Exercising and watching calories like a fiend, but...

I can’t lose weight!

I go to the gym every day, alternate days between strength training and cardio. I have not lost a bit in two weeks.

Is it true that if I don’t eat the extra calories that I’ve earned from exercising that my body will think I am in starvation mode?

When I say I go to the gym, I don’t mean I go and do a couple minutes of cardio…I do between 30 and 60 minutes of cardio, and about 40 minutes of strength training and have just this week added aqua Zumba and Zumba for one hour each to the mix.

I have looked at the “reports” under nutrition, and 98% of the days that I’ve been a member (and I log food and exercise religiously) it shows that I’m lucky to hit a thousand calories a day. Do you think that is the reason the scale isn’t budging?



  • lisapickering
    It seems to be a trend that the people who are not losing are the ones who are not eating their exercise calories. I eat most of my exercise calories back and I lose every week. Whatever you doing now isn't working, so make a change. Try eating so that your net calories are close to 1,200.
  • hikingmonk
    hikingmonk Posts: 134 Member
    If you make your food diary public we can take a look at it and possibly advise, but I think most people here will say you are eating too little. Normally 1200 is the minimum recommendation MFP will make, and many people think that is still too low.

    Are you losing inches and not weight? Sometimes that can happen. Certainly many people hit a plateau after a while. Try taking a few days off from the gym or changing up your routine a bit more. Definitely try eating a few hundred calories more and see what happens.

    Keep trying different things and check the results.
  • las5184
    las5184 Posts: 8 Member
    Absolutely!!! You need to eat for your body to release fat to be burned! Otherwise your body goes into starvation mode to store and save fat. You have to eat to lose, I know it sounds crazy. You should at the very very very least, minus ALL exercise, still consume 1200 calories.
  • aclark6818
    aclark6818 Posts: 209 Member
    Yes--a friend of mine, who is also a nurse said just that--you have to consume at least 1200 calories , in starvation mode your metabolism slows. I have also heard that you can zig-zag your calories (alternating some higher days and some lower days) to jump start your metabolism.
  • Nikipowpez
    Nikipowpez Posts: 60 Member
    While I don't have any advice, I feel your pain. I have been doing pretty much the same thing (minus the Zumba) and haven't dropped a pound in 3 weeks. I eat a lot and I'm usually between 800-950 calories a day. I'm so frustrated! I'm eager to hear others responses. :wink:
  • SuperFeldman95
    Not eating calories can be just as bad as over eating. Your body needs enough calories to maintain basic function. The moment it feels like its losing this ability it may begin to become catabolic and feed off of the muscle.

    This sight suggests calorie intake but often misses the added muscle on a bodies frame. More muscle means your body is constantly burning additional calories.

    Add about 100 to 200 extra "free calories" to the suggested allotment. This will increase your bodies capability to maintain muscle mass.

    Exercise is difficult, nutritions is a bigger beast. Let your body feel like it has what it needs. Best quote I ever read "Body is a furnace" If you shovel constant nutriants ie* eating every 2 hours* the flames withhave constant fuel to burn the calories. If you don't your fire will begin to die.

    Good luck
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    You DEFINITELY need to be eating more! With as much exercise as you're getting, you need to be eating those calories back!
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    I had that problem about a year ago, exercised like a fiend and always stayed under 1200. I managed to drop about 10lbs that way, but then the scale got stuck at 145 for a solid month. I went home for Christmas, pigged out, gained back maybe 2lbs, and decided I felt much better with a little extra food. I bumped it up to 1400 and managed to get under 140 for the first time since grade nine in like 2 weeks =)
  • smallerd
    smallerd Posts: 31
    I am having same problem. I have lost some inches off of places but not much weight. Not sure why but if I figure it out I will let u know.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Holy Cow, you guys! :) Y’all are totally fast!

    Ok, I am going to see how to make my food diary public. I am just so used to eating a lot and being fat because of it, so I’m a little gun shy when it comes to calories.

    :) BRB...
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member

    Is it true that if I don’t eat the extra calories that I’ve earned from exercising that my body will think I am in starvation mode?


    you won't be in starvation mode within two weeks. our bodies are better designed than this

    everyone is right on with saying to up your cals though
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    yes eat more and you may need to switch up your workout routine every so often....I'm just guessing but maybe after 2 months of doing the same thing.....change it:))
  • Nikki_856
    Nikki_856 Posts: 29
    I was told by my health coach that even if all you were going to do all day was lay in bead and blink up at the ceiling your body would need 1200 calories to function and more if you are excercising. She did also warn me about starvation mode.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Ok, y’all…I’ve made my diary public.

    I also probably need to tell you that I started doing the 17 Day Diet about 19 days ago, and in this second phase, I bump the carbs every other day. It’s supposed to confuse my metabolism. I did great the first few days…dropped six pounds, but then I stagnated. I eat the same, but have increased the workouts as my stamina has increased.

    Yes, I have noticed that I’ve lost inches. The bra has gaps it never had before, and I actually got into slacks I hadn’t been able to wear since waaaay before the holidays.

    One last quick question - the net calories in the report are calculated AFTER exercise is logged and the daily diary is closed out, correct? It’s not actual calories consumed, but an average of the exercise calories subtracted from gross? Because I KNOW I’ve eaten more than a thousand calories a day, but it’s showing most days under a grand.

    BTW, it’s nice to meet all of you. :) Thanks so much for the help!
  • lisapickering
    Holy Cow, you guys! :) Y’all are totally fast!

    Ok, I am going to see how to make my food diary public. I am just so used to eating a lot and being fat because of it, so I’m a little gun shy when it comes to calories.

    :) BRB...

    I know it's different from anything we've ever been told, led to believe! I was a bit skeptical too but it works! The problem is that we were eating too many calories, the beauty of MFP is that we can eat the right amount of calories. I work hard at the gym but I'm still shocked every week when I lose a pound because I'm not "dieting" and I'm never hungry. I love this site!!
  • hikingmonk
    hikingmonk Posts: 134 Member
    On the My Home tab, your net calories should generally equal your unmodified goal number. On the Food tab the exercise calories are automatically added to the goal number (unmodified goal + exercise calories).

    So, basically your net should generally not be below the 1200 minimum goal (and as many people will tell you here, 1200 is often times too low).

    I hate to say it, but you might consider ditching the wine for a few weeks, or at least make it a small 4oz glass. There are too many carb calories in wine. After you get closer to your goal weight, then slowly up the glass size (for it's health benefits of course).

    Other than that your diet looks pretty good. So, eat a little more and see what happens.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I would suggest you add a column to track sodium (some of the things you eat are very high in it). Also, double check the figures on your frequent foods - ie: eggs are not 40 calories (and pure fat). They are about 65 calories for a medium egg, 6 protein, 4 fat.

    Other than that...hang in there!

    Best place to check nutrition values - http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/dairy-and-egg-products/111/2
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Thanks, guys!

    Yes, I love my wine, but I have to tell ya…I drink extra for the calories. It goes against my grain to eat when I’m not really hungry. My son (who is all muscle and doubles as my trainer) said I should throw in an extra yogurt, or some cheese or something to bump those calories up.

    My other vice is sunflower seeds. Lord knows I love those bad boys. :)

    So I will go ahead and track sodium (i know that is also crucial for keeping my BP in check).

    Y’all are great! Thank you again!
  • junebug523
    junebug523 Posts: 196
    I feel your pain. When I started here a year ago, I was eating "right" and exercising intensely every day. After a month, I hadn't lost an ounce. So, I took a risk. I increased my calories from 1200 net per day to more around 1400 net per day. And I ate most, if not all, of my exercise calories. So I was often eating more like 1700-2000 calories per day. Also, I didn't weigh myself for three weeks. After three weeks, I had lost 3 lbs. Go figure. The risk, for me, was worth it.