What is your daily routine?

I don't have one anymore due to my injury.. but what it use to be:

30 Mins on Treadmill (10 warming up, 20 jogging)
20 mins on Any other machine (Bike, elliptical, arctrainer etc.)
15-20 Mins of strength training
5-10 mins of stretching


  • ambercole
    ambercole Posts: 426
    Monday, wednesday, and friday I run 5 miles and on Tuesday thursday and saturday I do P90x. Sundays are my days off.
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, & sometimes Saturdays;
    I do 5 minutes of stretching, then heavy cardio (about 30-45 minutes), followed by 10-15 minutes of weight training, then a cool-down stretch lasting 5 minutes.

    The rest of the days;
    5 minute stretch start, about 20-30 minutes of light cardio, 5 minute stretch end.

    I try to do about 5 days a week. (:
  • crackerjack345
    crackerjack345 Posts: 129 Member
    I'm not sure what your injury is, but have you thought about water aerobics? I get up at 5:15am most mornings and head to my local rec center for an hour of water aerobics. I LOVE it! I have recently started adding 10 - 15 minutes of laps if I have time to up the burn a little. Maybe something like that would work for you?
  • Cas0529
    Cas0529 Posts: 15
    Monday, Wednesday & Friday I swim for an hour. Tuesdays, Thursdays & Sundays I do JIllian Michaels 30 day shred & Saturday is my off day =)