Wine Lovers!!!!! Advice?

Raven5287 Posts: 31
edited September 26 in Chit-Chat
My HUGE killer in calories is my LOVE for wine! Im not much on a glass though.... more like a whole bottle. When the cork pops the fun doesnt stop till its all gone! Lets just say I like to do it at least a few times a week. :drinker: Anyone else out there with this dilemma???? I am pretty new to myfitnesspal too so add me as a friend if you want! :smile:


  • I hear ya. Red wine is better for you as far as calories, you need to get something to measure, and you only need to have 5oz per glass. I wouldn't drink more than two glasses. You've got to find other, less caloric ways to have fun!
  • mkateweis
    mkateweis Posts: 24 Member
    I adore wine and I have the same problem with liking more than one glass. I just make sure I log it and I still have been losing weight!
  • LaLaLewi
    LaLaLewi Posts: 41
    I say check out the individual portions of wine, maybe that would slow you down? I know there aren't hardly options with that though (I think like Barefoot and Berringer maybe?). My husband and I do the same thing but we stop at one bottle and we are splitting it so it isn't AS bad.
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    This was me when I tried to lose weight a few years ago! I have a 1 year old now, so not as much wine gets drunk as before :sad: I was a bottle drinker- to heck with the glass!!! Now I drink vodka and diet tonic w/ a squirt of lime. Way less calories. I save the wine for when we go out or have people over. Still drink the bottle when I do!!:drinker:
  • wifeish
    wifeish Posts: 1
    Try drinking white wine (that's my favorite) over ice with a splash of seltzer or diet sprite if you like it sweet. If you like that buzz, make sure you drink it on an empty stomach, that way you get buzzed with less wine. If you drink wine after a heavy meal you have to drink a lot more to feel it. I used to drink a bottle at a time when I drank, I wasn't comfortable with that and slowed way down by quitting alcohol for a month. I did it to just take some time and really think about when and why I wanted to drink. Now I never feel the urge to drink a whole bottle at a time. Hope this helps, good luck!
  • reba971
    reba971 Posts: 80
    Will reply after my third glass of wine. LOL
  • I totally understand. However, I allow myself something like 1 10oz glass, and then I drink some water. If after sitting with the water for a bit, I'm still craving wine, I'll allow myself a small glass more. But I'm learning to stop after that one big glass... slowly but surely. Best of luck with that :)
  • I'll drink to that! Wine is awesome all the way to the bottom of the bottle. I love it but, your right, it's a real killer on the calories. We have to figure out a way to make it happen and still keep the vino :)
  • GeenaLu
    GeenaLu Posts: 10
    I love Wine too, but I have to say, I've only had 2 glasses in 18 days. =( I'm afraid to slow my progress, but I would really love to have a glass here and there. I know red wine is better for you, but I prefer Reisling. Cheers Reba971.. =)
  • alvin_grung
    alvin_grung Posts: 25 Member
    Will you be able to do that? Probably not, unless you have a major exercise program going on.

    The question is really whether you are going to live by what MFP tells you. If I want something special to eat or drink I know by dinner time whether I have enough calories left to do so. If I don't, there are only two choices: forget it or spend time on the bike/go for a walk, etc. to make up for the difference. If you fail to do so after drinking that wine (one or two glasses, realistically), just be sure you enter it all and then look at the consequences of your surplus ("If every day were like today, you'd weigh ..."). You'll KNOW exactly what you are doing and decide after a few days or weeks of this whether you want to change and be healthier or not.

    It's the simple beauty of MFP, as I see it - there are no excuses - you see what you've chosen to do.
  • W0zzie
    W0zzie Posts: 262 Member
    I don't really know for sure what it is that has slowed me down. My wife can't drink much anymore due to Crohns - so that actually helps. When those around you don't drink I think you just tend not to as much yourself.

    But still love a glass or two - not very often I hit a whole bottle. And since I've gone from having 2 or 3 drinks 4 or 5 times a week to having 1 or 2 drinks once or maybe twice a week at most - it really packs the whammy.

    I just see the huge cals and that discourages me from digging in so much too. But as with others if I feel like a few it's bourbon and diet gingerale - that packs half the cals as a beer or wine.

    PS - If you want some more encouragement to curb drinking - I believe (haven't confirmed) that it's not just the calories that's an issue it is also that alcohol messes with your metabolism so you cop a double downside from bending the elbow.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    A couple of years ago I made 35 gallons of non traditional wines (flower,berries,apple etc) so know the feeling.

    Beer too. :embarassed:
  • im a red wine bottle a couple nights a week here - just up your exercise and up your water intake throughout the whole week...i refuse to give up my love of the bottle and im 14 lbs down...granted not overnight but hell, i want to LIVE too :)
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    im a red wine bottle a couple nights a week here - just up your exercise and up your water intake throughout the whole week...i refuse to give up my love of the bottle and im 14 lbs down...granted not overnight but hell, i want to LIVE too :)
    For me it's white wine and 13lbs down! I'm not rushing myself with the weight loss - as long as I get to my desired weight and build muscle WHENEVER it happens, I'm satisfied. I just make sure that what I drink fits into my calorie goal and if it doesn't I work it off(unless I've fallen asleep of course), but usually if I don't burn extra to be able to have my wine, vodka, or beer, I make sure that I get right back on the ball the next so far so I'm happy! I can't say that it's slowed me down because before I found this site I was continuously GAINING weight, now it's the other way complaints here!:drinker: :smokin: :glasses:
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    I had to curb it, I used to drink the whole bottle and had a darn good time too, but I could just not lose weight with it. So I bought a vacuum pump with a special cork to preserve the wine so it does not oxidize and taste nasty the next night. It was tough in the beginning but I can make a bottle last 4 days with only having one glass per night.
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    My HUGE killer in calories is my LOVE for wine! Im not much on a glass though.... more like a whole bottle. When the cork pops the fun doesnt stop till its all gone! Lets just say I like to do it at least a few times a week. :drinker: Anyone else out there with this dilemma???? I am pretty new to myfitnesspal too so add me as a friend if you want! :smile:

    Ditto! No self control when it comes to merlot. I swear I'll sacrifice food calories someday before I sacrifice the wine. But I am getting better though!
  • PaulaDDN
    PaulaDDN Posts: 162 Member
    I love alcohol, you name it, wine, tequila, beer, vodka lol.... im not drinking as much a before but now i just drink tekila with diet ginger ale and a lime juice few nights a week, thats it.
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    I tried using a measuring cup and measuring out only a certain amount. That lasted 2 days.

    I just started working out again and in the past that always helped with the wine consumption. I didn't want as much.

    But really, I am exactly where you are. So stressed from working 60 hours a week and wine is my friend.

    Help, I need new friends!
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Step 1: Open
    Step 2: take a 1 oz swig
    Step 3: pour out a 4 or 5 oz. glass for yourself and your drinking partner
    Step 4: splash some in whatever you're fixing for dinner
    Step 5: throw another splash in whatever you're fixing for dinner
    Step 6: Refill your own glass
    Step 7: Bottle empty - Log your ounces
  • I am the same as you! Love my wine and do a bottle while cooking a leisurely dinner. I am going to try to cut way back It is my only indulgence and I really enjoy it. I am a "gourmet" cook, so to speak, and I am Italian, so drinking wine seems to go hand and hand with the pleasure of preparing dinner. I never drink after dinner and I do not enjoy beer or other forms of alcohol, but I LOVE MY WINE!
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