What finally made you say "enough is ENOUGH!"?



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I would say it was gradual for me. Last June I turned 40 and it was like something clicked. Instead of regretting the age I decided to embrace it and make a change- so I joined the gym. I worked out over the summer and I saw a little in the weight loss area but nothing dramatic. Then in Dec. I signed up for a program called a new year new you, I meet with a trainer who made me face some hard truths. I had always considered myself overweight and was self-conscious about it but I adjusted to this mentality. The conversation I had with my trainer that day was the turning point. I was morbidly obese with a high BMI. He suggested that I lose over 160 pounds and I couldn't picture losing 50 easily. After thinking about it, I decided to work out with him and learn more about diet. He suggested writing down everything I ate for a couple of days. Then I discovered the app for MFP and started logging my food. It made a difference because I was losing the weight. I am starting to feel better but I am heading in the right direction. Let's just say that 2011 will be the year that made a difference in my life. Now, I work out my trainer twice a week and I am watching my food calories. Still can't fathom losing more than 40 pounds at a time but I know it is possible. :wink:
    Thanks for sharing this topic.
  • jolande1
    jolande1 Posts: 4
    I have been heavy all my life. I have lost 60-70 lbs 3 or 4 times over, only to gain it back plus. I finally decided if I didn't add exercise, I would just be a fat woman until I died. I want to walk, keep up with others, and not be short of breath. So, joined the gym @ work, started getting professional help (a personal trainer) and FINALLY learn portion control. I am 5'1" and weigh enough for 2 people +. I have small bones, covered in 2 peoples worth of fat. I am well on my way on this HEALTHY path, I refuse to diet. Diets have failed me, so portion control and exercise have placed me on the path to a longer, healthier life. I want to grow old with my husband, and not hurt, and be active. So far, this is working. No aha moment for me, just a gradual, something's gotta give, and my mind is finally ready.
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Saw myself on the news and found myself hoping that the camera adds 50 pounds .... that didn't happen.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Public Humiliation... I took my kids to Disney World and we went to the Hoopdy Do Review. I got dragged onto stage of their Wild West Review because of "My Wisdom" infront of my kids, my wife and my inlaws. I was costumed in a pink tu tu and wings with a halo and presented to the audience as Davy Crockett's Angel.

    Although I put on a show and tried to be a good sport about it... inside I was deeply embarassed by Disney staff in front of my family. I was further embarassed by my wife who proceeded to show the pictures and camcorder video to my coworkers.

    I determined I would NEVER allow myself to be in that position again.
  • crusinforlosin
    Multiple failed diets, and weighing a lot more than my boyfriend. That's what it took.
  • killthebeast
    Realizing I was wasting my few years as a teenager worrying about my weight. I don't want to look back on photos and be ashamed of how I was (am).
  • BrandNewMia
    BrandNewMia Posts: 461
    I ran up the stairs at my house and, literally, had to sit down and catch my breath. My heart was beating wildly, my head was sweating buckets, my face was flushed - from running up ONE flight of stairs! I decided I couldn't live like that, and I knew I WOULDN'T live like that - my obesity was going to kill me and I was only 30 years old.

    So I started walking and running and watching what I ate without counting calories, I just made healthier choices. I lasted 3 weeks, lost 12lbs. Then got off track for a single weekend, and never started up again. This was summer 2010.

    In January I saw a few posts in my Facebook newsfeed from a real life friend of mine who was using MFP. I signed up just to see what it was all about, and I haven't looked back since. :wink:
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    i'd gone clothes shopping in my favorite store and discovered that i had to buy the biggest size they carried. three weeks later, i went back on birth control. my son was 9 months old at the time, and at that appointment, i weighed about 15 lbs more than when i'd left the hospital after having him, and my blood pressure (which had always been on the low end of the healthy range) was now /almost/ but not quite high. this also happened about 1 week before my dad had to have a knee replaced - which wouldn't've had to happen if he'd just lost the weight his Dr had told him to.

    watching my sister's size increase with every child she gives birth to didn't help. and my mother was such an inspiration, too - she's lost like 75 lbs over the last couple years, even though arthritis and old injuries keep her from exercising.

    first week of february, my husband found the app. so i signed up on the website, we bought a scale, set a start date (february 15), and i haven't looked back except to see how far i've already come.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I had been a 32 or 34 inch waist pant for most of my life, and at one point I realized I was pushing out of 44's and needed to either buy 46's or get off my *kitten*. I'm back in 32's now ;)
  • Heather1776
    Heather1776 Posts: 46 Member
    My moment was about a year ago when I was on the verge of going up a size in jeans. I could barely zipper them up. Plus, at a doctor's visit I was seeing numbers again that I hadn't seen since I was pregnant. My mom and aunt have and still struggle with weight issues and I know that it gets harder as you get older to lose extra weight. I just wanted to get control now. I'm at a weight that I'm comfortable with, but would like to lose a few more inches to give me a little wiggle room if I get off track. I could easily try to lose another 15-20lbs and be closer to my pre-pregnancies weight, but I'll be satisfied being about 10lbs away from that...if I can get there.
  • Nikki_856
    Nikki_856 Posts: 29
    I stood up in my sister's wedding and when the pictures came back... that was my moment
  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    Saw some pictures of myself from my friend's wedding. Oh, and the doorkeeper at the court house asked me, "Are you the bride's mom?". I was shocked. A couple of months back, my landlord asked me "And when is the baby due?"...
  • GrowOrDie
    GrowOrDie Posts: 42
    What made me say enough is enough. Well although it is quite brutal, I had never been kissed, crushed, dated, desired, never went to prom( you know usual sad fat girl story) And was always the side kick best friend of the beautiful cheerleader. I was funny, outgoing and always liked to my face. When I was finally done with the discomfort as well as always being the biggest girl in the room, something clicked that made me realize that I was in control of what I did. Control of my education, my work status and my physical being. So, one choice at a time and one meal at a time I started to change on the outside to match the change that took place on the inside. And no matter how wrapped up I get in health, nutrition and fitness I just have to remember that everything fades and dies away except for our inner soul. So as I continue daily to work and strive for a better physical me I have to remember to work on the inner me as well.
    Not where I want to be... but praise God Im not where I used to be!!
  • plain_jane
    plain_jane Posts: 49 Member
    I decided I didn't want to be the fat friend. Also, I looked in the mirror and realized that my cheeks looked like I had just recently gotten my wisdom teeth out. I also want to start dating again, but I didn't (and still don't) feel attractive enough to date anything. So for now, I'll work on being a better me.

    I just wanted to say that I think you look great in your profile pic. Don't let your weight determine your worth! You are a beautiful woman! It's wonderful that you're getting healthier and improving yourself for YOU, but know that you were beautiful before losing the weight, too!
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    My doctor commented that the circulation was poor in my leg causing swelling. I think it was just obvious to him what the problem was but it ws enough to make me decide it was time for a change. Even when diabetes, family of heart disease and the aches and pains didn't make me see the truth, the fear of one day in the future having my leg amputated due to poor circulation was definitely a life changing moment for me.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    A bunch of things all together.

    I had a draw full of jeans that I had kept for more than a year that I couldn't wear.
    My Grandma got ill and while in hospital I would sit and talk to her, one day we took my heart rate with the machines and I couldn't believe it was in the high eighties.
    Going with my girlfriends to the beach and crying in the changing rooms because I was so embarrassed and uncomfortable with my body.
    Sitting on the floor of my work toilets crying after having binged on an entire banoffe pie and then purging and knowing that I couldn't sustain living like this any more.

    All of these things made me realise I wanted to loose weight and do it in a healthy way, make myself fit and strong and HAPPY with my body.
  • 1FitMom326
    1FitMom326 Posts: 228
    Going to the Dr and she did not say anything about my weight, but my blood pressure was 180/110 she said her husband was a cardiologist and she could call over to the hospital and make me an appointment right then. It scared me pretty bad. High blood pressure runs in my family. I asked her what my options were and she said she should be writing me a perscription but will give me 6 weeks until a follow up appointment.

    At that time I tried vitamins, which did not do much. I started writing down everything I ate, but it wasn't until a friend challenged me to join her for a 10k run in July that I realized I had to be serious and make some lifestyle changes. 8 weeks ago I started running and have continued to exercise 3 to 5 times a week and have seen my blood pressure drop.
  • Immaskinnycow
    Immaskinnycow Posts: 29 Member
    I have been on both ends of the spectrum. I've been heavy...thin...heavy..not so thin. I was going through a difficult and stressful separation trying to get a divorce in late 1999 and early 2000. I went to my dr for a checkup and I had lost 65 pounds in less than 4 months. He ran all sorts of tests thinking I had some something or other to have made me drop that much weight that quickly. He finally said it was from stress. I never did get my divorce, he died in Aug. 2001. Once I decided I could live without the stress I stayed between 135-145. My life had changed in a lot of ways. I met my current husband in June 2000, we got pregnant Dec 2000. Our first daughter was born August 2001. (Yes, I went to my first husbands funeral 24 days before I gave birth. ) My weight was up to about 180 by then. I remarried in Dec 2001. As luck would have it, we got pregnant on our honeymoon with our second daughter, she was born in Sept 2002. I was pushing 200 pounds when she was born. I took a breath and figured I would get back on a diet and shed the baby weight x2. I was doing ok dropping a pound or 2 a week for 5 months. I got down to about 160 or so and was making good steady progress. Went to the dr in March 2003 she told my weight looked good and wrote me a script for prenatal vitamins. She never told me I was pregnant, she figured I already knew. Nov 2003 we had our 3rd daughter. I was well over 210 pounds when our last one ws born. Pretty much baby weight x3. During each pregnancy I was insulin dependent and it got worse with each pregnancy. I was taking several 100 units a day, 3 shots a day, checking my blood sugar 7 times a day. I swear I had so many pin holes in me you could have put a water hose up my butt and I could have spun around like a sprinkler and watered the lawn through all those holes in my arms, legs and fingers. I have been on insulin for the last 9 years. It sucks!! Various back injuries and multiple surgeries to correct those can make a person sedentary. Which is where I am now. I am heavier now than I have ever been. Enough is way more than enough.
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    I have already posted my own story earlier, but in reading through all of the posts just now I find myself deeply touched by the stories here. There are many different reasons that caused people to say "enough is enough," but everyone here has taken steps to change their situation. I am moved and impressed by all that I read here. Some offer great success stories, others are just starting out, but all of us are on a journey to better health. This is a great topic that I hope many more will discover. Congratulations to everyone here who has determined to take control of their lives and do something about their situation.
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I knew I was very heavy and needed to do something about it, but did not want to give up fast food. When I saw the scale border 200 lbs (199.8), I made the decision to get healthy. Still, I was not serious about it. On December 17, my little sister got engaged and that was my breaking point. I did not want to be the largest person in the wedding party (although I still will be because everyone else is tiny, lol). I had to lose at least 3 inches from my waist to even fit into my strapless bra and I definitely did not want to buy a new one (they're expensive). I might end up having to buy a new one anyway because I am on the tightest hook and still losing, plus my cup size is slightly smaller. But, I'm heading in the right direction =) Finding this website has made it so much easier and the support is amazing!