Single,fat,and lonely...



  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    ((HUGS))...You aren't alone! You have us!

    As to finding a special someone...As you feel better about yourself, get out there and meet people! Join a walking club or a gym. Go to the dog park, ask your work friends to hook you up, etc. You will meet someone when the time is right!
  • PaulaDDN
    PaulaDDN Posts: 162 Member
    You are not lonely anymore! You have all of us!

    I AGREE!! Add me as a friend if u need someone to talk to or any support
  • kolbyjack
    kolbyjack Posts: 71
    You are not lonely anymore! You have all of us!

    that was one of the nicest replies/posts I have seen for awhile.

    Ditto! :)
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    Nicest group of people ever :smile: :smile: :smile: I hope you know that you aren't alone. There are a ton of motivated and supportive people here for you!! :flowerforyou: Including me :smile:
  • emyback68
    emyback68 Posts: 89
    Bravo for being brave enough to reach out and ask for help, and vulnerable enough to admit where you are at. MFP is a wonderful site, and you WILL find more love and support here than you could have ever imagined. Just look at all the responses to your post so far! Congratulations on losing 49 pounds, that is so impressive. So glad you joined MFP, feel free to send a friend request my way, we can motivate each other.

    And remember, you never need to be lonely again . . .
  • All people get lonely at some time throughout their lives, you are NOT the only one! sometimes it is important to focus on other things going right for you in your life...maybe other friendships, or even success at work. Im sure if you constantly do not focus on love you will not become upset about it from time to time. Eventually the right person will come along for you! I know it does sound very cliche....but it is true.

    And as for your weight. Just keep up the hard work with your weight goals, and you will look and feel 100% better in no time! Just stay foccussed, and you will atain your dreams
  • mrsanne
    mrsanne Posts: 19
    Oh Sherry, here's a hug (sherry) Folks are right, mfp is an extraordinary group of kind people. I wish I had friends like this at work or in my neighborhood.

    Have you considered a matchmaking site? I know tons of happy couples, including my sister and her husband, that met that way. What do others think?

    By the way, bravo on the 49 lbs lost!
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I was in the same place when I started here! I had just gotten out of a long term relationship and I felt pretty much the same way a lot of days! I have met some great people here and have gotten great support and motivation! I still feel that way some days, but the more I do for myself (eating healthy and exercising regularly) the better I feel about everything in my life! Congrats on the weight you have lost so far! I sent you a friend request :smile:
  • I definitely hear ya! I've also been overweight my entire life and have been single (not even any dates) for over two years now. I started my weight-loss journey here on MFP three weeks ago and I can definitely tell you that the support I've received from the wonderful people here has helped a GREAT deal with my loneliness. If you need a good dose of positive support, please feel free to add me as a friend; we can make it through this journey together! :) Best of luck on your goals!
  • ashes47
    ashes47 Posts: 1
    just stumbled upon your profile...i am on the same boat too....have struggled all my life with wt problem as lowest point came last night only when my wife told me that i am an embarrasment for her...she doesnt like me walking alongside her in public...ironically her name is sherry too....i am so glad that you are winning ur battle against wt...i have just started mine....with a hole in my heart though....i wish u all the luck....cheers
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    I was there for many years. Desperate to find love and never thought I would ever have children or get married. When I stopped trying so hard, took some chances in other parts of my life, like going back to school etc I found love and had a baby just this last year. I was 36. I am now 37, trying to get healthy, am in Graduate school and my boyfriend is a WONDERFUL man. I never thought it was possible. But believe me, it is.

    Listen to this woman!

    You have this in your profile: I want to go river rafting. I want to go rock climbing. I want to bungy jump off a bridge and go parasailing in some beautiful, exotic place. I want to travel the world. I want to fall in love with myself again... I want to get back to "ME."

    You should do those things! Now! Don't wait to get to your goal weight. You've done an amazing job so far. You deserve to enjoy your life, with or without some one particular person in it.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    just stumbled upon your profile...i am on the same boat too....have struggled all my life with wt problem as lowest point came last night only when my wife told me that i am an embarrasment for her...she doesnt like me walking alongside her in public...ironically her name is sherry too....i am so glad that you are winning ur battle against wt...i have just started mine....with a hole in my heart though....i wish u all the luck....cheers

    Ah jeez. That is horrible. You deserve better too.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    That's awesome. I don't mean it's great to feel lonely. But, you have identified a problem and you are setting out to solve it. I think that is awesome. And you have lost weight so, you have figured out what to do about that problem. I hope to be able to say the same thing as far as losing weight, by the end of this year.

    So as for the lonely thing. There is a site called Meet-up they have different categories of interests and you can sign up to go to meetings with people with similar interests. You might even find one for calorie counting with an interest in getting healthier!! How great would that be??? Or maybe you could check out some community education classes. Once I signed up for volley ball it was a blast and I met a lot of people there. I am completely confident you will know the best place for you to make friends. I hope this helps though.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Being single is a blessing in disguise I've found.
  • LozzieWebb
    LozzieWebb Posts: 69 Member
    just stumbled upon your profile...i am on the same boat too....have struggled all my life with wt problem as lowest point came last night only when my wife told me that i am an embarrasment for her...she doesnt like me walking alongside her in public...ironically her name is sherry too....i am so glad that you are winning ur battle against wt...i have just started mine....with a hole in my heart though....i wish u all the luck....cheers

    You will win your battle too! Make sure you do this for you and no-one else. You deserve to be happy and the friends you make on this site will help you with any queries you might have - so that you will have all of the tools to start your journey in the best possible way. With those tools, you'll get to your destination of a fit, healthy and happy you. I'm sad that your wife has the attitude she does - and your relationship may need to be looked at later - but for now - concentrate on yourself and getting healthy. As the pounds melt away, the hole in your heart will hopefully heal....You have a lot of support here. Add me as a friend if you wish :o)
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I'm single too and loving it! Girl, we got freedom! Relationships can be a complicated pain in the *kitten*. Don't forget that.
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    I something feel the same way myself. It really sticks I am losing weight but it seems like I am still pretty lonely as far as the dating world goes. I don't I just try to stay positive about and think maybe sometimes I will find the right guy. I have never wanted to try online, maybe because I am still pretty young and would like to do it the "old fashion" way at least at first. Feel free to add, I know what you are going though. Sending my love, Linsey :)
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