's making a lot of $ off her programs too.

So please don't blast the entire BB community because of the aggressive Coaches who are just out to make a dollar. Because for every one of them there are 10 others who truly care about you and want to help you reach your goals.


  • simplynila
    simplynila Posts: 54 Member
    All I can say is AMEN! :) I'm a coach too and hate seeing anti-BB on here. My first program was slim in 6 after my son was born as well. It got me on the right track to start p90x rev abs and turbofire. :) I'm in love with TurboFire. I hate that some coaches are out there just to make a buck, it really makes the rest of us look bad. :(

    Thanks for the rant! :) You got the support from this fellow coach!
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Everyone has their own opinions and their own experiences. Not everyone is going to agree on everything. If I have a bad experience with a company I will make it known, as you might likely do as well. Try not to take offense if someone is ranting about BB. It isn't personal towards you I'm quite sure. I love Turbo Jam and TurboFire, so I have no complaints as of yet. However, I don't care how good shakeology might be, it's not worth the amount of money it costs and I would never pay for the stuff. That's my opinion.
  • shastacrystal
    I feel ya. Keep at it though. I gave up being a Coach cause I couldnt handle to flack I was getting for it and the trash talking, it discouraged me. Hang in there, you can do it! Shakeology does rock!
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 807 Member
    I don't know you but- You worded your opinion perfectly :)
  • pchann
    pchann Posts: 84
    Well said. BB changed my life as well.
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 807 Member
    I don't know you but- You worded your opinion perfectly :)
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    cant compare BB to walmart or to jillian...u just cant!!!

    plus shakeology was made so BB coaches buy their monthly share because they wont be selling dvds every thats how BB is making there money even if it works or not....

    oh and I get a 5lb bag of EAS whey for $28 bucks at bjs..way way way cheaper than shakeology and tastier...
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I think the poster on the other thread did say that they were NOT lumping all BB coaches together but saying the ones they had come across were pushy.

    What is kind of funny is just after I read the other post I had a BB coach message me. She said that Shakeology could help with an issue I was having, she said that she read a post of mine. I found it odd that she did not respond to my post but messaged me to endorse the shakes.

    I know nothing about it so can't make a call but it was so ironic that minutes after that post I got this message.

    Also you asked if there was another product out there that was similar and I *think* visalus might be. People I know around me are pushing that stuff like A recent post I made about Visalus recently got bumped by someone saying they perferred it to Shakeology. Now I do not and probably will not take a shake from either but thought I would throw it out there just in case.

    BB may be for some and if it works great. I lost my 34lbs free with just using MFP so no shakes needed but I get some people NEED stuff like this and to each their own.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I never used Shakeology, and I won't. BUT I LOVE LOVE LOVE Beachbody. I'm not a coach, just a workout video fanatic. And I think BB videos are the best!

    However, after reading and responding to the other post (and mentioning that no coaches have ever messaged me), I got a message from a coach selling Shakeology. I have to say, that really annoyed me. Nevertheless, I still LOVE LOVE LOVE BB and am constantly recommending the videos to friends and family.
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    Beachbody helped me throw my HBP pills in the garbage and can me the hope that I can an will reach all of my fitness goals!! I AM NOT a coach BUT I too love Beachbody and their programs.
  • RochelleBlack
    cant compare BB to walmart or to jillian...u just cant!!!

    plus shakeology was made so BB coaches buy their monthly share because they wont be selling dvds every thats how BB is making there money even if it works or not....

    oh and I get a 5lb bag of EAS whey for $28 bucks at bjs..way way way cheaper than shakeology and tastier...

    Actually I think I can and I did.

    I don't think everything BB does is right. For example, they *say* you can start your own business for just $14.95 a month but there is the hidden little issue of having to maintain a certain amount of "sales" each month, as you just stated. . All big companies are going to have their shady components.

    If I didn't like Shakeology, I wouldn't be a Coach. But I would still be endorsing their products! It looks like you have done quite well getting into shape on your own. Good for you! Not everyone can do that. That's my point.
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    I totally agree with you and what you said is very well stated.
    With regards to Shakeology, people try to compare it to things like EAS Whey and there simply is no comparison. Everyone should read the article in the May issue of O Magazine (Oprah). This will give all of you a clear picture of why Shakeology is way beyond anything else out there.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,734 Member
    I think people get more upset with the way certain coaches conduct themselves than with Beachbody itself, and even though I'm a coach myself, I don't blame them. I've had new coaches message me to try to sell me stuff or get me to "join their team," not realizing I already am a coach. I love the BB workouts. They have helped me get back in shape and stay that way. About Shakeology, I don't have anything against it, but it personally isn't worth the money to me. I used it for a while, quite a while actually, but I can't justify the expense, even with the discount.

    Being completely honest, the business doesn't work the way I was led to believe it would when I signed on, so what's a person to do? What I do is use the parts that work for me and steer clear of the ones that don't. I never try to talk people into buying from me or ask them to get involved in the business. I'll help anyone I can. I know some stuff, but I'm by no means an expert, and I think that's part of the issue. "Coach" implies a certain level of knowledge or training, and there is absolutely no requirement to know anything to be a coach. Some coaches are amazingly well versed, and some, well, not so much. I'm disappointed that the training emphasis seems to be on how to grow your business, not how to help people. The idea is that all the tools are on the site, and I think it was a well-intentioned idea. Some things just work better in theory than they do in practice. That said, I think there is a whole lot of good stuff connected to Beachbody. I don't mean to be all negative. I wouldn't be involved if I didn't think there was value to it. I'm just saying I can totally see both sides.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I totally agree with you and what you said is very well stated.
    With regards to Shakeology, people try to compare it to things like EAS Whey and there simply is no comparison. Everyone should read the article in the May issue of O Magazine (Oprah). This will give all of you a clear picture of why Shakeology is way beyond anything else out there.

    Do you have the article handy or what it was called. My sister in law is right into visalus so if I can pass it along I will.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,734 Member
    I totally agree with you and what you said is very well stated.
    With regards to Shakeology, people try to compare it to things like EAS Whey and there simply is no comparison. Everyone should read the article in the May issue of O Magazine (Oprah). This will give all of you a clear picture of why Shakeology is way beyond anything else out there.

    Do you have the article handy or what it was called. My sister in law is right into visalus so if I can pass it along I will.
    I did a quick google and came up with this:
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Thanks I searched oprah shakeology but most came up with an error.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,734 Member
    You're welcome. I searched "o magazine shakeology."
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    BEACH BODY!!!! i am in my second week of p90x. just week # @ and i already have seen AMAZING results! while i am not a coach, nor plan to be, nor do i do any of the other shakeologys or watever they are, i do love the videos. im already planning on getting insanity after i finish my 90 days!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I've bought P90, and P90x.
    I've had no unwanted sales pitch from any BB coaches.

    I only saw/heard about these BB coaches going "wild" since Shakeology was created.
    Before that I don't believe it was a problem.